831 results found

The little book of City Climate Finance
Publication date 31 Aug 2023

"The Little Book of City Climate Finance" is a guidebook designed to help Chinese stakeholders at the city/regional finance their climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Assessment of the G20 members’ long-term strategies
Publication date 24 Aug 2023

This report assesses the G20 members’ long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LTS) to identify commonalities, opportunities for international cooperation, and gaps that can be addressed in future LTS submissions.

Kein Fortschritt: Klimaschutzpolitik im deutschen Verkehrssektor entspricht weiterhin etwa 3°C globaler Erwärmung​
Publication date 23 Aug 2023

Diese Studie zeigt auf Basis der aktuellen Emissionsprojektionen aus dem August 2023, dass die Bundesregierung ihre Zusage zur Einhaltung der 1,5°C-Grenze und des Pariser Abkommens bricht. Insbesondere der Verkehrssektor verzeichnet massiv überhöhte Treibhausgasemissionen und befindet sich derzeit auf einem Pfad zu 2,8°C globaler Erderhitzung.

Delivering the promise of Paris: Roadmap to a safer climate

This project quantifies the contribution of different sectoral actions and compares it to the literature to closing the global greenhouse gas emissions mitigation gap in 2030.

Climate investment in the food & agriculture sector in Latin America - The cases of biochar and protein transition in Argentina
Publication date 28 Jul 2023

This report is part of a report series looking into investments needed to meet the climate mitigation objectives of the Paris Agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean with this edition focusing on the agriculture and food sector

Shifting voluntary climate finance to the high hanging fruit of climate action
Publication date 21 Jul 2023

This primer explores the relevance of the high-hanging fruit of climate change mitigation projects and the role that voluntary climate finance can play to support these projects.

Powers and capacities of state and regional governments
Publication date 11 Jul 2023

State and regional governments can play an important role in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. This research is a first step in investigating the powers and capacities of state and regional governments to act on climate change across the world.

Not all ETF providers are made the same
Publication date 06 Jul 2023

Passive investing is on the rise, but retail investors should be aware of the differences in the way asset managers handle corporate stewardship and choose an asset manager that aligns with their values to ensure that passively invested capital is not supporting carbon-intensive business models. Passive investing is on the rise (see Figure 1) for good reason. With low costs and well-diversified options like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), it is no wonder that many investors are turning to passive investment products. However, as more and more investors jump on the passive bandwagon, it is...

FAQs - Climate contributions
Publication date 05 Jul 2023

In our document " A guide to climate contributions: Taking responsibility for emissions without offsetting " we aim to help address a growing demand for guidance on how companies can take responsibility for their emissions by contributing to climate action and the overarching global goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement. To address in more details some of the most frequently asked questions on climate contributions and our guidance document we set up this FAQ page. Please click on individual questions to expand or collapse and see the respective answers. What is a climate contribution...

A guide to climate contributions: Taking responsibility for emissions without offsetting
Publication date 05 Jul 2023

A guide for companies, and the broader voluntary climate action community, to understand the climate contribution approach, with recommendations for implementing in a way that builds resilient, future-oriented businesses that can thrive in an increasingly carbon-constrained global economy

Upcoming Spanish elections could hamper European climate diplomacy at a time when it should be a top priority
Publication date 03 Jul 2023

The climate agenda under Spain's recently started Council Presidency and the EU’s climate leadership face uncertainty due to snap elections that could produce a hung Spanish parliament or see right-wing parties gain power.

London Climate Action Week: From Policies to Finance: Driving Just Climate Action in Developing Nations
Venue Online, London Climate Action Week
Date 29 Jun 2023
Start time 16:00

For London Climate Action Week, this side event aims to address the information gaps regarding financial needs and explore principles for international support to achieve net-zero targets and just transitions.

The role of international climate finance for bridging the low carbon investment gap
Publication date 29 Jun 2023

This paper outlines why there is need for better information on financial needs and introduces nine exploratory principles to consider in the context of international support to achieve net zero targets. The outlined principles offer a starting point for understanding and defining the finance and support needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement with a focus on scaling ambition and facilitating just transitions. Several actions by donors and recipient countries are suggested to better inform international climate finance needs:

Event: Launch of the European Climate Neutrality Observatory
Venue Brussels / online
Date 26 Jun 2023
Start time 10:00

ECNO’s first annual flagship report on the EU’s progress to net zero was presented on 26 June 2023 at the official Brussels launch of the initiative. It is based on a vision of a climate neutral future composed of 13 essential sectoral and horizontal net zero “building blocks”.

ECNO: State of EU Progress to Climate Neutrality
Publication date 26 Jun 2023

This ECNO flagship report looks at observed changes across a comprehensive set of over 100 economic and social indicators, and compares them against EU benchmarks to judge real-world progress towards climate neutrality, as well as assessing the factors that will enable future progress.

European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO)

The European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO) aims to help ensure the EU achieves climate neutrality by providing scientifically rigorous analysis of economy-wide progress and an independent check on EU climate policy processes.

Asia Clean Energy Forum: Spotlight session - Impact of the EU's CBAM on Southeast Asia
Venue Multifunction Hall 3, Asia Clean Energy Forum
Date 16 Jun 2023
Start time 05:00

The event will bring an expert panel to discuss the EU CBAM’s impacts on Southeast Asia’s energy transition efforts as well as on energy-intensive export products, and the implementation of NDC and Net Zero goals.

Bonn sessions: Net Zero Tracker press conference
Venue Nairobi 4 (press conference room), World Conference Center Bonn
Date 12 Jun 2023
Start time 09:30

The Net Zero Tracker team presented their latest analysis " The Net Zero Stocktake 2023 " at a press conference in Bonn. If you missed it, you can watch the recording online . Speakers: Kaya Axelsson, Net Zero Policy Engagement Fellow, Oxford Net Zero. Richard Black, Sr. Associate, Energy & Climate Change Intelligence Unit (ECIU) (moderator). Professor Thomas Hale, Global Public Policy, Oxford Net Zero. Dr Angel Hsu, Assistant Professor, Founder, Data-Driven EnviroLab, UNC. Dr Takeshi Kuramochi, Senior Climate Policy Researcher, NewClimate Institute. About: The briefing introduces a new global...

Net Zero Stocktake 2023
Publication date 12 Jun 2023

Assessing the status and trends of net zero target setting across countries, sub-national governments and companies

Expanding climate policy adoption improves national mitigation efforts
Publication date 09 Jun 2023

Despite the collective increase of policies in force, countries can still expand climate policy to use the full breadth of mitigation options available.

Science article: Credibility gap in net-zero climate targets leaves world at high risk
Publication date 08 Jun 2023

In this Science article, the authors researchers ranked 90% of global net-zero greenhouse gas emissions pledges as providing low confidence in their full implementation.

Climate Action Tracker Briefing: COP28 must focus on oil and gas phase-out, not distractions like CCS
Publication date 08 Jun 2023

This Climate Action Tracker briefing assesses recent action from national governments to start phasing out oil and gas production and support renewable electricity—or those that are promoting distractions like CCS.

Bonn sessions: Climate Action Tracker press conference
Venue Nairobi 4 (room), World Conference Center Bonn
Date 08 Jun 2023
Start time 10:00

The Climate Action Tracker team presented the findings from their latest briefing at a press conference in Bonn. The event started at 10h00 CEST . If you missed it, you can also watch the recording here . Speakers: Mia Moisio (NewClimate Institute) Hanna Fekete (NewClimate Institute) Deborah Ramalope (Climate Analytics) Claire Stockwell (Climate Analytics)

Press release - CAT briefing: COP28 must focus on oil and gas phase-out, not distractions like CCS
Publication date 08 Jun 2023

An immediate halt to new oil and gas investments and a phase-out of production should be the focus of the COP28 climate summit this year, as the sector is acting like there's a goldrush, not a climate crisis, the Climate Action Tracker warned in its latest briefing.

Bonn sessions: Insights for the Global Stocktake: Systems transformations & international cooperation
Venue Kaminzimmer, World Conference Center Bonn
Date 05 Jun 2023
Start time 11:45

Join Systems Change Lab and NDC ASPECTS at the Bonn sessions for a discussion with leading experts on sectoral insights for the Global Stocktake.

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