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Getting clean trade partnerships right: a win for the EU and developing countries
Publication date 20 Feb 2025

Strategic partnerships will be key to making the clean transition a global opportunity, not just an EU ambition.

Transition-specific alignment targets: reimagining corporate climate targets to drive real progress
Publication date 22 Jan 2025

In the quickly evolving landscape of climate action, this decade represents a critical period for meaningful progress, as the window to keep warming within the 1.5°C limit is closing. Corporations around the globe are setting climate targets, but it has become clear that the methods and metrics behind these targets are not leading to real progress where it matters. This signals the urgent need for a rethink of target-setting frameworks. We must recognise the limitations of GHG inventories, which are often susceptible to creative accounting, and focus more on transparent, actionable commitments...

NewClimate Institute at COP29
Publication date 05 Nov 2024

COP29 will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11 - 22 November 2024. Our NewClimate Institute expert will be on the ground in Baku, hosting and participating in multiple events. Additionally, we will release several related publications before and during COP29.

By the Numbers: The Climate Action We Need This Decade
Publication date 05 Nov 2024

Keeping the 1.5-degree C temperature goal within reach will require these next NDCs to achieve a “quantum leap in ambition” and deliver immediate action across all sectors of the economy. So what exactly does that look like in terms of how we power our homes, grow our food, move people and goods, and more? Here, we break down the transformational changes needed in every sector of the economy to slash GHG emissions over the next decade.

EU Commissioner Hearings: Will Climate Take Centre Stage in International Partnerships?
Publication date 04 Nov 2024

This week , EU Parliamentarians will have the opportunity to grill the Commissioner candidates on their ambitions and competences for the upcoming term. It is a crucial time to ensure that climate ranks up high on the EU’s external action agenda, especially in its international partnerships offer. The current agenda of the Commissioners-designate appears to lack clarity on how they will integrate the EU’s climate ambitions into their foreign policy priorities. The European Parliament plays a key oversight role ensuring that Commissioner nominees are scrutinised on their qualifications, values...

The promise of voluntary carbon markets unlocking finance for the Global South may be a myth
Publication date 30 Oct 2024

Carbon offsetting creates false expectations for the Global South, as it may not provide the climate and financial benefits it claims. Instead, it enables companies to continue polluting by paying to "offset" their emissions, leaving the Global South to bear the brunt of delayed climate action. A more promising approach to channelling funds to the Global South could focus on directly addressing scope 3 emissions in supply chains. Dubbed as the "finance COP,” the upcoming UN climate summit in Azerbaijan will centre on raising climate finance. Developed countries are expected to reach a new...

Briefing: 24/7 renewable electricity matching is a far more credible approach for the GHG Protocol and the SBTi than the Emissions First Partnership proposal
Publication date 10 Oct 2024

This page is a Q&A briefing on the importance of 24/7 renewable electricity matching and the technical issues of the competing Emissions First Partnership proposals.

From offsetting push to new NDCs: What to watch out for at Climate Week NYC 2024
Publication date 16 Sep 2024

With this summer marking the hottest on record and following a year where the global annual temperature exceeded 1.5˚C, the urgency for accelerated and more effective climate action has never been clearer. As we approach COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, critical discussions around the most pressing climate topics – from climate finance, corporate accountability in climate action to national climate targets for 2035 – are laying the groundwork for the UN’s main climate conference. As the countdown to COP29 continues, Climate Week NYC, the largest annual climate event of its kind, will take place from...

VCMI’s revised Scope 3 proposal could distract from and delay immediate climate action, undermining front-runners' efforts
Publication date 02 Sep 2024

Amid growing controversy over potentially loosening rules for offsetting corporate emissions, the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity initiative (VCMI) has released a second proposal for its contentious Scope 3 Claim.

Reforming EU Institutions: Pathways to Stronger Climate Leadership and Foreign Policy
Publication date 15 Aug 2024

Despite the rise of far-right parties in the European Parliament, climate action is here to stay. A strong climate foreign policy is crucial to maintain European competitiveness and global leadership in climate action. The new EU political cycle is the right moment for the EU to carry out essential institutional reforms to strengthen its climate foreign policy. Without these reforms, the EU risks losing its position in the global clean economy.

Unpacking Germany’s hydrogen import strategy: 3 considerations for Global South partners
Publication date 07 Aug 2024

In this article, we unpack Germany’s hydrogen import strategy and highlight three key considerations for Global South countries looking to export hydrogen to Germany.

SBTi’s plans for its net zero standard revision may offer a promising way past the disruptive offsetting dispute
Publication date 30 Jul 2024

Following months of polarised wrangling over the potential role of offsetting to meet corporate climate targets, the SBTi has published two papers which shed light on the future trajectory of the initiative’s standards.

Reliance on fossil gas risks climate goals and energy security in Southeast Asia: experts
Publication date 25 Jun 2024

Southeast Asia, the fastest-growing region in the developing world, is at a crossroads. On the one hand, it seeks to develop its economy and provide sufficient and affordable energy to power economic and social development, which has historically driven reliance on fossil fuels. On the other hand, the region is among the most vulnerable to the impacts of human-induced climate change – from deadly heatwaves to destructive floods – that are only intensifying with increased greenhouse gas emissions. The key to balancing competing priorities in Southeast Asia -- energy security and economic...

Net zero or zero sense: Three reasons to rethink financial institutions' voluntary targets
Publication date 07 Jun 2024

This blog reveals three critical limitations in the voluntary approach of financial institutions’ net-zero targets: the low integrity of existing targets, their limited ability to directly control investee emissions, and a finance-first mandate that hinders voluntary climate action.

Bonn sessions: 3 topics to watch in UN climate talks
Publication date 03 Jun 2024

Climate impacts are getting more severe across the globe, a chilling reminder that there is no more time to waste. Halfway through 2024 and the critical decade of climate action, the midyear UN Climate Change Conference – the 60th session of the Subsidiary Bodies – kicked off on Monday in Bonn, Germany, running from June 3–13. The Bonn sessions are an important platform to continue negotiations on key topics in preparation for the UN’s main COP29 Climate Conference in Azerbaijan in November.

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