Successfully addressing and solving the climate crisis can only be achieved through cooperation, across countries and regions, as well as within countries, governments and societies. Effective multilevel governance processes and institutions are needed not only to facilitate cooperation but also to enable the development and effective implementation of climate policies and measures. This includes well-resourced institutional capacities, effective communication channels and regulatory and legislative systems. At the international level strengthening multilateral institutions – including the UNFCCC and related bodies – in addition to dialogue processes such as the G7 and G20 are important elements to advance the development and implementation of the climate policy architecture. Climate diplomacy plays a key role in creating ambition coalitions and ultimately driving transformative change.
We support the development of effective climate governance and diplomacy through:
- Assessment of governance frameworks and good practices
- Capacity building of stakeholders and institutions
- Facilitating exchange of good practice internationally
- Supporting climate diplomacy efforts through targeted inputs and analysis