40 results found

Getting clean trade partnerships right: a win for the EU and developing countries
Publication date 20 Feb 2025

Strategic partnerships will be key to making the clean transition a global opportunity, not just an EU ambition.

Virtual Event: Shaping Strong EU Partnerships
Venue Online
Date 17 Dec 2024
Start time 14:00

In this webinar speakers provided an in-depth look at principles to guide EU partnership implementation and the key considerations for the EU to make when designing partnerships.

Shaping Strong EU Partnerships — Guiding Principles and Key Considerations
Publication date 10 Dec 2024

This report outlines principles and key considerations for designing effective EU partnerships, focusing on mutual benefit, alignment with partner goals, and robust implementation frameworks, exemplified through the Clean Trade and Investment Partnerships.

EU Commissioner Hearings: Will Climate Take Centre Stage in International Partnerships?
Publication date 04 Nov 2024

This week , EU Parliamentarians will have the opportunity to grill the Commissioner candidates on their ambitions and competences for the upcoming term. It is a crucial time to ensure that climate ranks up high on the EU’s external action agenda, especially in its international partnerships offer. The current agenda of the Commissioners-designate appears to lack clarity on how they will integrate the EU’s climate ambitions into their foreign policy priorities. The European Parliament plays a key oversight role ensuring that Commissioner nominees are scrutinised on their qualifications, values...

Reforming EU Institutions: Pathways to Stronger Climate Leadership and Foreign Policy
Publication date 15 Aug 2024

Despite the rise of far-right parties in the European Parliament, climate action is here to stay. A strong climate foreign policy is crucial to maintain European competitiveness and global leadership in climate action. The new EU political cycle is the right moment for the EU to carry out essential institutional reforms to strengthen its climate foreign policy. Without these reforms, the EU risks losing its position in the global clean economy.

Transforming EU Foreign Policy: Reforms to elevate climate
Publication date 15 Jul 2024

As the next EU cycle begins, the EU must reform its climate diplomacy to maintain leadership and competitiveness amidst rising geopolitical tensions and climate impacts. Our latest report shows that strong leadership, clear mandates, resources, and effective structures are essential to integrate climate across all foreign policy domains.

EU Climate Partnerships – Fit for Purpose?
Publication date 23 May 2024

The EU is navigating global power shifts, concerns over energy security and competitiveness, all in the face of climate impacts, prompting an EU green diplomacy centred on climate partnerships. To build on this, the EU can better communicate partnership goals and benefits, develop a long-term strategic vision, define roles and responsibilities, increase resources and leverage political leadership for effective impact.

Ensuring effective, ambitious, mutually-beneficial EU Climate Partnerships

To assess the consistency and coherency of selected EU Climate Partnerships and identify best practices to inform guidelines and recommendations for ambitious, mutually beneficial partnerships.

Mobile Work in the future - Climate Protection Opportunities and Risks
Publication date 05 Jan 2024

This project examines what a mobile working world will look like in the future.

Strategic Horizon Scanning (Klimascan)

The project establishes a horizon scanning system to systematically identify trends and developments across all areas of the economy and society that are relevant in the context of the government’s climate protection policy.

Institutional reforms to elevate climate in EU foreign policy

To inform institutional reforms of the incoming 2024 European Commission and associated bodies in order to contribute to making climate diplomacy the overarching foreign policy priority of the EU.

COP28 needs to switch mode from finding the smallest common denominator to achieving what was before unimaginable
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023, at the end of another year of record-high temperatures and climate change impacts, which are rapidly increasing in frequency and intensity, causing loss of livelihoods around the globe, and particularly in vulnerable developing countries. We hear more and more voices saying that “we will not make it” and “we are doomed”. However, the past decades have shown that positive change can happen faster than expected and that we have all the tools to protect this planet and its inhabitants. COP28 has a...

NewClimate Institute at COP28
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023. NewClimate Institute will be present in Dubai participating in multiple events and releasing new analyses.

Powers and capacities of state and regional governments
Publication date 11 Jul 2023

State and regional governments can play an important role in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. This research is a first step in investigating the powers and capacities of state and regional governments to act on climate change across the world.

Upcoming Spanish elections could hamper European climate diplomacy at a time when it should be a top priority
Publication date 03 Jul 2023

The climate agenda under Spain's recently started Council Presidency and the EU’s climate leadership face uncertainty due to snap elections that could produce a hung Spanish parliament or see right-wing parties gain power.

Climate Audit of the EU’s Foreign Policy
Publication date 28 Apr 2023

This report analyses the EU's foreign policy and reviews the extent to which the EU integrates climate considerations into its foreign policy and diplomatic efforts. It provides recommendations on how EU climate foreign policy can be strengthened and aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the ambitions of the European Green Deal.

Koalition braucht dringend einheitliche Klima-Außenpolitik
Publication date 12 Oct 2022

Die mit einer vielbeachteten Vision angetretene Ampelregierung agiert in der Außenpolitik noch ohne klaren Kompass. Das darf sich Deutschland angesichts der aktuellen Neuausrichtung der globalen Energie- und Sicherheitsarchitektur und der sich rasant zuspitzenden Klimakatastrophe nicht leisten.

Climate Audit of German Foreign Policy
Publication date 06 Oct 2022

This report describes key elements that constitute a coherent, consistent and ambitious foreign climate policy, assesses the German government’s climate relevant foreign policy and gives recommendations on how German foreign relations and finance can better align with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement.

Climate Audit of German and EU Foreign Diplomacy

The project aims to to analyse the extent to which German and EU foreign diplomacy are aligned with the European Green Deal and the PA.

Sector level climate planning for national and international policy making
Publication date 06 Dec 2021

This guidance offers a stepwise approach to policy makers on how to set up an effective sector level planning process, highlighting the potential for synergies from alignment of sector level climate planning with other climate planning processes.

Working together to achieve the Paris climate goals and sustainable development
Publication date 20 Sep 2021

This study shows how transformative change can bring about sustainable development, prevent climate change from spiralling out of control and address the unavoidable consequences of climate change in a development-friendly manner. Main findings: In view of the multiple crises facing the world, unprecedented efforts are required to achieve resilient, climate-compatible and sustainable development on a global scale. Avoiding unmanageable climate change and managing its unavoidable impacts requires ambitious and coherent action towards the objectives of the Paris Agreement. In this context, the...

The Challenges of Assessing “Collective Progress”: Design Options for an effective Global Stocktake process under the UNFCCC
Publication date 07 May 2021

The Paris Agreement established a Global Stocktake process as a key safeguard mechanism to facilitate enhancement of the NDCs toward meeting the collective goals of the Agreement. This paper examines the questions of what an effective Global Stocktake process would look like, and what information and data are needed to support it. Main findings: We identify four functions that an effective Global Stocktake should fulfil; acting as a pacemaker of policy processes, ensuring accountability of countries actions, driving enhanced ambition in subsequent NDC cycles, and providing guidance and signal...

Tackling the Challenges of Assessing Collective Progress for an Effective Global Stocktake
Publication date 29 Nov 2019

This summary report creates a framework to evaluate if a GST is successful and formulates recommendations for the design of the GST process. Please note that this is the executive summary of the full report that was published in advance to already feed into the negotiations at COP25. The main document will be provided subsequently. Key findings: The Paris Agreement combines collective goals with individual countries’ contributions. This hybrid approach does not guarantee that the individual contributions add up to what is required to meet the collective goals. The Paris Agreement therefore...

Guiding questions for the Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement
Publication date 29 Nov 2019

The independent Global Stocktake (iGST) seeks to increase the accuracy, transparency, accountability, and relevance of the official Global Stocktake benchmarking process by bringing together independent researchers and advocates. In this paper, build on previous work, we aim to identify knowledge gaps as well as potential areas of focus for a successful GST to take place. Executive summary: The Paris Agreement includes a cycle of ambition. Each five years, starting in 2023, a Global Stocktake (GST) analyses the global situation and provides information for countries to prepare updated...

Consolidation of climate planning processes in the Energy Community Contracting Parties
Publication date 18 Jun 2019

The objective of this guidance document is to provide Contracting Parties of the Energy Community with a concise and simple guidance on how they could consolidate their multiple climate change and energy planning processes and international obligations into one single process, ensuring efficiency and alignment. Introduction: Energy Community Contracting Parties –Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine– have committed to monitoring and reporting in the areas of renewables, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emissions by...

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