831 results found

The Emissions Gap Report 2022
Publication date 27 Oct 2022

As climate impacts intensify, the Emissions Gap Report 2022 "The Closing Window – Climate crisis calls for rapid transformation of societies" finds that the world is still falling short of the Paris climate goals, with no credible pathway to 1.5°C in place. Only an urgent system-wide transformation can avoid an accelerating climate disaster. The report looks at how to deliver this transformation, through action in the electricity supply, industry, transport and buildings sectors, and the food and financial systems.

Lena Gentes

Lena Gentes supports NewClimate Institute in HR, she is responsible for recruitment, event coordination and office management as well as further administrative tasks. Prior to joining NewClimate Institute, Lena worked as a workplace coordinator in Australia. Lena holds a BA in Business Administration from the University of Trier. She has strong intercultural skills due to living abroad for over four years in Australia, the United States and Asia.

State of Climate Action 2022
Publication date 26 Oct 2022

This report assesses progress across 40 indicators of systems change and finds that none are on track to reach their 2030 targets.

Navigating Energy Transitions: Mapping the road to 1.5°C
Publication date 21 Oct 2022

NewClimate Institute led the analysis in Chapter 5.3 of the report on the status quo of corporate net-zero target setting. Based on a review of recently published literature, the analysis finds that existing corporate net-zero targets typically suffer from a lack of ambition and have other severe shortcomings.

German support for gas investments abroad is mostly not compatible with the Paris Agreement
Publication date 20 Oct 2022

For possible future investments in fossil energy projects abroad, Germany must make it clear that and how it will comply with climate targets - both Germany's and the EU's national climate protection targets and the global 1.5°C target.

Deutsche Unterstützung für Gas-Investitionen im Ausland ist in den allermeisten Fällen nicht mit Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen vereinbar
Publication date 20 Oct 2022

Deutschland muss bei möglichen zukünftigen Investitionen in fossile Energieprojekte im Ausland deutlich machen, dass und wie es die Klimaziele einhalten wird - und zwar sowohl die nationalen Klimaschutzziele Deutschlands und der EU als auch das globale 1.5°C-Ziel.

Ambitious GHG mitigation in the agricultural sector

This project explores the options, solutions and barriers that are faced by ambitious climate action in mitigating GHG emissions for the agricultural sector, which includes detailed analysis of 10 countries.

Responses to the global energy crisis: CASE country Indonesia
Venue Online, ISEW 2022
Date 14 Oct 2022
Start time 05:30

In this online event, NewClimate will participate in a discussion on responses to the global energy crisis focusing on the CASE country Indonesia. The last day of ISEW seeks to broaden the view to regional collaboration with a focus on the global energy crisis.

Koalition braucht dringend einheitliche Klima-Außenpolitik
Publication date 12 Oct 2022

Die mit einer vielbeachteten Vision angetretene Ampelregierung agiert in der Außenpolitik noch ohne klaren Kompass. Das darf sich Deutschland angesichts der aktuellen Neuausrichtung der globalen Energie- und Sicherheitsarchitektur und der sich rasant zuspitzenden Klimakatastrophe nicht leisten.

Corporate net-zero commitments: PR stunt or part of the solution?
Venue Online, ClientEarth Summit 2022
Date 11 Oct 2022
Start time 11:00

Over the last 18 months, companies have been eager to announce their net-zero commitments. Business evangelists laud the green ambition of corporate leaders, while the cynics say it's just greenwash. Join a wide-ranging panel of experts to explore how credible the claims are, and what might happen if they turn out to be a PR stunt.

Transforming the Ulaanbaatar Heating Sector – Technology options for decarbonisation
Publication date 11 Oct 2022

This study aims to assess available technologies to decarbonise the heating supply of Ulaanbaatar. Based on already existing research identifying decarbonisation technology portfolios heavily reliant on electrification, we investigate which additional novel heating technologies with lower electricity consumption are available for extreme cold climates, and what implications those technologies would have on the Ulaanbaatar power sector. In doing so, we aim to clarify whether high electricity intensive heating technologies with lower capital costs would be more economically beneficial compared to lower electricity-intensive heating technologies with higher capital costs. We do so through the development of three scenarios representing different technology portfolios in 2050, for which we derive electricity consumption and cost estimates.

Emissions scenarios for major economies: 2022 update
Publication date 10 Oct 2022

Few countries improved their NDCs since 2021 Glasgow call to update targets. Out of the 25 countries analysed, 11 are on track and 14 are off track to meet their current NDCs. Iran and Türkiye are yet to submit updated NDC targets.

Climate Audit of German Foreign Policy
Publication date 06 Oct 2022

This report describes key elements that constitute a coherent, consistent and ambitious foreign climate policy, assesses the German government’s climate relevant foreign policy and gives recommendations on how German foreign relations and finance can better align with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement.


This tool quantifies the health impacts of air pollution from the transport sector that can be applied in multiple countries, or cities.

Evaluation of manure management alternatives in Georgia
Publication date 28 Sep 2022

This study presents an in-depth analysis that explores different options in which manure management systems can be implemented in the Georgia-specific context. The study also considers the feasibility of these options in light of national circumstances.

Online event: What is a good target design and how do countries compare?
Venue Online
Date 21 Sep 2022

In this event, the CAT team presented their evaluation of governments’ net zero target design and outline what needs to happen between now and COP27.

Online event: Fuentes de financiamiento articulables a los procesos de descarbonización en LAC
Venue Online
Date 07 Sep 2022

In this Spanish online-event, Lukas Kahlen presented on the current situation and trends in the energy and and agriculture sectors regarding investments for decarbonisation. Online event recording:

Imogen Outlaw

Imogen Outlaw’s work focuses on the intersection of public finance and sustainable development. Her work assesses the role of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) in the energy transition, with particular focus on green hydrogen and coal phaseout. Imogen is also a member of the climate governance and diplomacy team, collaborating with European stakeholders to strengthen collective climate efforts and foster equitable partnerships. Prior to her role at NewClimate Institute, she interned for the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) where she supported mainstreaming disaster risk...

International Thematic Study on the Global Stocktake
Publication date 02 Sep 2022

This report aims to respond to the research question: How do we understand progress on mitigation and adaptation actions in five countries? How might such actions enable countries to shift to pathways to more sustainable development and how can such shifts be supported by consistent finance flows (Art 2.1c) and provision of finance (Art 9)? What might be the role of the global stocktake in strengthening national action and international cooperation?

Online event: A fair emissions budget for the Netherlands
Venue Online
Date 29 Aug 2022

Hanna Fekete presented new research on the Netherlands’ government’s proposed target pathway and why it does not live up to the country’s fair contribution.

What is a fair emissions budget for the Netherlands?
Publication date 29 Aug 2022

This report assesses the proposed target pathway of the Netherlands’ government in the context of the required global efforts and the country’s historical responsibility and capability, which are both key principles of the international efforts against climate change and the Paris Agreement. The analysis finds that the Netherlands’ proposed target pathway of a 55%/70%/80% reduction below 1990 by 2030/2035/2040 and greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 cannot be considered fully compatible with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C limit.

The Netherlands’ fair contribution to climate change mitigation

This project assesses the proposed target pathway of the Netherlands’ government in the context of the required global efforts and the country’s historical responsibility and capability, which are both key principles of the international efforts against climate change and the Paris Agreement. The analysis finds that the Netherlands’ proposed target pathway of a 55%/70%/80% reduction below 1990 by 2030/2035/2040 and greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 cannot be considered fully compatible with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C limit.

Increased transparency and improved due diligence is critical to mobilizing climate finance
Publication date 09 Aug 2022

A few weeks ago, the G20 published a report on “Boosting MDBs’ investing capacity” written by an expert panel tasked with an independent review of Multilateral Development Banks’ Capital Adequacy Frameworks. This blog addresses a significant barrier to fulfilling a number of recommendations about how to better access global financial markets: a lack of transparency and the associated doubts surrounding some MDB’s lending.

Systems Change Lab

The systems change lab website and accompanying State of Climate Action report identify what is needed for transformational change across multiple sectors and track global progress toward those changes.

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