831 results found

Natalie Pelekh

Natalie Pelekh's work includes assessing mitigation actions in the agricultural sector, tracking non-state action, and evaluating national climate policies as part of the Climate Action Tracker team. Prior to joining NewClimate Institute, Natalie was a sustainability consulting intern at a circular economy consultancy. Her work included quantifying the material flows and greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential in European food systems and helping develop a city’s climate action plan. She holds a BSc in Environmental Sustainability from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where...

The financial sector has a critical role to play in enabling global deep decarbonisation
Publication date 26 Jul 2021

To limit global warming to well under two degrees, the global economy needs to undergo system-wide changes. Finance has a critical role to play. The finance sector, defined as provider of financial services to actors in the real economy must play a central role in bringing about systemic change and in helping mobilise and shift capital to fully decarbonise the economy. UNEP FI estimates that for full decarbonisation, the world needs investments in the order of 5 to 7 trillion USD per year ( UNEP FI ). While staggering, tens of trillions of dollars are spent every year on exploration...

Jamie Wong

Jamie Wong works on issues related to climate and development policy, co-benefits of climate action, just transitions, and tracking international climate action. He is part of the Climate Action Tracker team, evaluating national climate change efforts and assessing the impact potential of accelerated sectoral climate action. Prior to joining NewClimate Institute, he worked with Sustainability and Resilience (su-re.co) in Indonesia to transition rural farming communities from wood to biogas cookstoves. Jamie holds a B.Eng in Chemical Engineering with Management from the University of Edinburgh...

Advancing the COMPASS toolbox to assess climate action

Advancement in the COMPASS tools to provide resources for governments and non-state actors to help with a range of climate action impacts.

Appraising policy choices for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Explores the potential global net emission reductions achieved through Article 6 and the revenue generated to help meet the adaptation needs.

The Kenyan cooking sector – Opportunities for climate action and sustainable development
Publication date 13 Jul 2021

This study provides new and additional insights on the specific link between residential cooking solutions, climate change, health impacts and associated sustainable development objectives in Kenya. It builds on the 2019 National Cooking Sector Study and uses scenario modelling to present different possible development pathways for the Kenyan residential cooking sector, estimating their respective impact on GHG emissions and human health, and additional analysis on fuel use, energy demand and fuel expenditure as well as deforestation. Main findings: Scenarios Based on five cooking sector...

NDC Design
Publication date 08 Jul 2021

As part of the Paris Agreement, countries are mandated to update and enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) every five years — increasing their ambition with every cycle. The first round of NDCs were submitted starting in 2015 as intended nationally determined contributions and countries have submitted or are finalizing their updates for the new cycle in 2020/2021. The purpose of this report was to develop a methodology to systematically assess the design of NDCs and to apply it to 20 NDCs. Main findings: While there are several tools that analyze NDCs, they are comprehensive...

NDC Design

The purpose of this project was to develop a method to systematically assess the design of NDCs and to apply it to 20 NDCs.

Aligning agribusiness and the broader food system with the Paris Agreement
Publication date 29 Jun 2021

Achieving the mitigation goals of the Paris Agreement calls for a shift in where and how our food is produced, processed and transported to consumers. At the same time, this shift needs reinforcing with changes in our eating habits and how much food we waste. Development finance has the potential to play an important role in bringing about this change. Main findings: Drawing on sectoral benchmarks for shifts in the food system, we propose a rating system to guide investment decision making by dividing agribusinesses into four categories according to their consistency with mitigation objectives...

Transforming the finance sector with technical assistance
Publication date 24 Jun 2021

We assessed whether and to what extent the provision of technical assistance can help to transform the finance sector, using the example of support provided in the context of green bonds in China and Kenya. Main findings: In China , the government enacted a number of financial sector reforms to ease green finance flows, including green bond regulations. Technical assistance played a key role in supporting the establishment of China’s green bond market. In Kenya , the Kenya Bankers Association, together with the Nairobi Securities Exchange and international donors launched a Green Bond...

Aligning Financial Intermediary Investments with the Paris Agreement
Publication date 23 Jun 2021

In order for development finance institutions, including multilateral development banks and bilateral, regional and national development banks to “align” themselves with the Paris Agreement, they must make sure that their activities conducted through financial intermediaries are also aligned. It is important for intermediated finance to align with overall temperature and resiliency objectives both in terms of direct but also indirect impact. In addition, development finance institutions should conduct due diligence to ensure that intermediaries meet transparency and governance requirements on...

Global climate action from cities, regions and businesses - 2021
Publication date 23 Jun 2021

This report is the third and the latest edition of the series since 2018 that take stock of climate action by cities, regions and businesses and their global aggregate impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The 2021 edition focuses on the progress of non-state and subnational actors toward their emissions reduction targets. Main findings: In this report, we focus on subnational and non-state action in ten major emitting economies: Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union (EU-27) plus the United Kingdom (UK), India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, and the United States (US). We find that...

Operationalization Framework on Aligning with the Paris Agreement
Publication date 04 Jun 2021

In 2017, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) together with the group of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) made a joint commitment to “align financial flows with the Paris Agreement”. With this framework, NewClimate Institute and I4CE provide IDFC members with clear and practical guidance on how to align their operations with the requirements of the Paris Agreement. Main findings: In 2017, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) together with the group of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) made a joint commitment to “align financial flows with the Paris Agreement”...

Greenhouse gas emission scenarios in nine key non-G20 countries: An assessment of progress toward 2030 climate targets
Publication date 01 Jun 2021

This study published in the "Environmental Science & Policy" journal assesses if nine key non-G20 countries meet 2030 GHG targets with existing policies. Main Findings: This study compares greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions projections in 2030 under current policies and those under 2030 mitigation targets for nine key non-G20 countries, that collectively account for about 5 % of global total emissions today. These include the four largest non-G20 fossil CO 2 emitting Parties to the UN climate convention pre-Paris Agreement (Iran, Kazakhstan, Thailand and Ukraine) and one of the largest land-use...

Analysis of options for determining OMGE, SOP and Transition within Article 6
Publication date 31 May 2021

Rules for the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement are still under negotiation at the international level, with a key focus on reaching consensus at COP26 in Glasgow. This report aims to inform this policy making process. It explores three key unresolved issues that are closely interrelated and that have potential to impact the global net emission reductions achieved through Article 6 as well as the amount of revenues generated to help meet the adaptation needs of particularly vulnerable developing countries. Summary: The report explores the potential quantitative implications of...

Operationalization Framework on Aligning with the Paris Agreement

A framework for development financial institutions which provides a selection of tools and approaches to align financial flows with the PA.

Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia

The CASE projects seeks to drive the energy sector transition in four partner countries, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Sino German Cooperation on Climate Change (SGCCC)

The project supports the implementation of existing and development of new, climate ambitious measures and opportunities in China.

Horizon 2020 ENGAGE

Development and update of the Climate Policy Database which will serve as key inputs to various climate policy scenario analyses.

Green Cooling in Public Procurement
Publication date 12 May 2021

The information provided within this study shall serve as a basis for tackling barriers in introducing "Green Public Procurement" as well as updating procurement criteria of room air conditioners in order to reduce cooling related energy consumption and GHG emissions of public buildings. Main findings: Green Cooling has a high potential to reduce costs, energy and the climate impact of public buildings. Surveys conducted in multiple countries in the framework of this study show that: Air conditioning in public buildings is often responsible for about 50% of total electricity consumption and...

Presentation: Climate Action Tracker: Global Update - 12. Petersberger Klimadialog
Venue Petersberg Climae Dialogue 2021
Date 04 May 2021

Niklas Höhne stellte auf der Auftaktpressekonferenz zum 12. Petersberger Klimadialog im Mai 2021 das neueste Global Update des Climate Action Trackers (CAT) vor.

The Challenges of Assessing “Collective Progress”: Design Options for an effective Global Stocktake process under the UNFCCC
Publication date 07 May 2021

The Paris Agreement established a Global Stocktake process as a key safeguard mechanism to facilitate enhancement of the NDCs toward meeting the collective goals of the Agreement. This paper examines the questions of what an effective Global Stocktake process would look like, and what information and data are needed to support it. Main findings: We identify four functions that an effective Global Stocktake should fulfil; acting as a pacemaker of policy processes, ensuring accountability of countries actions, driving enhanced ambition in subsequent NDC cycles, and providing guidance and signal...

Climate Action Tracker Global update: Climate Summit Momentum
Publication date 04 May 2021

In this briefing, the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) estimates global warming by 2100 to be at an all-time low of 2.4°C. Due to recent climate action announcements at President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate, together with those announced since September 2020, have improved the CAT’s global warming estimate by 0.2°C. This emissions gap needs to be closed with further NDC target updates this year and targets have yet to be supported by ambitious policies. Leaders’ Summit on Climate creates new momentum on climate action Climate action announcements at US President Biden’s Leaders Summit on...

Implications of Paris Agreement on the national emissions reduction efforts
Publication date 03 May 2021

This report discusses inputs for countries to set their mitigation targets under the Paris Agreement, so that those targets are in line with long-term temperature limit. It reconciles different approaches and suggests closing the disparity of the results from the equity and cost-effectiveness approaches through international support. Further, it analyses spill-over effect of domestic action and provides inputs to the discussion around the long-term mitigation goal of the European Union. Key Findings: The adoption of the Paris Agreement with the long-term goal of reducing temperature increase...

Strengthen national climate policy implementation: Comparative empirical learning & creating linkage to climate finance (SNAPFI)

This project supports NDC implementation in partner countries with research-based policy advice and capacity development.

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