831 results found

Release: State of Climate Action report finds progress lags on every measure except EV sales
Publication date 14 Nov 2023

Global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C are failing across the board, with recent progress made on every indicator — except electric passenger car sales — lagging significantly behind the pace and scale that is necessary to address the climate crisis, according to the State of Climate Action 2023 report.

State of Climate Action 2023
Publication date 14 Nov 2023

The State of Climate Action 2023 provides the world’s most comprehensive roadmap of how to close the gap in climate action across sectors to limit global warming to 1.5°C. It finds that recent progress toward 1.5°C-aligned targets isn’t happening at the pace and scale necessary and highlights where action must urgently accelerate this decade to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, scale up carbon removal and increase climate finance.

Nabila Salsabila

Nabila Putri Salsabila is part of the team working on the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, focusing on assessing the transparency and integrity of companies’ climate strategies. Prior to joining NewClimate, Salsa worked for a non-profit organisation advocating youth empowerment in the energy and climate space. Salsa holds a B.Eng. in Bioprocess (Chemical) Engineering from the University of Indonesia and an M.Sc. in Environmental Systems and Policy from ETH Zürich, with a Master’s thesis that explored the challenges and enablers for Indonesian banks in setting climate targets.

Catrina Godinho

Catrina Godinho is a political economist with over 10 years’ experience working on climate and development topics. At NewClimate Institute, she contributes across a range of projects, including the Climate Action Tracker. Catrina previously worked at the World Bank, the Berlin Governance Platform (Climate Transparency), the Power Futures Lab, and the Energy Research Centre at the University of Cape Town. She also held fellowship positions at Agora Energiewende, Energy for Growth Hub, and the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies. Catrina holds a MSocSci from the University of Cape Town, South...

Walking the tightrope of Indonesia's energy transition: Boosting jobs or leaving coal communities behind?
Publication date 08 Nov 2023

As the Government of Indonesia prepares to publicly launch its first iteration of plans to deliver on the goals of the Just Energy Transition Partnership it announced one year ago, we take a look at implications for the workers and communities that currently depend on its large and growing coal sector.

Sarah Jackson

Sarah Jackson works on projects related to climate diplomacy and EU climate policy. Prior to joining NewClimate Institute, Sarah was a Policy Advisor at E3G, based in Berlin, where she led on transatlantic climate cooperation, industry decarbonisation, and climate and trade. Previously, Sarah served as a Policy Associate to Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the US Congress, advising Speaker Pelosi on climate issues. Sarah holds a Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School in Berlin, for which she wrote her thesis on border carbon adjustments. During her graduate studies, she worked at Agora...

Virtual Event: The State of Climate Action in 2023
Venue Online
Date 15 Nov 2023
Start time 16:00

This virtual event will feature the report’s latest findings, highlighting both signals of positive change and instances of lackluster progress that continue to fall far short of global climate goals.

Response to GFANZ APAC June 2023 Consultation
Publication date 02 Nov 2023

NewClimate Institute and the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE) submitted a response to a public consultation on the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero’s proposed set of voluntary guidance for financing the early retirement of coal-fired power plants in Asia-Pacific. This blog post highlights key points from our submission.

Sequencing Climate Change Mitigation Targets and Policies
Publication date 01 Nov 2023

This study projected greenhouse gas emissions to evaluate the progress of 25 countries towards their original and updated NDCs. It found that almost one-quarter of the countries submitted more ambitious, updated NDCs without adopting sufficient policies to meet their original targets. Additionally, in most countries, updated NDCs lead to emissions above current policies. The findings also suggest that these patterns are influenced by national constraints, especially reliance on fossil fuels. Appropriate sequencing of ambition raising and policy adoption is urgently needed to translate the Paris Agreement into action.

The role of green hydrogen in a just, Paris-compatible transition
Publication date 01 Nov 2023

Green hydrogen is experiencing a strong push from different directions. This report lays out principles for a sustainable approach to expanding the production and use of the energy carrier, in line with sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement. Case studies on Colombia, India and Namibia accompany the report to highlight opportunities and obstacles.

Norah Zhang

Norah Zhang’s work focuses on tracking climate mitigation actions and the nexus between climate and sustainable development objectives. In recent projects, she has developed expertise in sectoral analysis to assess the shifts required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, with an emphasis on the steel sector. Her current research also includes using trade models to examine the potential impacts of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and analysing the socioeconomic impacts of decarbonising the transport sector. Prior to joining NewClimate, she worked for the Institute of...

NDC4 webinars: Financing Green Cooling – Opportunities for Financial Institutions
Venue online
Date 31 Oct 2023
Start time 11:00

This webinar will delve into the key principles of Green Cooling and explore the opportunities associated with promoting eco-friendly finance solutions for Green Cooling. Furthermore, the webinar will illustrate how financial institutions can embed Green Cooling into the wider context of the Sustainable Finance Agenda. Ultimately, the speakers will present a structured, stepwise approach for the development of a Green Cooling loan product.

Microsoft error or external attack causing disruption to email communication across the climate change community
Publication date 27 Oct 2023

From 17-28 October, to our knowledge any email with the NewClimate URL was unjustifiably quarantined by Microsoft email servers without any notice, regardless of who sends or receives the email.

MOP35: Workshop energy efficiency in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) sector
Venue hybrid, United Nations Office Nairobi and online
Date 22 Oct 2023
Start time 08:00

This event was a pre-meeting workshop to the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP35). The objective of the workshop was to share information, experiences and lessons learned, as well as assess challenges related to ways of improving availability and accessibility to energy-efficient equipment and equipment using low- or zero-global-warming-potential alternatives during the implementation of the Kigali Amendment. The workshop’s outcomes will feed into discussions at the MOP35.

Workshop: Introduction to the European CBAM and implications for China
Venue Hybrid, virtual and in person
Date 20 Oct 2023
Start time 09:00

In this workshop, which is part of the Sino-German Climate Change Policy Exchange Seminar, NewClimate gave an introduction to the European CBAM and presented CBAM's implications for China in more detail.

Climate Policy Database

The Climate Policy Database (CDPB) is an open, collaborative tool to advance the data collection of the implementation status of climate policies.

The corporate climate accountability loop
Publication date 20 Sep 2023

This paper introduces seven key functions of an accountability system for corporate climate action. We further provide selected observations on how to improve the accountability system’s status quo.

New York Climate Week: Climate Action Tracker - Pulling the plug on fossils in power
Venue New York Climate Week, Online
Date 19 Sep 2023
Start time 16:00

Join us for the Climate Action Tracker’s virtual event on 1.5°C aligned benchmarks for decarbonising the power sector at New York Climate Week.

Climate Action Tracker Briefing: Pulling the Plug on Fossils in Power
Publication date 19 Sep 2023

In this briefing, we present 1.5°C benchmarks for 16 countries - Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, EU27, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Türkiye, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, the UK, and the US – and assess whether they are on track to meet them.

Press release - CAT briefing: What will it take for countries to get their power sectors on track for 1.5°C?
Publication date 19 Sep 2023

The Climate Action Tracker today released a new analysis of progress across 16 countries in fossil gas, coal and renewable power, showing a mixed bag of progress with some signs of hope.

From Rhetoric to Reality: Investigating Financial Institutions' Net Zero Portfolio Commitments
Publication date 18 Sep 2023

Financial institutions increasingly commit to net zero portfolio targets. Our analysis questions their internal climate value and their real-world impact. Instead, we recommend that financial institutions focus on supporting the transition of economies and economic actors.

Transformative mitigation actions as an outcome of the Global Stocktake
Publication date 18 Sep 2023

The Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement offers an opportunity to formulate specific messages for increasing climate change mitigation to inform Parties in updating and enhancing their actions.

From drumbeating to marching: Assessing non-state and subnational climate action using data
Publication date 16 Sep 2023

The 2015 Paris Agreement emphasized non-state actors (NSAs) in climate action, but ‘‘greenwashing’’ concerns persist. The UN introduced a framework for NSA accountability through improved reporting. Yet, data remains inconsistent, especially in the Global South. We propose refining reporting, broadening data collection, and using innovative tech like AI for better tracking and accountability.

Reaction: Samsung Electronics’ joining RE100 and committing to net zero by 2050
Publication date 14 Sep 2023

This memo contains a Q&A reaction with the authors of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM), on the extent to which Samsung’ 2023 Sustainability Report released on 30th June represent an improvement on its climate strategy.

Reaction: Apple unveils its first carbon neutral products
Publication date 14 Sep 2023

This memo contains a Q&A reaction with the authors of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM), on the meaning of Apple’s new announcement and the extent to which this represents any significant development of the company’s climate strategy.

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