This is the virtual launch event of the 2024 edition of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report series, which tracks our progress in limiting global warming well below 2°C and pursuing 1.5°C in line with the Paris Agreement. Since 2010, it has provided an annual science-based assessment of the gap between estimated future global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions if countries implement their climate mitigation pledges, and where they should be to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. NewClimate Institute has been contributing to the reports each year since 2014.

For this year's report, NewClimate Institute staff was part of the steering committee (Niklas Höhne) and co-led and contributed to Chapter 3 on the global landscape of NDCs and G20 progress (Takeshi KuramochiLeonardo Nascimento, Frederic Hans, Silke Mooldijk) and Chapter 6 on sectoral transformation (Judit HeckeLouise Jeffery).

Virtual Event: Cities and Buildings in Transition: Systems Change for a Resilient Future
Venue Online
Date 31 Oct 2024
Start time 03:00 pm

Our cities and built environments have profound impacts on people and planet. Where people live and work, how they get from one place...

Virtual Launch: How market reforms can drive renewable energy growth in Southeast Asia
Venue Online
Date 29 Oct 2024
Start time 09:30 am

Southeast Asia is emerging as a global economic powerhouse, attracting record levels of foreign investment and experiencing surging...

Report Launch: 1.5°C-aligned wind and solar targets for the new NDCs
Venue Online
Date 23 Sep 2024
Start time 04:00 pm

As countries prepare to set new climate targets in their updated NDCs following a global commitment to triple renewables at COP28...

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