The CBAM Vulnerability Monitor (CBAM-VM) is an Excel-based tool developed to assess the relative vulnerability of countries or regions to the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The tool evaluates vulnerability across five key dimensions: GDP dependence on exports, diversification of export landscapes, concentration on EU markets, emission intensity of production, and the presence of carbon pricing schemes.
Despite its simplicity, the CBAM-VM remains an effective and user-friendly tool for initial assessments, offering clear visualizations to quickly identify countries that may be particularly at risk from CBAM implementation.
Users can explore different aspects of vulnerability through the tool’s dashboard, which highlights countries that are least and most vulnerable, provides detailed performance data for specific countries, and offers visualizations of trade-related emissions. Additionally, the tool estimates potential carbon costs as carbon prices rise, helping to understand the growing impact on exports. The tool also allows for customisation of data inputs, enabling users to adjust factors such as export data, emission intensity, and carbon prices to fit specific regional contexts.
The CBAM-VM does not simulate direct economic impacts, which are more complex to gauge due to the intricate and interconnected nature of global trade. For a more detailed economic analysis, we offer CLIMTRADE, a partial equilibrium model designed to simulate the effects of trade policies like CBAM.
While the World Bank’s Relative CBAM Exposure Index calculates countries’ expected cost of CBAM certificates based on their carbon emissions intensities and exports of CBAM products to the EU, the CBAM-VM complements this by providing a multidimensional assessment of overall vulnerability to the CBAM.