120 results found

NDC Update Report Special Edition: Linking NDCs and SDGs
Publication date 07 May 2018

In this special edition of the NDC Update Report, we focus on the relationship between Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and explore how climate and development actions can support each other. Key messages: 2015 was a breakthrough year for climate action and development, with the signing of the Paris Agree­ment and a global commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These challenging and comprehensive global agendas require fundamental rethinking of the way our economies operate and have led to renewed calls for greater...

Non-state action towards climate-friendly and energy-efficient cooling
Publication date 11 Apr 2018

Although timely action on HFCs is likely to bring multiple benefits for end-users of cooling technologies, only few non-state actor driven initiatives exist yet that specifically target the refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) sector. It is important to address the barriers to non-state action in the RAC sector, while recognising that non-state action always needs to be accompanied by effective government policy and regulation to successfully address the climate challenge. Abstract: This paper seeks to inform policy makers and other stakeholders in partner countries of the Cool...

WORKSHOP: Integration of Renewables into the Argentinean electricity system
Publication date 05 Apr 2018

Under the Ambition to Action project funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German government, NewClimate Institute organised a workshop with stakeholders on the integration of renewable energy technologies into the Argentinean electricity system. Read the Workshop Notes The workshop was hosted by the Argentinean Independent System Operator, CAMMESA , and brought together representatives from the Argentinean Ministry of Energy , the grid operator TRANSENER and CAMMESA to discuss the impact of scaled up renewables on the current and future operation of the Argentinean...

Overviews on sectoral implementation of nationally determined contributions

An overview of status and prospects for NDC implementation at the sector level. It provides key recommendations with implementation.

Capacity building for integrated and ambitious climate policy planning in Georgia and Mongolia

Support the Government of Mongolia in the development of the NDC Implementation Plan, as well as ambition raising in the energy sector.

Implementation of future GHG mitigation goals: Framework conditions and transformative challenges in selected focus countries

Analysed quantitative and qualitative information on climate policies, actions and future options for deeper emission cuts in multiple countries.

Identified technology needs in TNAs and (i)NDCs
Publication date 19 Oct 2017

This briefing paper introduces the Technology Needs Database (TND) compiled to support activities of the National Designated Entity (NDE) of Germany for technology transfer under the UNFCCC. The database captures technology needs identified by developing countries in Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) and (intended) Nationally Determined Contributions ((i)NDCs) to achieve national climate goals in the areas of climate change mitigation and adaptation. Key findings Mitigation In the field of mitigation, the summary statistics reveal that technology needs are most frequently identified in the...

Cool contributions fighting climate change

Advance the global transformation towards climate-friendly and energy-efficient refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) technologies.

Technology NDE for Germany

Aid the operation of the German National Designated Entity (NDE) to foster cooperation and technology transfer in support of climate policy goals.

Mobilising Nordic climate finance post Paris

Study to identify how Nordic institutions can best contribute to mobilising climate finance for developing countries to support the PA.

Ambition to Action

A2A supports Argentina, Indonesia, and Kenya with the implementation of their NDCs by applying a benefits-based approach.

Co-benefits of climate action: Assessing Turkey's climate pledge
Publication date 20 Oct 2016

This report prepared by New Climate Institute and with Climate Action Network Europe’s contribution, aims at identifying for Turkey the co-benefits of policies compatible with climate change mitigation objectives for job creation, public health and dependency on energy imports. The analysis shows that if Turkey adopts a pathway that prioritizes renewable energy and energy efficiency in line with the 1.5°C and 2°C targets, it can considerably reduce energy import dependency, can create tens of thousands of qualified jobs in the renewable energy sector and can prevent thousands of premature...

Climate Transparency

The report provides an overview on G20 countries, and identifies the leaders and laggards in climate action.

Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor

The monitor ranks the G20 countries according to their relative fitness to close the financing gap in low carbon energy infrastructure.

GCF Country Programme Uganda

Highlights key investment areas for Uganda based INDC which sets out priority actions in adaptation and mitigation.

Good Practice Database

Serves as a central hub for case studies on learning and leadership in climate action and NDC implementation.

Global Good Practice Analysis of LEDS, NAMAs, INDCs, and MRV

Good practice cases across developed and developing countries highlight the challenges of the climate policy and mitigation framework.

Intended Nationally Determined Contribution for Vietnam

Supported Vietnam and a team of national consultants with the preparation of the INDC for the waste and agriculture sectors.

Supporting the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) process in Uganda

Supported the development of a country programme for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for Uganda in an advisory function.

Co-benefits of climate change contributions

Assess the co-benefits of climate change mitigation action and how they could be used to incentivise further ambitious GHG reductions.

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