This briefing paper introduces the Technology Needs Database (TND) compiled to support activities of the National Designated Entity (NDE) of Germany for technology transfer under the UNFCCC. The database captures technology needs identified by developing countries in Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) and (intended) Nationally Determined Contributions ((i)NDCs) to achieve national climate goals in the areas of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Key findings
In the field of mitigation, the summary statistics reveal that technology needs are most frequently identified in the areas of low emission energy supply, energy efficient cities and infrastructure and low emission mobility and transportation. The analysis on overlaps and gaps considering priority actions to achieve the Paris Agreement goals further shows that the energy and building sectors are particularly well represented in the TNAs and (i)NDCs in line with their importance for achieving the Paris mitigation goals. The transport, forestry, and agriculture sectors, however, are relatively underrepresented in comparison to the high contribution of these sectors to overall emissions in many developing countries.
In the field of adaptation, most technology needs are identified in the areas of climate compatible agriculture and forestry, water management, disaster prevention and meteorological measurement technology and climate simulation. The analysis of their alignment with the adaptation goals in the Paris Agreement shows that the priority actions in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector are particularly well represented in the TNAs and (i)NDCs. Priority actions in the water resources and disaster risk reduction sectors are considered to varying degrees, meaning that several priority actions are well represented whereas others are not. Priority actions in the oceans and coastal zones and human settlements and infrastructure are relatively underrepresented in identified technology needs in the context of their high importance for adaptation efforts in many developing countries.
Technology Needs Database (TND)
The Technology Needs Database (TND, Version 1.1, June 2017) categorizes technology needs identified by developing countries in their Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) and (intended) Nationally Determined Contributions ((i)NDCs). All identified technology needs are categorized per standardized technology categories and technology classes. This approach enhances the overview for users and allows the comparison of different technology needs specified in TNAs and (i)NDCs. The Technology Needs Database (TND) was compiled by the NDE Germany Implementing Office on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). Please contact Frederic Hans or the NDE Germany Implementing Office for further information or access to the TND.