82 results found

Promoting low-carbon and climate-resilient development in Argentina

Supporting Argentina’s climate action and NDC implementation in key economic sectors.

Net zero or zero sense: Three reasons to rethink financial institutions' voluntary targets
Publication date 07 Jun 2024

This blog reveals three critical limitations in the voluntary approach of financial institutions’ net-zero targets: the low integrity of existing targets, their limited ability to directly control investee emissions, and a finance-first mandate that hinders voluntary climate action.

Virtual Launch: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Sustainable Green Hydrogen Development
Venue Online
Date 16 May 2024
Start time 14:00

Join us for our webinar on The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Sustainable Green Hydrogen Development.

Green Hydrogen for Sustainable Development: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks
Publication date 16 May 2024

This report examines the role of multilateral development banks in ensuring that producer countries secure sustainable development benefits from green hydrogen development.

Caution on co-firing, retrofitting, and carbon credits for retirement: Considerations for public development banks on coal phase-out risks
Publication date 07 Mar 2024

Public development banks must exercise caution in engaging with coal phasedown to prevent setting perverse incentives or supporting false solutions that achieve inadequate emission reductions and divert attention from early retirement efforts.

Financing coal phase-out: Public development banks’ role in the early retirement of coal plants
Publication date 07 Mar 2024

Guiding principles for the early retirement of coal-fired power generation, focusing on public development banks' role and the efficient maximisation of emission reduction with public funds.

Financing Coal Phase-out: The Role of Public Development Banks

Develops guiding principles for the early retirement of coal-fired power generation, focusing on the role of public development banks and the efficient maximisation of emission reductions with public funds.

COP28: Early retirement of fossil fuel assets
Venue IDFC pavilion, Blue Zone
Date 11 Dec 2023
Start time 18:30

This side event aimed to support development banks to learn how they could best mobilise finance to enable ambitious early retirement of fossil fuel assets.

COP28: Funding the Green Transition: Navigating Developing Countries’ Climate Finance Needs
Venue SE Room 8, Zone B6
Date 09 Dec 2023
Start time 15:00

This side event discussed articulation of finance needs in countries’ NDCs and LTS’; the important role of finance ministries and IFIs in developing investment plans; and explore sectoral transition costs.

COP28 needs to switch mode from finding the smallest common denominator to achieving what was before unimaginable
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023, at the end of another year of record-high temperatures and climate change impacts, which are rapidly increasing in frequency and intensity, causing loss of livelihoods around the globe, and particularly in vulnerable developing countries. We hear more and more voices saying that “we will not make it” and “we are doomed”. However, the past decades have shown that positive change can happen faster than expected and that we have all the tools to protect this planet and its inhabitants. COP28 has a...

Response to GFANZ APAC June 2023 Consultation
Publication date 02 Nov 2023

NewClimate Institute and the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE) submitted a response to a public consultation on the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero’s proposed set of voluntary guidance for financing the early retirement of coal-fired power plants in Asia-Pacific. This blog post highlights key points from our submission.

The role of green hydrogen in a just, Paris-compatible transition
Publication date 01 Nov 2023

Green hydrogen is experiencing a strong push from different directions. This report lays out principles for a sustainable approach to expanding the production and use of the energy carrier, in line with sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement. Case studies on Colombia, India and Namibia accompany the report to highlight opportunities and obstacles.

NDC4 webinars: Financing Green Cooling – Opportunities for Financial Institutions
Venue online
Date 31 Oct 2023
Start time 11:00

This webinar will delve into the key principles of Green Cooling and explore the opportunities associated with promoting eco-friendly finance solutions for Green Cooling. Furthermore, the webinar will illustrate how financial institutions can embed Green Cooling into the wider context of the Sustainable Finance Agenda. Ultimately, the speakers will present a structured, stepwise approach for the development of a Green Cooling loan product.

MOP35: Workshop energy efficiency in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) sector
Venue hybrid, United Nations Office Nairobi and online
Date 22 Oct 2023
Start time 08:00

This event was a pre-meeting workshop to the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP35). The objective of the workshop was to share information, experiences and lessons learned, as well as assess challenges related to ways of improving availability and accessibility to energy-efficient equipment and equipment using low- or zero-global-warming-potential alternatives during the implementation of the Kigali Amendment. The workshop’s outcomes will feed into discussions at the MOP35.

From Rhetoric to Reality: Investigating Financial Institutions' Net Zero Portfolio Commitments
Publication date 18 Sep 2023

Financial institutions increasingly commit to net zero portfolio targets. Our analysis questions their internal climate value and their real-world impact. Instead, we recommend that financial institutions focus on supporting the transition of economies and economic actors.

The little book of City Climate Finance
Publication date 31 Aug 2023

"The Little Book of City Climate Finance" is a guidebook designed to help Chinese stakeholders at the city/regional finance their climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Climate investment in the food & agriculture sector in Latin America - The cases of biochar and protein transition in Argentina
Publication date 28 Jul 2023

This report is part of a report series looking into investments needed to meet the climate mitigation objectives of the Paris Agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean with this edition focusing on the agriculture and food sector

Not all ETF providers are made the same
Publication date 06 Jul 2023

Passive investing is on the rise, but retail investors should be aware of the differences in the way asset managers handle corporate stewardship and choose an asset manager that aligns with their values to ensure that passively invested capital is not supporting carbon-intensive business models. Passive investing is on the rise (see Figure 1) for good reason. With low costs and well-diversified options like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), it is no wonder that many investors are turning to passive investment products. However, as more and more investors jump on the passive bandwagon, it is...

The role of international climate finance for bridging the low carbon investment gap
Publication date 29 Jun 2023

This paper outlines why there is need for better information on financial needs and introduces nine exploratory principles to consider in the context of international support to achieve net zero targets. The outlined principles offer a starting point for understanding and defining the finance and support needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement with a focus on scaling ambition and facilitating just transitions. Several actions by donors and recipient countries are suggested to better inform international climate finance needs:

Renewable Senegal
Publication date 02 Jun 2023

Senegal is a country with abundant renewable resources. The national strategy for an “Emerging Senegal” charts a path to become a middle-income country by 2035. This report provides recommendations for engagement for German-Senegalese development cooperation towards a sustainable future.

The World Bank’s sector notes encourage the consideration of transitions, but lack sufficient detail to ensure full alignment with the Paris agreement
Publication date 10 May 2023

In this blog we explore whether the approaches in the World Bank sector notes are sufficient to avoid financial flows that conflict with the Paris Agreement.

Climate Audit of the EU’s Foreign Policy
Publication date 28 Apr 2023

This report analyses the EU's foreign policy and reviews the extent to which the EU integrates climate considerations into its foreign policy and diplomatic efforts. It provides recommendations on how EU climate foreign policy can be strengthened and aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the ambitions of the European Green Deal.

Review of “Paris compatible sectoral guidelines of the KfW Banking Group” for Electricity, Oil, and Gas
Publication date 27 Mar 2023

Background and summary: At COP 26 in Glasgow in 2021, Germany signed a pledge to end international finance of fossil fuels by the end of 2022, except in limited and clearly defined circumstances that are consistent with a 1.5°C warming limit and the goals of the Paris Agreement. Under the 2022 German Presidency, G7 leaders’ communiqué echoed the spirit of the Glasgow commitment. While the communiqué recognizes the exceptional circumstances stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it stresses that any temporary publicly supported investment must still be “ consistent with our climate...

Deutsche LNG-Ausbaupläne führen zu Überkapazität und gefährden Klimaschutzziele
Publication date 17 Mar 2023

Dieser Bericht liefert einen Review und eine klimapolitische Einordnung der aktuellen Studienlage zu neuen und geplanten LNG-Importkapazitäten in Deutschland.

The role of hydrogen in decarbonisation - Investment opportunities for Latin America
Publication date 23 Feb 2023

This report assesses the role of hydrogen in several Paris-aligned decarbonisation scenarios and their implications for the Latin American region. It makes a comprehensive assessment of several hydrogen applications considering technology readiness, temporality, and regional context. The results provide insights to policy makers, public and private investors on the best opportunities for hydrogen in the short term.

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