120 results found

Reliance on fossil gas risks climate goals and energy security in Southeast Asia: experts
Publication date 25 Jun 2024

Southeast Asia, the fastest-growing region in the developing world , is at a crossroads. On the one hand, it seeks to develop its economy and provide sufficient and affordable energy to power economic and social development, which has historically driven reliance on fossil fuels. On the other hand, the region is among the most vulnerable to the impacts of human-induced climate change – from deadly heatwaves to destructive floods – that are only intensifying with increased greenhouse gas emissions. The key to balancing competing priorities in Southeast Asia -- energy security and economic...

Navigating the Transition to Net-zero Emissions in Southeast Asia – Energy Security, the Role of Gaseous Energy Carriers and Renewables-based Electrification
Publication date 12 Jun 2024

A new research brief underscores that rapid expansion of renewable electricity and electrification of energy end users are essential, not only to achieve climate mitigation targets but also to boost energy security and economic development across Southeast Asia. Focusing on Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam and the Philippines – four countries that are part of the project “Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia” (CASE) – the brief analyses net-zero pathways under two different decarbonisation scenarios – one centred on reducing fossil fuel use through the deep electrification of...

Report launch: Navigating the transition to net-zero emissions in Southeast Asia
Venue Online
Date 11 Jun 2024
Start time 10:00

In this webinar, the CASE team presents opportunities and challenges in shifting the energy sectors of the CASE countries to largely decarbonised systems. We compare the role of electrification and gaseous energy carriers in this transition, and discuss how different choices impact energy security. The input presentation is followed by reactions from energy experts in the CASE countries and a “Q&A” session.

Virtual Launch: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Sustainable Green Hydrogen Development
Venue Online
Date 16 May 2024
Start time 14:00

Join us for our webinar on The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Sustainable Green Hydrogen Development.

Green Hydrogen for Sustainable Development: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks
Publication date 16 May 2024

This report examines the role of multilateral development banks in ensuring that producer countries secure sustainable development benefits from green hydrogen development.

Understanding finance needs for a just transition of the Mexican power sector
Publication date 08 May 2024

For the Mexican power sector this publication explores finance needs for phasing-out gas and building-out renewables and discusses how, drawing on international experience, the social just transition could be supported.

India in Transit
Publication date 17 Apr 2024

This paper employs the Transport Transition Pathway Explorer (TTPE) to outline scenarios for a just transport transition in India, balancing climate goals and sustainable development.

Transport Transition Pathway Explorer (TTPE)

The Transport Transition Pathway Explorer (TTPE) is an open-source, MS Excel-based bottom-up stock turnover model to derive and compare transition pathways for the transport sector.

A Just Transition in Colombia
Publication date 13 Mar 2024

This brief explores how a just transition could support peace, development, and climate goals in Colombia. It was prepared for the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in the context of the Colombian-German Climate and Just Energy Transition partnership agreement to provide relevant context and guidance on the design and implementation of a fruitful partnership. It begins by providing background information on the partnership. From there, a just transition approach is outlined and applied to major sectors, with a focus on agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) and energy.

Caution on co-firing, retrofitting, and carbon credits for retirement: Considerations for public development banks on coal phase-out risks
Publication date 07 Mar 2024

Public development banks must exercise caution in engaging with coal phasedown to prevent setting perverse incentives or supporting false solutions that achieve inadequate emission reductions and divert attention from early retirement efforts.

Financing coal phase-out: Public development banks’ role in the early retirement of coal plants
Publication date 07 Mar 2024

Guiding principles for the early retirement of coal-fired power generation, focusing on public development banks' role and the efficient maximisation of emission reduction with public funds.

Financing Coal Phase-out: The Role of Public Development Banks

Develops guiding principles for the early retirement of coal-fired power generation, focusing on the role of public development banks and the efficient maximisation of emission reductions with public funds.

Identifying finance needs for a just transformation of Indonesia’s power sector
Publication date 21 Feb 2024

In the context of Indonesia embarking on a transition of its electricity system the objective of this report and the accompanying open-source Excel model, ‘JET-FIN’ is to identify and approximate key finance needs to support its successful and just delivery.

Senegal as an LNG Exporter? Stranded asset risks in the transition
Publication date 18 Dec 2023

Despite recent spikes in the global price of LNG, Senegal's fossil fuel hopes may be dashed with global trends. Scaled up renewable energy deployment, and electrification of gas end uses are increasingly likely to reduce global LNG demand. Before going all in on offshore oil and gas development, it is important that Senegal considers transition risks, its relative competitiveness, and what alternatives the Just Energy Transition Partnership may offer.

Five major shifts since the Paris Agreement that give hope in a just, Paris-compatible transition
Publication date 23 Nov 2023

An overview of what has been achieved in the last decade in international climate policy at the global level focussing on the positive trends.

COP28 needs to switch mode from finding the smallest common denominator to achieving what was before unimaginable
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023, at the end of another year of record-high temperatures and climate change impacts, which are rapidly increasing in frequency and intensity, causing loss of livelihoods around the globe, and particularly in vulnerable developing countries. We hear more and more voices saying that “we will not make it” and “we are doomed”. However, the past decades have shown that positive change can happen faster than expected and that we have all the tools to protect this planet and its inhabitants. COP28 has a...

Walking the tightrope of Indonesia's energy transition: Boosting jobs or leaving coal communities behind?
Publication date 08 Nov 2023

As the Government of Indonesia prepares to publicly launch its first iteration of plans to deliver on the goals of the Just Energy Transition Partnership it announced one year ago, we take a look at implications for the workers and communities that currently depend on its large and growing coal sector.

NDC4 webinars: Financing Green Cooling – Opportunities for Financial Institutions
Venue online
Date 31 Oct 2023
Start time 11:00

This webinar will delve into the key principles of Green Cooling and explore the opportunities associated with promoting eco-friendly finance solutions for Green Cooling. Furthermore, the webinar will illustrate how financial institutions can embed Green Cooling into the wider context of the Sustainable Finance Agenda. Ultimately, the speakers will present a structured, stepwise approach for the development of a Green Cooling loan product.

MOP35: Workshop energy efficiency in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) sector
Venue hybrid, United Nations Office Nairobi and online
Date 22 Oct 2023
Start time 08:00

This event was a pre-meeting workshop to the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP35). The objective of the workshop was to share information, experiences and lessons learned, as well as assess challenges related to ways of improving availability and accessibility to energy-efficient equipment and equipment using low- or zero-global-warming-potential alternatives during the implementation of the Kigali Amendment. The workshop’s outcomes will feed into discussions at the MOP35.

Workshop: Introduction to the European CBAM and implications for China
Venue Hybrid, virtual and in person
Date 20 Oct 2023
Start time 09:00

In this workshop, which is part of the Sino-German Climate Change Policy Exchange Seminar, NewClimate gave an introduction to the European CBAM and presented CBAM's implications for China in more detail.

Assessment of the G20 members’ long-term strategies
Publication date 24 Aug 2023

This report assesses the G20 members’ long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LTS) to identify commonalities, opportunities for international cooperation, and gaps that can be addressed in future LTS submissions.

Climate investment in the food & agriculture sector in Latin America - The cases of biochar and protein transition in Argentina
Publication date 28 Jul 2023

This report is part of a report series looking into investments needed to meet the climate mitigation objectives of the Paris Agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean with this edition focusing on the agriculture and food sector

London Climate Action Week: From Policies to Finance: Driving Just Climate Action in Developing Nations
Venue Online, London Climate Action Week
Date 29 Jun 2023
Start time 16:00

For London Climate Action Week, this side event aims to address the information gaps regarding financial needs and explore principles for international support to achieve net-zero targets and just transitions.

The role of international climate finance for bridging the low carbon investment gap
Publication date 29 Jun 2023

This paper outlines why there is need for better information on financial needs and introduces nine exploratory principles to consider in the context of international support to achieve net zero targets. The outlined principles offer a starting point for understanding and defining the finance and support needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement with a focus on scaling ambition and facilitating just transitions. Several actions by donors and recipient countries are suggested to better inform international climate finance needs:

Asia Clean Energy Forum: Spotlight session - Impact of the EU's CBAM on Southeast Asia
Venue Multifunction Hall 3, Asia Clean Energy Forum
Date 16 Jun 2023
Start time 05:00

The event will bring an expert panel to discuss the EU CBAM’s impacts on Southeast Asia’s energy transition efforts as well as on energy-intensive export products, and the implementation of NDC and Net Zero goals.

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