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Browse in news and blog posts
Trading-off: Exploring the potential implications of the EU's new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism for Southeast Asian economies
Publication date 06 Apr 2023

In this blog, we look at the exposure of major Southeast Asian economies to CBAM in its likely future form and apply an economic model (CLIMTRADE) to appraise several broader considerations that may arise from distortions to global trade flows.

Review of “Paris compatible sectoral guidelines of the KfW Banking Group” for Electricity, Oil, and Gas
Publication date 27 Mar 2023

Background and summary: At COP 26 in Glasgow in 2021, Germany signed a pledge to end international finance of fossil fuels by the end of 2022, except in limited and clearly defined circumstances that are consistent with a 1.5°C warming limit and the goals of the Paris Agreement. Under the 2022 German Presidency, G7 leaders’ communiqué echoed the spirit of the Glasgow commitment. While the communiqué recognizes the exceptional circumstances stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it stresses that any temporary publicly supported investment must still be “ consistent with our climate...

Press Release – Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023
Publication date 13 Feb 2023

The climate strategies of 24 of the worlds’ largest ‘climate leader’ companies are wholly insufficient and mired by ambiguity. These are the findings of the 2023 Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, conducted by NewClimate Institute in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch.

FAQs - Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023
Publication date 13 Feb 2023

The authors of the 2023 Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor share their perspectives on questions related to the analysis, and its implications.

Urgent need for regulatory intervention to turn the tide on misleading corporate climate pledges
Publication date 03 Nov 2022

This blog discusses the issues with corporate net-zero pledges and existing voluntary initiatives

Climate action in agriculture is essential for food security
Publication date 27 Oct 2022

Feeding the world while staying within planetary boundaries and keeping global warming within 1.5°C is a growing challenge where development finance institutions have a key role to play. Far from a contradiction, climate action in agriculture is essential to reaching development goals.

German support for gas investments abroad is mostly not compatible with the Paris Agreement
Publication date 20 Oct 2022

For possible future investments in fossil energy projects abroad, Germany must make it clear that and how it will comply with climate targets - both Germany's and the EU's national climate protection targets and the global 1.5°C target.

Deutsche Unterstützung für Gas-Investitionen im Ausland ist in den allermeisten Fällen nicht mit Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen vereinbar
Publication date 20 Oct 2022

Deutschland muss bei möglichen zukünftigen Investitionen in fossile Energieprojekte im Ausland deutlich machen, dass und wie es die Klimaziele einhalten wird - und zwar sowohl die nationalen Klimaschutzziele Deutschlands und der EU als auch das globale 1.5°C-Ziel.

Koalition braucht dringend einheitliche Klima-Außenpolitik
Publication date 12 Oct 2022

Die mit einer vielbeachteten Vision angetretene Ampelregierung agiert in der Außenpolitik noch ohne klaren Kompass. Das darf sich Deutschland angesichts der aktuellen Neuausrichtung der globalen Energie- und Sicherheitsarchitektur und der sich rasant zuspitzenden Klimakatastrophe nicht leisten.

Increased transparency and improved due diligence is critical to mobilizing climate finance
Publication date 09 Aug 2022

A few weeks ago, the G20 published a report on “Boosting MDBs’ investing capacity” written by an expert panel tasked with an independent review of Multilateral Development Banks’ Capital Adequacy Frameworks. This blog addresses a significant barrier to fulfilling a number of recommendations about how to better access global financial markets: a lack of transparency and the associated doubts surrounding some MDB’s lending.

What’s at stake for steak?
Publication date 11 Jul 2022

The meat industry is a major, and growing, contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. Aggregate emissions from animal-based foods are twice those of plant-based products, accounting for in the order of 60% of total food system emissions.

Major Dutch companies’ climate pledges fall short of what is needed for Paris Agreement
Publication date 05 Jul 2022

Berlin, 5 July 2022 – New analysis published today shows that major Dutch companies only commit to reduce their emissions by 19% by 2030 on average, falling far short of the requirement to halve emissions by 2030 according to this year’s IPCC’s Sixth Assessment report. This is the first comprehensive analysis of 29 Dutch companies and financial institutions based on a study commissioned by Milieudefensie. The research was conducted by NewClimate Institute and evaluates 21 companies operating in the real economy and 8 financial institutions to determine the transparency and integrity of their...

The UN Climate Change reconvenes next week in Bonn: what will be discussed?
Publication date 09 Jun 2022

The midyear UN climate conference “56th session of the Subsidiary Bodies” will take place from 6 to 16 June 2022, in Bonn. These sessions focus on means of implementation and policy requirements in preparation of the COP in November.

The climate and health double dividend
Publication date 30 May 2022

An early phase out of coal plants around the world could help avoid over 14.5 million premature deaths from air pollution over the next three decades, delivering an economic benefit of $16.3 trillion. Our new analysis shows the enormous scale of public health benefits of urgently phasing out operating and planned coal plants in 24 countries, covering over 90% of the global fleet. The twin climate and health impacts are shown in an interactive online tool which pinpoints their source in different countries, and allows users to adjust the time horizon, consider different scenarios, and explore right down to the level of individual units.

Q&A with the authors: Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Publication date 07 Feb 2022

Companies around the world are increasingly alert to the climate emergency, facing calls from a growing range of stakeholders to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their activities. The rapid acceleration of corporate climate pledges means that it is more difficult than ever to distinguish between real climate leadership and unsubstantiated greenwashing. In this blogpost the lead authors of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor – Thomas Day, Silke Mooldijk, Sybrig Smit – shared their perspectives on questions related to the analysis, and its implications. You can also...

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