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Report Launch: 1.5°C-aligned wind and solar targets for the new NDCs
Venue Online
Date 23 Sep 2024
Start time 16:00

As countries prepare to set new climate targets in their updated NDCs following a global commitment to triple renewables at COP28, Climate Analytics and NewClimate Institute present new analysis on what a 1.5°C-aligned rollout of wind and solar could look like for key countries.

Evento virtual: Necesidades financieras para la transición justa del sector energético mexicano
Venue Online
Date 10 Jul 2024
Start time 17:30

En este seminario web, presentaremos nuestra publicación reciente, donde se estiman diversos componentes de las necesidades financieras relacionadas con el retiro anticipado de la infraestructura de combustibles fósiles, el desarrollo de energías renovables y la transición de personas trabajadoras, comunidades y regiones de manera justa.

Launch Event: ECNO Annual Flagship Report 2024 - Insights on progress to EU climate neutrality for the incoming EU cycle
Venue Townhall Europe, Brussels | Online
Date 02 Jul 2024
Start time 10:00

At the launch event in Brussels, ECNO will present their newest findings and engage with relevant high-profile stakeholders from the European Parliament and the economy.

Report launch: Navigating the transition to net-zero emissions in Southeast Asia
Venue Online
Date 11 Jun 2024
Start time 10:00

In this webinar, the CASE team presents opportunities and challenges in shifting the energy sectors of the CASE countries to largely decarbonised systems. We compare the role of electrification and gaseous energy carriers in this transition, and discuss how different choices impact energy security. The input presentation is followed by reactions from energy experts in the CASE countries and a “Q&A” session.

Bonn sessions: Climate Action Tracker press conference 2024
Venue Nairobi 4, World Conference Center Bonn
Date 10 Jun 2024
Start time 10:00

The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) team presented their latest briefing at a press conference at the SB60 in Bonn.

Bonn sessions: Promoting Climate Action around the World: Insights from Policy-Relevant Research
Venue German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Date 07 Jun 2024
Start time 18:00

The goal of this Science Policy Dialogue, organised by German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) and by the University of Bonn, is to discuss insights from the latest policy-relevant research on climate action. We invite you to join us to reflect on the lessons learnt and how we can put them into practice in the context of the UNFCCC negotiations and beyond.

Bonn sessions: The role of the private sector in bolstering ambitious & credible NDCs on the road to COP30
Venue Room Berlin, World Conference Center Bonn
Date 05 Jun 2024
Start time 16:15

On June 5th, the Net Zero Tracker is co-hosting an event alongside CDP, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), Climate Chance, InfluenceMap and NewClimate Institute at Bonn Climate Change Conference, examining the role of the private sector in bolstering ambitious and credible NDCs on the road to COP30.

Bonn sessions: ELEVATE International Stakeholder Workshop
Venue Bonn Marriott Hotel, Bonn, Germany
Date 05 Jun 2024
Start time 13:00

The closed door workshop focuses on the interplay between geopolitical shifts and international climate policy.

Virtual Launch: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Sustainable Green Hydrogen Development
Venue Online
Date 16 May 2024
Start time 14:00

Join us for our webinar on The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Sustainable Green Hydrogen Development.

Workshop for journalists: How to report on corporate net zero targets: telling greenwashing apart from real ambition
Venue International Journalism Festival / online
Date 20 Apr 2024
Start time 11:00

During this workshop Sören Amelang and Sybrig Smit (NewClimate Institute) presented their 7-step guide for journalists to unravel a net zero target. The workshop reflected on lessons learned, with practical tips that reporters can use immediately to unpick a net zero target.

Virtual Launch: CCRM 2024​ - Are corporate 2030 climate plans fit for purpose?
Venue Online
Date 09 Apr 2024
Start time 15:00

Join us and Carbon Market Watch on Tuesday, 9 April at 3 pm CEST for the virtual launch of the 2024 Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM).

COP28: Early retirement of fossil fuel assets
Venue IDFC pavilion, Blue Zone
Date 11 Dec 2023
Start time 18:30

This side event aimed to support development banks to learn how they could best mobilise finance to enable ambitious early retirement of fossil fuel assets.

COP28: Turning the Global Stocktake into Action on the Ground
Venue SE Room 1, Zone B6
Date 09 Dec 2023
Start time 16:45

In this COP28 side event, government representatives and others explored how countries, cities and others can use a strong Global Stocktake outcome at COP28 as a jumping off point for advancing bold climate actions and policies at home, including laying the groundwork for submitting much stronger nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in 2025.

COP28: Funding the Green Transition: Navigating Developing Countries’ Climate Finance Needs
Venue SE Room 8, Zone B6
Date 09 Dec 2023
Start time 15:00

This side event discussed articulation of finance needs in countries’ NDCs and LTS’; the important role of finance ministries and IFIs in developing investment plans; and explore sectoral transition costs.

COP28: Ratcheting integrity of net zero commitments to unlock ambition loops and regain climate momentum
Venue SE Room 3, Blue Zone, COP28
Date 08 Dec 2023
Start time 16:45

This side event, hosted by Net Zero Tracker, discussed critical opportunities to match the ever-growing take-up of net zero targets with increased robustness to, in turn, unlock ambition loops and regain climate momentum.

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