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Impact of delayed climate action on Germany's transport sector

The German transport sector is lagging in climate action. Delayed reductions in emissions will require drastic measures to achieve climate neutrality by 2045.

Delivering the promise of Paris: Roadmap to a safer climate

This project quantifies the contribution of different sectoral actions and compares it to the literature to closing the global greenhouse gas emissions mitigation gap in 2030.

Tracking the progress of subnational and non-state climate action

This project aims to further advance the understanding of the universe of global subnational and non-state climate action, the potential impact of these actors on global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their actual progress.

Horizon 2020 ELEVATE

ELEVATE aims to develop scientific insights to support the preparations of Nationally Determined Contributions and national climate policies focused on achieving net-zero emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.

The Netherlands’ fair contribution to climate change mitigation

This project assesses the proposed target pathway of the Netherlands’ government in the context of the required global efforts and the country’s historical responsibility and capability, which are both key principles of the international efforts against climate change and the Paris Agreement. The analysis finds that the Netherlands’ proposed target pathway of a 55%/70%/80% reduction below 1990 by 2030/2035/2040 and greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 cannot be considered fully compatible with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C limit.

Systems Change Lab

The systems change lab website and accompanying State of Climate Action report identify what is needed for transformational change across multiple sectors and track global progress toward those changes.

Working together to achieve the Paris climate goals and sustainable development

The study analyses the need for stronger integration of climate and development policy in the global South required for the achievement of the PA.

NDC Design

The purpose of this project was to develop a method to systematically assess the design of NDCs and to apply it to 20 NDCs.

Horizon 2020 ENGAGE

Development and update of the Climate Policy Database which will serve as key inputs to various climate policy scenario analyses.

Climate Action Tracker – Scaling Up Climate Action

Scaling Up Climate Action country series, identifies options for increased sectoral action that move countries compatible with the PA.

Climate Action Tracker - Climate Governance Series

The CAT expands to evaluate the ability and readiness of national governments to the required economy-wide zero emissions society.

Climate Change Performance Index

The index evaluates and compares the climate protection performance of the 58 largest emitters of GHG emissions globally.

Pathways and entry points to 1.5 °C (PEP1p5)

Developed a scientific and policy relevant assessment of the long-term goal to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C in the Paris Agreement.

What the Paris Agreement means for climate action in the Netherlands

This analysis translates the goals of the international climate regime as determined by the Paris Agreement into the context of the Netherlands.

The potential of business initiatives in emission reduction

Companies commitments to contribute to the long-term targets of the PA can significantly reduce emissions, with supportive policy.

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