Change is rarely linear, and transitions are often dynamic. A faster than expected growth has been observed in some technologies, e.g. renewable energy, and fostering such positive, rapid change can help us in getting on a 1.5°C pathway. How can we anticipate such dynamics, track their progress, and ultimately steer them in a positive direction to enable the required transitions?
Climate Action Tracker and NewClimate Institute were founding partners of Systems Change Lab from 2022-2024.
Under this project, the Climate Action Tracker consortium of NewClimate Institute and Climate Analytics collaborated with the World Resources Institute and the Bezos Earth fund to develop methods and track progress on meeting these key climate mitigation transformations.
The State of Climate Action Report identifies and describes recent developments across a range of sectors - from energy to agriculture and finance – and identifies enabling conditions for accelerating change.
The Systems Change Lab website is an open data platform that will track progress on multiple indicators across a range of systems that are fundamental to meeting global climate, biodiversity, and sustainability targets.