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What the Paris Agreement means for Germany’s climate action

This analysis translates the goals of the international climate regime as determined by the Paris Agreement into the German context.

Climate Transparency

The report provides an overview on G20 countries, and identifies the leaders and laggards in climate action.

International Cooperative Initiatives (ICIs) outside the UNFCCC

Analyse the impact of international, regional and national initiatives outside the UNFCCC on greenhouse gas emissions.

Mitigation impacts of energy efficiency and renewable energy actions under the One Gigaton Coalition

Develop an approach for quantifying emissions reductions arising from RE and EE initiatives and programmes in developing countries.

Climate Policy Database

The database contains policy data for G20 countries and provides a number of “policy options,” that form a package to mitigate GHG emissions.

Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor

The monitor ranks the G20 countries according to their relative fitness to close the financing gap in low carbon energy infrastructure.

Evaluation of Agora Energiewende

Comprehensively evaluated Agora Energiewende, an initiative to support the German energy transition.

How much more could Germany achieve through non-state action?

Quantified the possible contribution of International Cooperative Initiatives to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany.

Co-benefits of climate change contributions

Assess the co-benefits of climate change mitigation action and how they could be used to incentivise further ambitious GHG reductions.

Experiences and lessons learned in the preparation of INDCs

Track the progress of the preparation of INDCs of countries worldwide and provide experiences and lessons learned.

UNEP Emissions Gap Reports

Contribute to all annual editions of the UNEP emissions gap report. The CAT and the PBL climate policy modelling projects serve as key data sources.

Accounting under a 2015 agreement

Provided recommendations on the design of a future transparent, and comparable accounting framework for all Parties.

ACT 2015

Developed potential propositions for what the climate agreement at COP21 could look like which was presented in a series of workshops.

Mitigation responsibilities under a 2015 international climate agreement

Analysed options for mitigation commitments under the climate agreement to determine ambitious emission reduction commitments.

Climate Action Tracker

An up-to-date assessment of individual country emission reduction pledges and policies, and compares to what is necessary to limit warming.

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