68 results found

Pläne für deutsche Flüssigerdgas-Terminals sind massiv überdimensioniert
Publication date 08 Dec 2022

Die Studie vergleicht die Pläne Deutschlands für den Ausbau der LNG-Importinfrastruktur mit dem tatsächlichen Bedarf an Importen. Die Analyse kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Pläne Deutschlands massiv überdimensioniert und nicht mit dem Pfad zur Klimaneutralität vereinbar sind. Deutschlands Klimaschutzziele verlangen eine deutliche Reduktion des Gasverbrauchs und die geplante Infrastruktur riskiert entweder große finanzielle Verluste durch eine geringe Auslastung, oder stellt das Einhalten des Pfads zur Klimaneutralität in Frage.

Tracking the progress of subnational and non-state climate action

This project aims to further advance the understanding of the universe of global subnational and non-state climate action, the potential impact of these actors on global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their actual progress.

No more fuel to the fire
Publication date 11 Nov 2022

This report was developed under the Clean and Affordable Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) project, analysing the impacts and long-term policy implications of the global energy crisis on Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Long-term scenarios of Thai energy transition and socioeconomic implications
Publication date 08 Nov 2022

This report analyses key transition strategies in power, transport, and industry sectors that steer the Thai energy sector towards a carbon neutral pathway. The long-term term energy scenarios suggest that decarbonizing the energy sector is not only feasible but would also bring benefits to Thai economy, increase energy security, strengthen environmental sustainability, and reduce air pollution and health-related impacts.

Natural gas in Africa
Publication date 30 May 2022

Why fossil fuels cannot sustainably meet the continent’s growing energy demand Natural gas is on the rise globally & in Africa Fossil fuel use is on the rise, with 70% of the increase in fossil CO 2 emissions projected to come from natural gas by 2030 if current policies are not strengthened to align with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C. To meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement: No new investments should be made into natural gas exploration and production. Unabated gas-fired power generation needs to be phased out by 2050 globally, and in many countries by 2040...

Beyond Net Zero: Empowering Climate Mitigation by Linking to Development Goals
Publication date 12 Nov 2021

This report focuses on how countries that are dealing with climate change planning can ensure that these plans are integrated into their overall development planning to meet the needs of their populations.

The ambition loop in motion for electric vehicles in the automotive industry
Publication date 29 Oct 2021

This blog post is based on the findings of the project Analysing the aggregate impact of global non-state and subnational climate action, and is a joint output in collaboration with PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and Data-Driven Envirolab. Car manufacturers have responded to recent national government policies and market signals by setting ambitious targets for electric vehicle (EV) sales, which has resulted in higher estimated EV shares in some countries than could be expected from government policy alone. However, more ambition is needed from both governments and...

State of Climate Action 2021
Publication date 28 Oct 2021

Combatting the climate crisis requires us to rapidly transform the systems that propel our economy, including power generation, buildings, industry, transport, land use, and agriculture—as well as the immediate scale-up of technological carbon removal. But by how much? And how can decision-makers unlock the transformational change that is required? The State of Climate Action 2021 identifies 40 indicators across key sectors that must transform to address the climate crisis, and assesses how current trends will impact how much work remains to be done by 2030 and 2050 to deliver a zero-carbon...

Gas investment is not the solution to the current energy crisis
Publication date 21 Oct 2021

Much of the world currently finds itself in the midst of an energy crisis tied to jumps in the price of gas. Expanded investments in gas extraction, infrastructure, and gas-fired electricity generation plants sound like they could be solutions to the global gas crunch. New research from NewClimate Institute finds that continued reliance on gas is more likely to be an expensive distraction aggravating the situation – while undermining energy security and climate mitigation efforts. In the vast majority of cases, renewables and electrification represent the best solution. Around the world...

Na­tional Cooling Action Plan for Grenada
Publication date 08 Sep 2021

The National Cooling Action Plan (NCAP) shall serve as input to Grenada’s NDC process, by providing quantitative and qualitative analyses on mitigation actions related to space cooling in buildings. Main findings: The NCAP aims to assist Grenada in the achievement of the country’s commitments under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Agreement, and to contribute to the accomplishment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. At present, buildings are responsible for 54% of total GHG emissions in Grenada and the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector accounts...

The Kenyan cooking sector – Opportunities for climate action and sustainable development
Publication date 13 Jul 2021

This study provides new and additional insights on the specific link between residential cooking solutions, climate change, health impacts and associated sustainable development objectives in Kenya. It builds on the 2019 National Cooking Sector Study and uses scenario modelling to present different possible development pathways for the Kenyan residential cooking sector, estimating their respective impact on GHG emissions and human health, and additional analysis on fuel use, energy demand and fuel expenditure as well as deforestation. Main findings: Scenarios Based on five cooking sector...

Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia

The CASE projects seeks to drive the energy sector transition in four partner countries, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Green Cooling in Public Procurement
Publication date 12 May 2021

The information provided within this study shall serve as a basis for tackling barriers in introducing "Green Public Procurement" as well as updating procurement criteria of room air conditioners in order to reduce cooling related energy consumption and GHG emissions of public buildings. Main findings: Green Cooling has a high potential to reduce costs, energy and the climate impact of public buildings. Surveys conducted in multiple countries in the framework of this study show that: Air conditioning in public buildings is often responsible for about 50% of total electricity consumption and...

TRACE - Co-benefits in decarbonising transport

The TRACE tool provides quantitative evaluation of selected non-climate impacts from decarbonising the urban transport sector.

The energy transition after COVID-19
Publication date 24 Feb 2021

This paper discusses the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis on the energy sector and frames it in the broader perspective of the climate crisis and development aspirations. We present practical challenges and responses observed in several emerging economies and developing countries, and discuss how key patterns in those countries are relevant for the post-COVID energy transition. We conclude by offering three considerations on how governments can strengthen their NDC update and signal the highest possible climate ambition for the energy sector. Key Findings: The effects of the COVID-19...

Decarbonisation scenarios for the transport sector in Georgia
Publication date 25 Jan 2021

Georgia is at an important crossroad with regards to the short-, medium- and long-term future of infrastructure and investment in the transport sector. Transport is a key sector for Georgia’s Climate Strategy and Action Plan (CSAP), which was prepared for parliamentary consideration in 2020 alongside Georgia’s updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement. These documents were partially informed by the analysis compiled in this report, which supported the transport sector to identify actions for reducing emissions. This report explores several emission pathway...

A review of successful climate change mitigation policies in major emitting economies and the potential of global replication
Publication date 08 Jan 2021

This scientific article in ‘Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews’ looks at climate change mitigation policies in five major emitting economies: China, the European Union, India, Japan and the United States. It analyses their performance in terms of energy system and greenhouse gas emissions indicators. The review centres on the sectors of electricity generation, passenger vehicles, freight transport, forestry, industry, buildings, agriculture, and oil and gas production. The article further presents an explorative emissions scenario developed under the assumption that all countries will...

Decarbonisation Pathways for the EU Cement Sector
Publication date 17 Dec 2020

The EU cement sector has made progress to reduce emissions in the past three decades, yet there is a long way ahead for the carbon-intensive industry to decarbonise. In this study, potential decarbonisation pathways are developed and analysed based on different highly innovative technology routes. Based on the results, challenges and opportunities related to specific technologies are identified, informing policy recommendations for the near-, mid- and long term. Main findings: The characteristics of the traditional cement production process, with its major part of emissions originating from...

Decarbonising the Indian transport sector: pathways and policies
Publication date 17 Dec 2020

The Climate Action Tracker explored a new approach to understanding opportunities for sectoral decarbonisation, using the example of the transport sector in India. To hold global average temperature increase to 1.5°C, global CO2 emissions need to reach net-zero by 2050, with rapid decarbonisation in all sectors. Global transport emissions have continued to steadily increase, with transport emissions accounting for 24 percent of direct CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. In this study we look specifically at how India can decarbonise its transport sector, its fastest-growing source of carbon...

Decreasing costs of renewables in Argentina (two reports)
Publication date 17 Dec 2020

Recent analyses developed by Fraunhofer ISI and NewClimate Institute show that faster and steeper than expected cost reductions for certain key mitigation technologies over the past five years can lead to an increased technology uptake and to a higher level of climate ambition, if the initially intended investment sum is maintained. The here presented technical assessment builds on the previously developed methodology to estimate the potential impact of investment cost reductions for renewable energy technologies (solar photovoltaics (PV) and onshore wind) on Argentina’s climate targets in the...

Aligning transport investments with the Paris Agreement
Publication date 17 Sep 2020

As the key European public finance institution, including in the EU’s COVID-19 response measures, the EIB can and should play a prominent role in the decarbonisation of the transport sector, especially in its aspiration to be the “EU Climate Bank”. Our analysis of the EIB's transport investment portfolio since 2015, finds that about half of transport-related investments are clearly “aligned” with the Paris Agreement. We propose Paris alignment evaluation criteria, including key factors to take into consideration, and a number of investment priorities for the EIB to not only align all its...

A radical transformation of mobility in Europe: Exploring the decarbonisation of the transport sector by 2040
Publication date 14 Sep 2020

Climact and NewClimate Institute explored a future in which the EU effectively targets zero emissions by 2040 for the transport sector, in a study commissioned by Greenpeace. Radical change needs to happen now and all fronts to dacarbonise European mobility within 20 years - seeing that the sector accounts for more than a quarter of European emissions (27%). We present a decarbonisation pathway, highlight current policy gaps and propose required policy packages. Main Findings: While supply-side measures are undeniably essential to reducing emissions, this study illustrates how demand-side...

A roadmap for the power supply sector in Argentina
Publication date 17 Feb 2020

The “Ambition to Action” (A2A) project provided support to the Argentinian NDC process between March 2017 and December 2019. This report provides a synthesis of the results of three years of supporting governmental and non-governmental constituencies with analytical support for the energy supply sector. At the core of the work were three strands. 1) Scenario analysis to support the understanding of the implication of the long term temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. 2) Analysis of socio-economic impacts of the energy transition, especially regarding employment and industrial development...

The role of renewable energy mini-grids in Kenya’s electricity sector
Publication date 12 Nov 2019

This report synthesises available analyses on the role and potential of mini-grids in Kenya and explores how this technology can help the country attain its goal of universal electrification by 2022 and also contribute to the achievement of other related development objectives. Executive summary: Even with the global electrification rate rising from 83% in 2010 to 89% in 2017, about 573 million people still lack adequate access to electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 calls for action to “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern...

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