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Joint Statement: Why carbon offsetting undermines climate targets
Publication date 02 Jul 2024

We call for scientific, ambitious, equitable, robust, credible and transparent rules around carbon accounting and corporate climate target setting. Voluntary and regulatory frameworks on climate transition planning must exclude offsetting.

Reliance on fossil gas risks climate goals and energy security in Southeast Asia: experts
Publication date 25 Jun 2024

Southeast Asia, the fastest-growing region in the developing world, is at a crossroads. On the one hand, it seeks to develop its economy and provide sufficient and affordable energy to power economic and social development, which has historically driven reliance on fossil fuels. On the other hand, the region is among the most vulnerable to the impacts of human-induced climate change – from deadly heatwaves to destructive floods – that are only intensifying with increased greenhouse gas emissions. The key to balancing competing priorities in Southeast Asia -- energy security and economic...

Press release: CAT guide to a good 2035 NDC target
Publication date 10 Jun 2024

The CAT released its "Guide to a good 2035 target" at the climate talks in Bonn, Germany today, setting out a detailed, four-point recipe of key elements governments need to include in their next round of climate targets (Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs), to be submitted to the UNFCCC from November this year.

Net zero or zero sense: Three reasons to rethink financial institutions' voluntary targets
Publication date 07 Jun 2024

This blog reveals three critical limitations in the voluntary approach of financial institutions’ net-zero targets: the low integrity of existing targets, their limited ability to directly control investee emissions, and a finance-first mandate that hinders voluntary climate action.

Bonn sessions: 3 topics to watch in UN climate talks
Publication date 03 Jun 2024

Climate impacts are getting more severe across the globe, a chilling reminder that there is no more time to waste. Halfway through 2024 and the critical decade of climate action, the midyear UN Climate Change Conference – the 60th session of the Subsidiary Bodies – kicked off on Monday in Bonn, Germany, running from June 3–13. The Bonn sessions are an important platform to continue negotiations on key topics in preparation for the UN’s main COP29 Climate Conference in Azerbaijan in November.

'Greenhushing': An emerging trend or sign of less greenwashing?
Publication date 15 May 2024

The term 'greenhushing' has recently emerged in discussions around corporate climate action, but is it an actual trend? In this blogpost, we dive deeper on the issue.

The SBTi Board’s statement on carbon credits is not grounded in science or due process
Publication date 11 Apr 2024

NewClimate Institute applauds the brave reaction from the staff of the Science Based Targets initiative, who today issued a strong statement rejecting their Board’s unilateral statement on the use of carbon credits.

Press Release – Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2024
Publication date 09 Apr 2024

Despite increased ambition in their climate target-setting, 51 of the world’s largest companies commit to reducing their emissions by only 30% on average by 2030, falling short of the 43% reduction required to limit global warming to 1.5°C, according to a report released today by NewClimate Institute in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch.

Press release - Leading examples of corporate renewable electricity strategies are leaving laggards and standard-setters in the dust
Publication date 16 Jan 2024

The renewable electricity commitments of 10 major companies in the fashion and tech industries vary widely in terms of ambition and credibility. Standard-setting initiatives provide very limited incentives and sometimes even barriers to companies striving for more impactful renewable electricity strategies.

Press release - CCPI 2024: Despite boom in renewables: World no closer to Paris climate goals until fossil fuels decline drastically
Publication date 08 Dec 2023

The CCPI monitors the climate mitigation progress of 63 countries and the European Union, together responsible for more than 90% of global emissions.

VCMI’s scope 3 flexibility claim could turn back the corporate ambition dial to business-as-usual
Publication date 08 Dec 2023

The VCMI has released its integrity guidelines for corporate use of carbon credits. In some regards, the concept of VCMI’s Silver, Gold and Platinum claims set out a transparent and constructive approach. But the Scope 3 Flexibility Claim will be the most relevant part of the claims package for the next decade.

Press release - CAT COP28 briefing
Publication date 05 Dec 2023

Despite their promises, governments have not taken enough action to drive down warming projections, with some instead turning to false solutions such as CCS to continue the world's reliance on fossil fuels, the Climate Action Tracker said as it released its annual warming update at COP28.

COP28 needs to switch mode from finding the smallest common denominator to achieving what was before unimaginable
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023, at the end of another year of record-high temperatures and climate change impacts, which are rapidly increasing in frequency and intensity, causing loss of livelihoods around the globe, and particularly in vulnerable developing countries. We hear more and more voices saying that “we will not make it” and “we are doomed”. However, the past decades have shown that positive change can happen faster than expected and that we have all the tools to protect this planet and its inhabitants. COP28 has a...

Release: State of Climate Action report finds progress lags on every measure except EV sales
Publication date 14 Nov 2023

Global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C are failing across the board, with recent progress made on every indicator — except electric passenger car sales — lagging significantly behind the pace and scale that is necessary to address the climate crisis, according to the State of Climate Action 2023 report.

Walking the tightrope of Indonesia's energy transition: Boosting jobs or leaving coal communities behind?
Publication date 08 Nov 2023

As the Government of Indonesia prepares to publicly launch its first iteration of plans to deliver on the goals of the Just Energy Transition Partnership it announced one year ago, we take a look at implications for the workers and communities that currently depend on its large and growing coal sector.

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