831 results found

Event: Lessons learned from INDC preparation
Venue COP21
Date 07 Dec 2015

Niklas Höhne presented from Paris at COP21 on the lessons learned from INDC preparation, and the INDC process as a catalyst for enhanced national climate action.

Narrowing the emissions gap: Contributions from renewable energy and energy efficiency activities
Publication date 08 Dec 2015

The inaugural report of the 1 Gigaton Coalition, entitled Narrowing the Emissions Gap: Contributions from renewable energy and energy efficiency activities, is now available, and details the emissions saved after analysing nearly 6,000 renewable energy and energy efficiency activities in developing countries. They show the potential for further emissions reductions if programmes and initiatives are supported further to replicate successful projects more widely. The report is based on the current level of activities in renewable energy and energy efficiency in the energy sector. However, after...

Event: Impacts of non-state and subnational action
Venue COP21
Date 07 Dec 2015

Niklas Höhne presented from Paris at COP21 on the impacts of non-state and subnational action for climate change mitigation.

Global Good Practice Analysis 2.0
Publication date 07 Dec 2015

The Global Good Practice Analysis is a joint initiative by the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV and the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme and documents examples of mitigation-related good practice worldwide which demonstrate how INDCs, LEDS, NAMAs and MRV systems are being effectively designed and implemented across a range of national contexts. In the second edition of the Global Good Practice Analysis (GPA2.0) a new selection of cases was examined by a consortium led by NewClimate Institute and including the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), The...

Faster and Cleaner - Decarbonisation in the power and transport sectors is surpassing predictions and offering hope for limiting warming
Publication date 04 Dec 2015

The transition from fossil fuels to cleaner, safer energy technologies is under way. To pinpoint where decarbonization is happening most rapidly—and to extract lessons and best practices that can be applied to other areas of the global economy where progress is needed in the fight against climate change—this study by ClimateWorks, NewClimate Institute, Ecofys, and Climate Analytics compares past projections with actual developments in renewable energy, coal consumption, and passenger vehicles. Key findings include: Decarbonization of the power sector is happening faster than predicted. Reduced...

The sixth Emissions Gap Report 2015
Publication date 03 Dec 2015

This sixth UNEP Emissions Gap Report provides a scientific assessment of the mitigation contributions from the submitted INDCs. As in the previous reports, it then compares the resulting emission levels in 2030 with what science tells us is required to be on track towards the agreed target of a global average temperature increase below 2°C by 2100. The Report also provides data for the aspirational target of keeping the temperature increase below 1.5°C. In addition, the Report presents selected areas where enhanced action can be taken, accelerated and scaled up to close the emissions gap. The...

How can the new climate agreement support robust national mitigation targets? Opportunities up to Paris and beyond
Publication date 03 Dec 2015

The international community is negotiating a new global climate agreement to be applicable from 2020 onwards. Parties aim at signing the agreement in December 2015, at the Conference of Parties (COP) in Paris. Until then, countries are already preparing proposals for their individual contributions, their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). The INDCs will, besides other elements, include mitigation contributions as central elements. Negotiations under the ADP have advanced and more concrete discussions are taking place, with the objective to finalise the new climate agreement...

Options for assessing ambition of mitigation commitments beyond Paris
Publication date 03 Dec 2015

This paper provides an overview of options to assess mitigation commitments before Paris and beyond. This includes a review of current activities to assess individual INDCs as well as a discussion of some of the attributes and requirements such assessment needs to fulfil. The paper goes on to explore options of how the assessment could be carried out and linked to the UNFCCC process, followed by a discussion of methodological approaches to assess the ambition of mitigation contributions. In conclusion, it provides some recommendations on a feasible and realistic way forward drawing out...

Event: Impact of the Clean Development Mechanism
Venue COP21
Date 02 Dec 2015

Thomas Day of NewClimate Institute presented at COP 21 on "The impact of the Clean Development Mechanism - Quantifying the current and pre-2020 mitigation impact of the CDM".

Event: An overview of the status quo, prospects and outlook of market mechanisms
Venue COP21
Date 02 Dec 2015

Carsten Warnecke of NewClimate Institute presented at COP 21 on "The status quo, prospects and outlook of market mechanisms".

International Cooperative Initiatives (ICIs) outside the UNFCCC

Analyse the impact of international, regional and national initiatives outside the UNFCCC on greenhouse gas emissions.

Event: Progress towards good practice policies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Venue COP21
Date 01 Dec 2015

Takeshi Kuramochi of NewClimate Institute presented at COP 21 on "Progress towards good practice policies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions".

Event: Best practice indicators at the sectoral level and where countries stand
Venue COP21
Date 01 Dec 2015

Sebastian Sterl (alumni) of NewClimate Institute presented at COP 21 on "Best practice indicators at the sectoral level and where countries stand". Tuesday, 1 December, 18.30, EU Pavilion, Room Luxemburg.

Progress towards good practice policies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Publication date 01 Dec 2015

This study compared recommendations for good practice climate change mitigation policies from various institutions with the current status of application of these policies by countries. In an initial attempt, a broad set of climate mitigation-related policies covering all sectors were analysed for the 30 major emitting countries that comprise 82% of global GHG emissions. The database that is the basis for this report is available at www.climatepolicydatabase.org .

Event: Assessing impacts and benefits - relevance of co-benefits for NAMAs and INDCs
Venue COP21
Date 01 Dec 2015

Frauke Röser of NewClimate Institute presented at a side event in the German Pavilion at COP 21 in Paris on "Assessing impacts and benefits - relevance of co-benefits for NAMAs and INDCs".

Climate Action Tracker: Coal plant plans could wipe out hope of holding warming below 2°C, and threaten achievement of INDCs
Publication date 01 Dec 2015

Press release from the Climate Action Tracker If all coal plants in the pipeline were to be built, by 2030, emissions from coal power would be 400% higher than what is consistent with a 2˚C pathway, according to a new analysis released by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) at the Paris Climate Summit today. Even with no new construction, in 2030, emissions from coal-fired power generation would still be more than 150% higher than what is consistent with holding warming below 2˚C. Using data from Coal Swarm’s updated Global Coal Plant Tracker , (1) the CAT has calculated the effect on global...

Preparation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) as a catalyst for national climate action
Publication date 01 Dec 2015

The preparation for the new international climate agreement has advanced national policy making even before the agreement is adopted. NewClimate Institute in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), assessed the extent to which the preparation of intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) has catalysed enhanced national climate change mitigation capacity and action, beyond the preparation of the INDC itself. The survey and...

Developing 2°C compatible investment criteria
Publication date 30 Nov 2015

This report studies the development of criteria for assessing the compatibility of financial investments with the international goal to limit global temperature increase to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The findings are intended as a starting point and a key input for a longer term process to develop consensus-based 2°C investing criteria. The focus here is placed on investments in projects and physical assets, in particular of development and climate finance organisations. In order to limit global temperature increase to 2°C, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will have to be...

Mitigation impacts of energy efficiency and renewable energy actions under the One Gigaton Coalition

Develop an approach for quantifying emissions reductions arising from RE and EE initiatives and programmes in developing countries.

Climate Policy Database

The database contains policy data for G20 countries and provides a number of “policy options,” that form a package to mitigate GHG emissions.

Development of a sectoral market-based approach

Focused on the social housing sector, identifying activities that can generate an incentive for ambitious emission reductions.

Dr. Takeshi Kuramochi

Dr. Takeshi Kuramochi leads projects that analyses greenhouse emission scenarios for major emitting economies as well as subnational and non-state actors. Takeshi has published more than thirty peer-reviewed articles and numerous other research reports. Since 2016, Takeshi contributes to the annual UNEP Emissions Gap Reports as a lead author on the chapter assessing G20 countries’ progress on emission reductions. Externally, Takeshi serves as a member of the UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign’s External Peer Review Group and Science Base Targets initiative’s Scientific Advisory Group.  Prior to...

Impacts of the Clean Development Mechanism
Publication date 30 Nov 2015

This focus study presents evidence on the impacts of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This includes a quantitative assessment of the mitigation impact of the CDM that occurs as a side effect of the current depressed market conditions . This mitigation impact is unintended and undesirable, possible because under the current market conditions mitigation activities originally designed for generating emission reduction credits under the CDM continue to operate their mitigation equipment but discontinue issuing offsets. Using the data generated by the extensive survey of 1,310 CDM projects in...

Integration of market mechanisms and emission trading schemes

Provided a foundation of the German position in the climate negotiations. and in the European and global negotiation process.

How energy efficiency cuts costs for a 2-degree future
Publication date 27 Nov 2015

A highly efficient use of energy is thus fundamental to limit GHG emissions. Yet, energy efficiency receives much less attention than the decarbonization of the energy supply. This study indicates that scenarios with higher energy efficiency mostly show lower abatement costs. This was the result of evaluating the large number of existing scenarios that comply with the internationally agreed 2°C target until 2050. The societal costs of decarbonization in these scenarios vary strongly and a detailed assessment of the potential cost reductions due to EE is lacking. In order to close this gap...

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