831 results found

Ten steps in ten years toward the 1.5˚C warming limit – Climate Action Tracker
Publication date 16 Nov 2016

The Climate Action Tracker today spelt out ten important, short-term steps that key sectors need to take to help the world achieve the Paris Agreement’s 1.5˚C limit: All key sectors—energy generation, road transport, buildings, industry, forestry and land use, and commercial agriculture—have to begin major efforts to cut emissions by, latest, 2020. By 2025 they should have accelerated these efforts in order to reach globally aggregated zero carbon dioxide emissions by mid-century, and zero greenhouse gas emissions overall roughly in the 2060s. The CAT scientists warned that in today’s carbon...

Major challenges ahead for Paris Agreement to meet its 1.5°C warming limit
Publication date 10 Nov 2016

Press release from the Climate Action Tracker Read the full analysis from the Climate Action Tracker The rapid entry into force of the Paris Agreement has created the legal basis for countries to increase their level of action and ambition to meet the 1.5°C warming limit over the next two years in the lead-up to 2018. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has evaluated the starting point for this process and found there has been little progress on national climate policies in the eleven months since the Paris Agreement was adopted. Government pledges and climate action commitments made under the...

Trump ist Risiko für die internationale Klimapolitik
Publication date 09 Nov 2016

Ein Jahr nach der Annahme des Paris Agreements diskutieren die Regierungen diese Woche in Marrakesch die technischen Details der Umsetzung. (Foto: Mosa'ab Elshamy/AP)[/caption] Die Wahl von Donald Trump als neuer Präsident der USA stellt für die internationale Klimapolitik ein großes Risiko dar, mit direkten Auswirkungen sowohl auf nationaler Ebene für die USA als auch für den gesamten internationalen Klimaverhandlungsprozess im Zuge des Paris Abkommens. Trotz Vorbehalten des amerikanischen Kongresses setzte die Regierung unter Präsident Barack Obama mehrere Klimaschutzmaßnahmen durch. Im...

Trump’s election is a high risk for international climate policy
Publication date 09 Nov 2016

A year on from the adoption of the Paris Agreement, Governments are in Marrakech this week to discuss further details on the technicalities for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The election of Donald Trump as President of the USA poses a high risk to international climate policy with implications on the national level for the USA and for the broader international climate process around the Paris Agreement. The Obama Administration pushed climate action despite congressional reservations. Under the Climate Action Plan, the US introduced mitigation actions in a step wise manner. One...

Event: Innovative financing options for the Adaptation Fund
Venue COP22
Date 09 Nov 2016

Carsten Warnecke from NewClimate Institute presented at COP22 in Marrakesh on innovative financing options for the Adaptation Fund. 09 November 2016, 11:30 Mediterranean Room, COP22 Livestream

Event: Updated analysis of current climate policies and mitigation scenarios
Venue COP22
Date 08 Nov 2016

Takeshi Kuramochi from NewClimate Institute presented at COP22 in Marrakesh on current climate policies and mitigation scenarios of major emitting countries. 08 November 2016, 16:30 EU Pavilion, COP22 Side event flyer

Event: Comparing the ambition level of INDCs
Venue COP22
Date 08 Nov 2016

Niklas Höhne presented at COP22 in Marrakech on ambition in INDCs. 08 November 2016, 16:30 EU Pavilion, COP22 Side event flyer

Event: Sectoral approaches for NDC implementation
Venue COP22
Date 07 Nov 2016

Thomas Day presented from Marrakech at COP22 on sectoral approaches for NDC implementation. 07 November 2016 EU Pavilion, COP22

Event: INDC preparation process and countries' progress
Venue COP22
Date 07 Nov 2016

Takeshi Kuramochi presented from Marrakech at COP22 on the INDC preparation process and countries' progress. 07 November 2016 Marrakech, COP22 For further presentations held at the side event see UNFCCC SEORS

Greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries
Publication date 04 Nov 2016

This new report by NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas emissions in 25 major emitting countries/regions up to 2030, taking into account the emission trajectories based on current policies and the implementation of intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) and nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Key findings of the current study: The degree to which countries/regions are likely to achieve their 2030 targets under current...

The Emissions Gap Report 2016: A UNEP Synthesis Report
Publication date 03 Nov 2016

The objective of this seventh UNEP Emissions Gap Report is to provide an up-to-date scientific assessment of the global progress towards the emissions reductions required to be on track to meet the long-term goal of the UNFCCC. In particular, this year the report emphasizes the implications of the Paris Agreement’s strengthened goal of holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C, and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for immediate and longer-term mitigation action. The 2016 Emissions Gap Report addresses the...

1 Gigaton Coalition Report: Renewable energy and energy efficiency in developing countries
Publication date 03 Nov 2016

Renewable energy and energy efficiency projects implemented in developing countries from 2005 to 2015 will reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by almost half a gigatonne by 2020, according to the second report by the 1 Gigaton Coalition. These reductions could more than double, reaching one gigatonne, if developed nations deliver on commitments made in Paris last year to provide $100 billion in annual climate financing for developing nations by 2020, finds the report. One gigatonne is roughly equivalent to the emissions generated by transport in the European Union (including aviation) over...

The Paris Agreement: resolving the inconsistency between global goals and national contributions
Publication date 02 Nov 2016

The adoption of the Paris Agreement in December 2015 moved the world a step closer to avoiding dangerous climate change. The aggregated individual intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) are not yet sufficient to be consistent with the long-term goals of the agreement of ‘holding the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C’ and ‘pursuing efforts’ towards 1.5°C. However, the Paris Agreement gives hope that this inconsistency can be resolved. We find that many of the contributions are conservative and in some cases may be overachieved. We also find that the...

Constructing the future: Will the building sector use its decarbonisation tools
Publication date 02 Nov 2016

The building sector accounts for around 20% of climate-changing emissions, and its energy demand is likely to double by mid-century without action, according to a Climate Action Tracker (CAT) analysis released today. While the technologies required to make new buildings zero-emissions are all available, the sector is not taking up those technologies as fast as it could and renovation rates are low. Delayed action would put pressure on other sectors to cut emissions, or require negative emissions to keep global warming within the Paris Agreement’s temperature limit. The building sector analysis...

Advancing nationally determined contributions (NDCs) through climate-friendly refrigeration and air conditioning: Guidance for policymakers
Publication date 01 Nov 2016

This guidance assists policymakers in designing national mitigation strategies for the refrigeration, air conditioning and foam (RAC&F) sector to meet the increasing ambition levels expected in revised NDCs. By aligning efforts taken under the two relevant international regimes, the UNFCCC and the Montreal Protocol, the RAC&F sector can make a significant contribution towards reaching the 2°C target, or even the 1.5°C target. Introduction: With the objective to hold the increase in global average temperature well below 2°C and the ambition to limit it to 1.5°C, parties to the United Nations...

Two Unconventional Options to Enhance Multilateral Climate Finance
Publication date 31 Oct 2016

NewClimate Institute contributed to a policy brief on ‘Two unconventional options to enhance multilateral climate finance’ under the European Capacity Building Initiative (ecbi). The brief considers two unconventional sources of finance to overcome the current challenges in multilateral climate finance and enhance predictability and magnitude: a ‘share of proceeds’ from national and sub-national emission trading schemes; and crowdfunding from corporate air passengers.

CDP Climate Change Report 2016
Publication date 25 Oct 2016

In light of the ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement, large potential for emission reductions exists in the corporate sector. An increasing number of companies are making commitments to contribute to the agreement’s long-term targets. The CDP Climate Change Report 2016, in collaboration with the We Mean Business coalition, presents carbon emissions and climate change mitigation data from a global sample of 1,089 companies. The first in an annual series, the report tracks companies’ progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement against this...

Co-benefits of climate action: Assessing Turkey's climate pledge
Publication date 20 Oct 2016

This report prepared by New Climate Institute and with Climate Action Network Europe’s contribution, aims at identifying for Turkey the co-benefits of policies compatible with climate change mitigation objectives for job creation, public health and dependency on energy imports. The analysis shows that if Turkey adopts a pathway that prioritizes renewable energy and energy efficiency in line with the 1.5°C and 2°C targets, it can considerably reduce energy import dependency, can create tens of thousands of qualified jobs in the renewable energy sector and can prevent thousands of premature...

What does the Paris Agreement mean for climate policy in the Netherlands?
Publication date 13 Oct 2016

In this study, we have translated the global ambition of the Paris Agreement into concrete sectoral targets applicable to the Netherlands. This has been done by comparing projected pathways of climate-relevant indicators from various authoritative literature sources to what would be needed in order to be compatible with the Paris Agreement’s long-term goals. The Netherlands faces a steep road ahead if the economy is to develop in a way that is compatible with the Paris Agreement. While promising developments have taken place in certain sectors - i.e. in transport, where the country is a...

As the Paris Agreement enters into force, the hard work starts now
Publication date 05 Oct 2016

05 October, NewClimate Institute Adoption of the Paris Agreement at COP 21 in Paris, December 2015 (Photo: Arnaud Bouissou - MEDDE / CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0). The new international climate change deal, the Paris Agreement, will enter into force just 11 months after its adoption. The record breaking timing of the ratification process demonstrates the extent to which national governments are serious about their commitment to the new Agreement. This is a historic step forward. Global climate change is now firmly established on the international agenda. The Agreement ushers in a shift to a complete phase...

Mit dem Inkrafttreten des Klimaschutzabkommens von Paris fängt die Arbeit erst an
Publication date 05 Oct 2016

05 Oktober, NewClimate Institute Verabschiedung der Paris Klimaschutzabkommen in Paris, December 2015 (Photo: Arnaud Bouissou - MEDDE / CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0). Read in English Das Klimaschutzabkommen von Paris tritt nur 11 Monaten nach der Verabschiedung in Kraft. Die Ratifizierung in Rekordzeit zeigt, dass es die nationalen Regierungen wirklich ernst meinen. Dies ist ein historischer Schritt. Internationaler, globaler Klimaschutz ist nun nicht mehr wegzudenken. Das Abkommen läutet den kompletten Ausstieg aus den fossilen Brennstoffen ein. Aber mit dem Inkrafttreten des Abkommens fängt die Arbeit...

Designing NAMAs to catalyze bankable low-carbon investments
Publication date 04 Oct 2016

With the historic Paris Agreement in place, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), together with the availability of new sources of climate finance, including the Green Climate Fund (GCF), lay the groundwork for ambitious, country-driven climate action. Achieving NDC goals will require substantial investments in support of low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure and most of those investments will come from the private sector. The challenge going forward will be to turn NDCs into transformational action on the ground in ways that can catalyze private sector investments. Nationally...

The road ahead: How do we move to cleaner car fleets
Publication date 16 Sep 2016

Download report Download press release Zero emission vehicles need to take over car market to reach 1.5°C limit: analysis Zero-emission vehicles need to reach a dominant market share by around 2035 for the world to meet the Paris Agreement’s lower warming limit of 1.5°C—and even that could be too late to avoid the need for significant negative emissions, according to new analysis by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT). This transformation of the passenger transport sector would also have to be accompanied by a decarbonisation of the power sector to ensure the electric vehicles (EV) are truly...

The road ahead: How do we move to cleaner car fleets
Publication date 16 Sep 2016

Zero emission vehicles need to take over car market to reach 1.5°C limit: analysis Zero-emission vehicles need to reach a dominant market share by around 2035 for the world to meet the Paris Agreement’s lower warming limit of 1.5°C—and even that could be too late to avoid the need for significant negative emissions, according to new analysis by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT). This transformation of the passenger transport sector would also have to be accompanied by a decarbonisation of the power sector to ensure the electric vehicles (EV) are truly emissions free. In the first of its...

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