831 results found

Use and build on what you have: Is a bilateral process suited to testing sectoral approaches that are based on the CDM?
Publication date 18 Nov 2014

The international carbon market is in a state of transition, moving away from project-based carbon market mechanisms like the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) towards new international mechanisms which have yet to be defined and finalised. The poor demand for carbon certificates and the uncertainty surrounding the design of a New Market Mechanism (NMM) hinders the initiation of new reduction activities in developing countries via the carbon market. In this current phase, bilateral agreements could provide a basis to allow immediate implementation of pilot projects which would allow practical...

Thomas Day

Thomas Day analyses carbon market mechanisms, corporate climate commitments and national level climate policy at NewClimate Institute. Thomas has more than 10 years of experience in the climate policy field. Thomas’ recent work on corporate net-zero targets and carbon neutrality claims – including his co-authorship of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor – has demonstrated the need for greater guidance and scrutiny in corporate climate planning and offsetting claims. Thomas’ extensive research on Kyoto-era market mechanisms contributed towards a significant global knowledge gap on the...

Hanna Fekete

Hanna oversees and supports projects that track and evaluate climate action of governments. She has over a decade of expertise in the quantification of the impact of policies on emissions, methods to identify Paris-compatible investments and supporting countries in developing and implementing mitigation action. She has led and contributed to numerous projects related to international climate policy for governments, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and international organizations. Hanna also follows the international climate negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate...

Markus Hagemann

Markus Hagemann has 15 years of experience in climate policy and energy sector analysis. An industrial engineer by training, Markus has expertise on a broad spectrum of issues related to quantitative and qualitative analysis with a focus on low carbon development and climate mitigation. He focuses on tracking and analyzing climate action as well as supporting countries in their climate compatible development agenda. Building on his in-depth knowledge of all energy sectors he has worked to advance policy agendas in a broad set of settings. Exemplary work includes analysis and assessment of...

Carsten Warnecke

Carsten Warnecke has deep long-standing expertise in international carbon markets and co-founded NewClimate Institute. With over fifteen years of on-the-ground experience he has led many research and consultancy projects for a variety of public and private sector clients. His recent research activities focus on the climate impact of ICAO’s CORSIA scheme, the implementation of Article 6 in line with the ambition of the Paris Agreement and the urgency of IPCC 1.5°C report as well as the piloting of Article 6 and ITMO transfers and offset credit supply potentials from CDM, VCS, Gold Standard and...

Frauke Röser

Frauke Roeser has two decades of experience in climate policy, sustainability and international development. Her work focuses on advancing the climate policy and sustainable development agenda as well as climate finance in developing countries. This spans the development of conceptual policy frameworks and strategies, designing sector specific policy responses and measures, building capacities along with institutional and governance structures on the ground. She has extensive experience directing and supporting projects in many parts of the world, collaborating with government and non...

Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne

Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne is an internationally renowned expert in climate policy with over 20 years of experience, participating in the international climate negotiations since 1995. He co-founded NewClimate Institute, where he oversees analysis on national and international climate policy and assumes various management roles.

Presentation: Global emission pathways towards 2°C target: Good practices for the preparation of INDCs
Venue Eastern Partnership Seminar on International Climate Negotiations
Date 13 Nov 2014

Niklas Höhne from NewClimate Institute presented good practices for the preparation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), compatible with global emission pathways towards the 2°C target.

NewClimate Institute assesses China's and US’ new climate targets
Publication date 13 Nov 2014

Within the Climate Action Tracker project, NewClimate Institute, Climate Analytics, PIK and Ecofys prepared an initial assessment of the recent announcements by the United States and China’s new pledges and proposals on emissions reductions for 2025 and 2030, in the context of the present international negotiations for a new climate agreement to be adopted at the end of 2015. The announcement of increased ambition by the biggest emitters China and the United States one year ahead of the Paris Climate Summit in 2015 is a very important political development. It begins to close the gap between...

Presentation: Assessing ambition of INDCs
Venue Regional Technical Dialogue (Mexico City)
Date 11 Nov 2014

NewClimate Institute presented the means of assessing ambition of INDCs. Presented by Markus Hagemann . See related Blog on Assessing Ambition of INDCs

Presentation: Wedging the gap: the role of non-CO2 greenhouse gases in ambitious emission reductions
Venue NCGG7
Date 06 Nov 2014

Niklas Höhne from NewClimate Institute presented the role of non-CO2 greenhouse gases in ambitious emissions reductions for climate change mitigation at the Seventh International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG7).

UNEP Emissions Gap Reports

Contribute to all annual editions of the UNEP emissions gap report. The CAT and the PBL climate policy modelling projects serve as key data sources.

How to assess the level of ambition of an intended nationally determined contribution
Publication date 29 Oct 2014

In preparation of the new international climate agreement to be adopted in Paris in 2015, all countries are asked to put offers on the table on how and how much they are willing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions after 2020, so called “intended nationally determined contributions” (INDCs). In order to achieve an ambitious and equitable agreement, INDCs of countries with similar circumstances will have to be judged by others to be equally ambitious. Illustrating that this is the case will be fundamental to the success of the new climate agreement, because countries will want to be sure...

Assessment of progress in policy implementation and emissions scenario analysis for major emitting economies

Provide analyses on the progress of major emitting countries towards their mitigation targets and on enhanced action scenarios to fill the emissions gap.

Governing NAMAs

Focussed on addressing governance challenges of NAMAs. Explored facilitation of international coordination and national diversity.

Accounting under a 2015 agreement

Provided recommendations on the design of a future transparent, and comparable accounting framework for all Parties.

ACT 2015

Developed potential propositions for what the climate agreement at COP21 could look like which was presented in a series of workshops.

Bilateral agreements as basis towards piloting sectoral market mechanisms

Assessed opportunities provided by bilateral agreements for piloting market-based approaches at sectoral levels.

Evaluating the state of the CDM

Evaluation of the state of CDM projects to form conclusions and the required level and means of international support.

Mitigation responsibilities under a 2015 international climate agreement

Analysed options for mitigation commitments under the climate agreement to determine ambitious emission reduction commitments.

Climate Action Tracker

An up-to-date assessment of individual country emission reduction pledges and policies, and compares to what is necessary to limit warming.

Development of a NAMA proposal for Peru

Supported the Peruvian government to develop a NAMA proposal in RE and climate change strategy to obtain international support.

Beyond pure offsetting: Assessing options to generate Net-Mitigation-Effects in carbon market mechanisms
Publication date 22 May 2014

The current project-based carbon market mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the Joint Implementation (JI) do not have a direct impact on global greenhouse gas emission levels, because they only replace or offset emissions. Nor do they contribute to host country׳s national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Contributions to net emission reductions in host countries is likely to become mandatory in new mechanisms under development such as in the framework for various approaches, a new market-based mechanism and even in a reformed JI. This research analysed the...

Improving Co-benefits and 'Triple Win' Impacts from Climate Action: The Role of Guidance Tools
Publication date 27 Apr 2014

This CDI Practice Paper addresses the role of tools in supporting interventions to achieve the ‘triple wins’ of adaptation, mitigation and development. Over recent years there has been a proliferation of guidance tools to support adaptation or mitigation, increasingly in a development context, but little work on the role tools play in helping to bridge the gap between these three areas in practice. Based on a review of tools in view of ‘climate compatible development’, the paper suggests key considerations for how tools could help achieve ‘triple wins’. They include: the importance of...

Are major economies on track to achieve their pledges for 2020? An assessment of domestic climate and energy policies
Publication date 01 Apr 2014

Many of the major greenhouse gas emitting countries have planned and/or implemented domestic mitigation policies, such as carbon taxes, feed-in tariffs, or standards. This study analyses whether the most effective national climate and energy policies are sufficient to stay on track for meeting the emission reduction proposals (pledges) that countries made for 2020. The analysis shows that domestic policies of India, China and Russia are projected to lead to lower emission levels than the pledged levels. Australia's and the EU's nationally legally binding policy framework is likely to deliver...

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