831 results found

Transition Towards a Decarbonised Electricity Sector
Publication date 02 Oct 2019

This paper develops a qualitative assessment framework that allows policy makers to understand the complexity of power sector transformation and to analyse their country’s position in the transformation process, including key challenges impacting the integration of vRES and examples for technically feasible solutions. Introduction: The global energy sector is undergoing a rapid and radical transition in the way energy is produced, distributed and consumed, a shift is motivated by the urgency to ensure secure energy supply, achieve sustainable development and limit climate change. Around two...

Bridging the Gap: Enhancing mitigation ambition and action at G20 level and globally
Publication date 23 Sep 2019

Ahead of the UN Climate Action Summit 2019, UNEP with support of NewClimate Institute has released an advance chapter of the flagship 2019 Emissions Gap Report, which notes that G20 members, who account for around 80 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, are not yet taking on transformative climate commitments at the breadth and scale necessary. The chapter titled “Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Mitigation Ambition and Action at G20 Level and Globally” notes that “the majority of G20 countries are not yet taking on transformative climate commitments at the necessary scale—if this does not...

A possible 2050 climate target for the EU
Publication date 23 Sep 2019

This study assesses the EU's 2050 target, i.e. halving global emissions by 2050 to be in line with 2°C, in today's setting to evaluate if the target, which was set ten years ago, is still appropriate and/or sufficient. It offers recommendations for the EU to aim for more ambitious targets. Key findings: The EU’s 2050 greenhouse gas reduction target of 80% to 95% from 1990 levels adopted 10 years ago is outdated as its basis has changed substantially. The global goal agreed in Paris in 2015 is more ambitious and pathways to that goal are now steeper not only because of the more ambitious goal...

Climate Action Tracker global update: Pledged action leads to 2.9°C - time to boost national climate action
Publication date 19 Sep 2019

The world is not on track to limit warming to 1.5°C and meet the Paris Agreement goals. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) estimates that under current policies, the world will exceed 1.5°C of warming around 2035, 2°C around 2053, and 3.2°C by the end of the century. If governments fully achieve the emissions cuts they have committed to, warming is likely to rise to 2.9°C – almost twice the 1.5°C limit they agreed in Paris. Under both of these scenarios, there is a 10% chance of exceeding 4°C by the end of the century - and even up to a 25% chance based on the higher end of the current policies...

Global climate action from cities, regions and businesses - 2019
Publication date 18 Sep 2019

This report is the second global analysis of local and regional government and corporate climate contributions, updating “Global Climate Action from Cities, Regions, and Companies” launched at the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit. The 2018 report established the strong potential of subnational and non-state actors to help avoid climate change. This year, we aim to inform the September 2019 UN Climate Action Summit on how mitigation by cities, regions and companies could help national governments boost their ambition beyond their current targets, to come in line with the Paris Agreement’s...

CORSIA: Analysis and evaluation of regulating international aviation emissions through offsetting

An assessment of CORSIA – proposed recommendations and evaluated potential sources of supply for offset credits.

Future role for voluntary carbon markets after 2020

An assessment of operating models for voluntary carbon markets, providing recommendations to maintain finance to emission reduction activities.

Analysis of pre-2020 developments in the global carbon market

Developed and applied a method to assess the vulnerability of existing project-based mitigation activities to discontinuing their abatement activity.

Lena Gentes

Lena Gentes supports NewClimate Institute in HR, she is responsible for recruitment, event coordination and office management as well as further administrative tasks. Prior to joining NewClimate Institute, Lena worked as a workplace coordinator in Australia. Lena holds a BA in Business Administration from the University of Trier. She has strong intercultural skills due to living abroad for over four years in Australia, the United States and Asia.

The Ambition Call - European Union
Publication date 09 Aug 2019

The ambition call provides concrete recommendations for the European Union for immediate climate action in response to the UN Secretary-General’s request for countries to: 1) present concrete, realistic plans that are compatible with the latest IPCC Special Report on global warming of 1.5°C, 2) enhance their NDCs by 2020 and 3) reduce GHG emissions by 45% over the next decade, and to net zero by 2050. Recommendations for other countries can be found on the Climate Transparency website . Abstract: The three recommended actions for the European Union are: Adopt goal of net-zero greenhouse gas...

Dr. Louise Jeffery

Dr. Louise Jeffery leads projects in the area of tracking climate action. She has nearly a decade of experience in climate change policy research, primarily in evaluating national mitigation efforts and commitments under the UNFCCC. She developed frameworks and methods to evaluate the sufficiency and fairness of individual governments contributions, and to determine whether the world is collectively on track to meet the Paris Agreement temperature limit. At NewClimate Institute, she is currently focusing on translating the Paris Agreement into sectoral and country specific needs for reducing...

How could the concept of an "overall mitigation in global emissions" (OMGE) be operationalized under the Paris Agreement?
Publication date 21 Jun 2019

The Paris Agreement's Article 6 establishes a new framework for using international car-bon market mechanisms. The primary objective of the approaches under Article 6 is to facilitate voluntary cooperation between Parties, to allow for higher ambition and to pro-mote sustainable development and environmental integrity. Moreover, Article 6.4 establishes the concept of delivering an "overall mitigation in global emissions" (OMGE). This paper addresses questions that have been raised in relation to OMGE. It draws on a study conducted by Lambert Schneider and NewClimate Institute.

Saving time and resources by aligning climate planning processes
Publication date 18 Jun 2019

This blogpost is based on a paper by NewClimate Institute. Navigating the various international climate change planning and reporting processes and linking these to domestic processes for sector-level decarbonisation planning can be an enormous challenge. Many climate-related planning and reporting processes have been started in a relatively short time, there are limited resources available, and time is of great importance. This blogpost shows how countries could consolidate multiple climate change planning processes and international climate commitments into one single process, ensuring...

Consolidation of climate planning processes in the Energy Community Contracting Parties
Publication date 18 Jun 2019

The objective of this guidance document is to provide Contracting Parties of the Energy Community with a concise and simple guidance on how they could consolidate their multiple climate change and energy planning processes and international obligations into one single process, ensuring efficiency and alignment. Introduction: Energy Community Contracting Parties –Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine– have committed to monitoring and reporting in the areas of renewables, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emissions by...

Virtual Article 6 Pilots

These virtual pilots are intended to be mitigation pilot activities based on real-world contexts, which could be implemented in the future.

Sustainable development framework for market mechanisms

Provides an identification of practical solutions and concrete proposals for the implementation of SD indicators in GHG mitigation projects.

Serious issues in the negotiations on international carbon markets (Article 6) must be addressed to avoid undermining the Paris Agreement
Publication date 14 Jun 2019

Climate negotiators reconvene in Bonn for two weeks from 17th June 2019 to continue discussions on the details for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. An issue area that lacked consensus during the 2018 COP24 in Katowice, the nuts and bolts of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, will be a major focus of negotiations at the upcoming session. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement establishes a framework that facilitates voluntary cooperation between countries in the implementation of their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) “to allow for higher ambition in countries’ mitigation and...

Event: Offsetting emissions under CORSIA - Analysing the potential supply of credits
Venue Innovate4Climate
Date 04 Jun 2019

Carsten Warnecke presented on "Offsetting emissions under CORSIA - Analysing the potential supply of credits" at Innovate4Climate in June 2019.

A ten point agenda for delivering higher mitigation ambition
Publication date 14 Jun 2019

The paper formulates 10 points for mitigation ambition and includes recommendations on ways to support ambition raising through international cooperation. Introduction: All governments have committed to the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement. The findings of IPCC 1.5 Special Report (IPCC 1.5SR) illustrate the climate impacts and risks associated with exceeding 1.5°C and clearly underscore that greater ambition is urgently needed to achieve this limit as current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are inconsistent with Paris compatible pathways. This has implications for the role of...

NewClimate Institute at the Bonn UNFCCC meetings in June 2019
Publication date 12 Jun 2019

From June 17 - 27, the Bonn Climate Change Conference SB 50 took place. NewClimate Institute was present with multiple events, and released several related publications. Find all information about it here. Events Events with NewClimate Institute participation: View webcast recording Press Conference: Climate Action Tracker - presentation of the latest developments In this press conference, we presented the updated country assessments, and a briefing paper that summarises the most crucial developments. We also welcomed participants from outside of media, but please note that journalists got to...

NDC Update Report June 2019: Sector decarbonisation pathways from different angles: technology, modelling, politics
Publication date 12 Jun 2019

To reach the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, most countries will need to reduce emissions to net-zero in 2050 or shortly thereafter. This report considers this challenge from a sector perspective, examining decarbonisation from several different angles. For the following five key sectors: power, industry, transport, buildings, and agriculture, forestry and other land-use, it highlights the leading mitigation options and their implications for longer-term planning. The report further describes how modelling and developing scenarios can support mitigation planning, and how...

GHG mitigation policies in major emitting countries: an overview of recently adopted policies - 2019 update
Publication date 06 Jun 2019

This document presents an overview of climate and energy policies mostly adopted between July 2018 and May 2019 in 25 countries and regions. The policy information compiled by NewClimate Institute, PBL and IIASA in this document supplements the December 2018 report on the projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under currently implemented policies and mitigation commitments (Kuramochi et al., 2018). Key findings: This document provides an overview of about 50 policies that were adopted or under development between July 2018 and May 2019 in 25 selected countries and that may have significant...

Bringing climate policy up to date – decreasing cost projections for renewable energy and batteries and their implications (case study Canada)
Publication date 27 May 2019

This case study presents the potential impact of lower battery and renewable energy costs projections in Canada's NDC emissions target. Main findings The costs for renewable electricity generation and electric vehicles have dropped since the NDCs were developed, and future cost projections also decreased as a result. Wachsmuth and Anatolitis (2018) suggest a simple method to estimate increased RE capacities and EV penetration resulting from these cost decreases. The method assumes that lower battery costs lead to a higher market uptake of EVs and that the savings from decreased RE capacity...

Nordic opportunities to provide leadership in the Global Climate Action Agenda
Publication date 22 May 2019

The Global Climate Action Agenda (GCAA) covers a wealth of cooperative action between governments, cities, businesses, non-governmental organisations and citizens. Non-state climate initiatives under the GCAA represent a key means to rapidly bridge the gaps in current climate action. This report identifies some 300 international cooperative initiatives worldwide, noting Nordic stakeholders among the most active participants within these initiatives. The analysis recommends continued Nordic support for initiatives with strong commitments to effective and transparent action. It also filters out...

Analysing the interactions between new market mechanisms and emissions trading schemes: Opportunities and prospects for countries to use Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
Publication date 24 Apr 2019

The project that is summarised in this report had a twofold objective. First, it aimed to conduct a detailed analysis of the provisions related to market mechanisms of the Paris Agreement (Article 6), and to identify issues that should be taken into account when elaborating the rulebook for the Paris Agreement. Second, it switched the perspective from a global discussion towards country-specific research with an aim to answer the question whether different countries are ready for engaging with market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. To answer this question, the focus was placed on three...

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