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The EU can increase its climate targets to be in line with a global 1.5°C target
Publication date 04 May 2018

This project analyses best practice policies across Europe and how far extending them to all EU member states could support EU Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and energy targets. Key messages: The study finds that the EU can go much further than its current commitments in terms of GHG reductions: it has the potential to reach -55% to -62% below 1990 by 2030, consistent with the Paris commitment of staying “well below 2°C, pursuing 1.5°C”. The key to realize these reductions is to apply EU-wide the best practice policies identified in various Member States including The Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Germany...

Paris Tango. Climate action so far in 2018: individual countries step forward, others backward, risking stranded coal assets
Publication date 03 May 2018

The Climate Action Tracker has updated our assessments of 23 of the 32 countries whose development on climate action we track. While some progress has been made since November, most governments’ policies are still not on track towards meeting their Paris Agreement commitments, many of which are in themselves far from sufficient to keep warming to the agreed 1.5˚C warming limit. Our assessments point to an urgent need for governments to scale up both their policies and targets to bring them more in line with a pathway to limiting warming to 1.5˚C. Summary of progress across countries: Renewable...

Achieving the ambition of Paris: Designing the global stocktake
Publication date 01 May 2018

The Project for Advancing Climate Transparency (PACT) consortium supports the design and development of robust and effective transparency and accountability rules and processes for the Paris Agreement on climate change. This working paper explores the global stocktake created by the Paris Agreement and the design of the modalities, procedures, and guidelines that will govern the implementation of the global stocktake. Highlights: The global stocktake established under Article 14 of the Paris Agreement is a process for taking stock of collective progress toward achieving the purpose of the...

Update: GHG mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries - an overview of recently adopted policies
Publication date 30 Apr 2018

NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and IIASA present an overview of on climate and energy policies in 25 major emitting countries and regions that have been adopted since July 2017. The policy information compiled by in this document supplements the earlier 2017 update report on the projected greenhouse gas emissions under currently implemented policies and mitigation commitments in 25 countries and regions. Not only the qualitative descriptions of policies but also their possible implications on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions projections in 2030 are provided...

NewClimate's Input to the Talanoa dialogue
Publication date 24 Apr 2018

The outputs from research activities that NewClimate Institute undertook with various partners, are presented as inputs to the Talanoa Dialogue, organised along the themes mitigation and finance/support and along the main questions of the dialogue: “Where are we?”, “Where do we need to be?” and “How do we get there?”.

Ten key short-term sectoral benchmarks to limit warming to 1.5°C
Publication date 06 Dec 2017

This article identifies and quantifies the 10 most important benchmarks for climate action to be taken by 2020 – 2025 to keep the window open for a 1.5°C-consistent GHG emission pathway. Abstract We conducted a comprehensive review of existing emissions scenarios, scanned all sectors and the respective necessary transitions, and distilled the most important short-term benchmarks for action in line with the long-term perspective of the required global low-carbon transition. Owing to the limited carbon budget, combined with the inertia of existing systems, global energy economic models find only...

The Climate Change Performance Index 2018
Publication date 15 Nov 2017

Developed by NewClimate Institute, Germanwatch and CAN, the index ties in with the global Climate Change Performance Index by Germanwatch, a rating of the 58 largest emitters of GHG emissions globally that has been published annually since 2006. Description Recognizing the urgency to take immediate action in protecting the global climate, the 21st Conference of the Parties, held in December 2015 in Paris, made a groundbreaking achievement in adopting the goal to limit global warming to “well below” 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. Under the Paris Agreement, for the first...

Countries start to explain how their climate contributions are fair: more rigour needed
Publication date 07 Nov 2017

In the lead-up to the Paris Agreement, every country was invited to submit an intended nationally determined contribution (INDC), and indicate how it is fair. We analyse how countries have explained the equity of mitigation and adaptation in 163 INDCs, providing a bottom-up analysis of equity to complement a literature that has focused on top-down allocations. While no single indicator of equity was used by all INDCs, a menu of quantified indicators or tiered approaches could provide bounded flexibility across different national circumstances. The most common equity indicator used in...

The Emissions Gap Report 2017: A UN Environment Synthesis Report
Publication date 01 Nov 2017

The goal of the Paris Agreement on climate change, as agreed at the Conference of the Parties in 2015, is to keep global temperature rise this century to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. It also calls for efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The UN Environment Emissions Gap Report 2017 presents an assessment of current national mitigation efforts and the ambitions countries have presented in their Nationally Determined Contributions, which form the foundation of the Paris Agreement. What’s new in this year’s report? This year...

Greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries - 2017
Publication date 01 Nov 2017

This new report by NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas emissions in 25 major emitting countries/regions up to 2030, taking into account the emission trajectories based on current policies and the implementation of intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) and nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The study concludes that 16 out of the 25 countries and regions analysed are not on track to achieve the NDC targets they have set...

States, cities and businesses leading the way: a first look at decentralized climate commitments in the US
Publication date 13 Sep 2017

Authored by NewClimate Institute and The Climate Group and powered by CDP data, ‘States, cities and businesses leading the way: a first look at decentralized climate commitments in the US ’ shows that the US can already meet half of its climate commitments under the Paris Agreement by 2025, if the 342 commitments included in the analysis are implemented. This report provides the first steps in helping to quantify the contribution of states, cities and business to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions. As more and more commitments emerge, further analysis will be undertaken within the Initiative...

Climate Change Performance Index 2017 - G20 edition
Publication date 06 Jul 2017

Developed by NewClimate Institute and Germanwatch, the index ties in with the global Climate Change Performance Index by Germanwatch, a rating of the 58 largest emitters of GHG emissions globally that has been published annually since 2006. This special edition now focuses on the 20 largest economies (G20). The methodology was also adjusted. As was the case previously, the four categories examined are: emissions (40%), energy use (20%), renewable energy (20%) and climate policy (20%). The latter is based on expert assessments by NGOs and think tanks from the respective countries. Recognizing...

Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor 2017
Publication date 29 Jun 2017

The Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor ranks G20 member states on their current attractiveness as potential destinations for investments in low-carbon electricity infrastructure. It further considers their current and future investment needs in line with a trajectory compatible with the 2°C/1.5°C temperature limits of the Paris Agreement. Key findings: Renewable energy gusto in emerging markets… 2016 was a year of impressive solar PV installations in the G20. On average, G20 countries installed 50% more solar PV last year than in 2015. New installations for wind decreased by 24%, although from...

Deep Dive - What do current policy developments in China, India and the US mean for investing in renewables? (Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor)
Publication date 20 Apr 2017

The Allianz Climate & Energy Monitor Deep Dive aims to inform investors and policy-makers on the scale of investments needed in China, India and the US to be in line with the Paris goals; and what recent developments, especially regarding the leadership change in the US, mean for investing in renewable power in the future. Key findings: Investments in China and the US need to roughly double, in India even triple, to remain within the Paris Agreement warming limit. Renewable power investments will need to rapidly grow in the coming two decades to be in line with the Paris Agreement targets...

2020: The Climate Turning Point
Publication date 10 Apr 2017

“2020: The Climate Turning Point” - the campaign will highlight why the 2020 turning point is necessary, and importantly how it can be realistically achieved, thanks to exponentially growing climate action. The new report, a collaboration between Yale University, Carbon Tracker and Climate Action Tracker (a consortium of Ecofys, New Climate Institute and Climate Analytics), with a contribution by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, summarises the most up to date scientific basis for urgent action to reduce carbon emissions and provides a roadmap of action to 2020. What needs to...

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