Reena Skribbe's work focuses on analysing sustainable development impacts, the use of carbon credits and other carbon pricing instruments, and assessing the climate pledges of major companies. She has built up expertise in the energy sector with a focus on South-East Asian economies. Recent work includes:  developing a tool to identify the finance needs to implement the objectives the just energy transition partnership (JETP) in Indonesia; and assessing the mitigation potential of international carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Reena is also part of the team working on the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, evaluating corporate net-zero targets, and has developed guidance on ‘climate contributions’, setting out an alternative approach to offsetting. Reena holds an MSc in Environmental Economics and Climate Change from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a BSc in Economics from the University of Cologne.  


Identifying finance needs for a just transformation of Indonesia’s power sector
Publication date 21 Feb 2024

An analysis using the Just Energy Transition Finance Needs tool // JET-FIN Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership (or ’JETP’)...

Shifting voluntary climate finance to the high hanging fruit of climate action
Publication date 21 Jul 2023

The high hanging fruit of mitigation potential refers to the technologies and measures to decarbonise emission sources that remain...

A guide to climate contributions: Taking responsibility for emissions without offsetting
Publication date 05 Jul 2023

This document aims to help address a growing demand for guidance on how companies can take responsibility for their emissions by...

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023
Publication date 13 Feb 2023

For the 2024 iteration of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, click here. The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor...

No more fuel to the fire
Publication date 11 Nov 2022

From energy crisis to transition in Southeast Asia The global energy crisis has exposed weaknesses in energy systems across Southeast...

Finance needs for Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership

Indonesia announced a Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) with the G7, Denmark and Norway at the G20 summit, hosted in Bali in...

Increasing transparency and integrity of corporate climate pledges

NewClimate Institute is partnering with Carbon Market Watch to address key gaps in the evolving landscape of corporate climate pledges...

Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia (SEA) is the fastest developing region in the world with an energy demand projected to grow by 70% in the next 20 years...

COMPASS toolbox

The Climate action Outcomes and Mitigation Policy Assessment “COMPASS” toolbox is a selection of climate scenario modelling tools...

AIRPOLIM-ES (Air Pollution Impact Model for Electricity Supply)

The AIRPOLIM-ES is an accessible, Excel-based tool that estimates the health impacts of air pollution from different sources of...

EIM-ES (Economic Impact Model for Electricity Supply)

The EIM-ES is a transparent, Excel-based tool that estimates the domestic employment impacts of investments in the electricity supply...

Responses to the global energy crisis: CASE country Indonesia
Venue Online, ISEW 2022
Date 14 Oct 2022
Start time 05:30 am

The First Indonesia Sustainable Energy Week (ISEW) 2022 was a hybrid event to host the Indonesia Energy Transition Dialogue (IETD) and...

Walking the tightrope of Indonesia's energy transition: Boosting jobs or leaving coal communities behind?
Publication date 08 Nov 2023

As the Government of Indonesia prepares to publicly launch its first iteration of plans to deliver on the goals of the Just Energy...

Reaction: Apple unveils its first carbon neutral products
Publication date 14 Sep 2023

Q&A with Thomas Day and Reena Skribbe from NewClimate Institute – 14 September 2023 Apple announced its first carbon neutral products...

FAQs - Climate contributions
Publication date 05 Jul 2023

In our document " A guide to climate contributions: Taking responsibility for emissions without offsetting" we aim to help address a...

The climate and health double dividend
Publication date 30 May 2022

GO TO THE AIRPOLIM TOOL Accelerating the global coal phase-out can prevent millions of premature deaths from poor air quality An early...

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