99 results found

COP27: The carbon market debate: are carbon credits necessary to achieve net-zero?
Venue COP27, IETA BusinessHub, Side Event Room
Date 10 Nov 2022
Start time 09:00

This session featured diverse voices debating whether carbon credits and offsets are necessary to achieve net-zero emissions. A panel of leading practitioners, researchers and experts shared views and insights on this fundamental climate policy and carbon pricing dilemma. The audience provided a final verdict. Speakers: Carsten Warnecke - New Climate Institute Stefano De Clara - ICAP Maggie Comstock - Pollination Gilles Dufrasne - Carbon Market Watch Moderator: Kate Abnett - Reuters

Urgent need for regulatory intervention to turn the tide on misleading corporate climate pledges
Publication date 03 Nov 2022

This blog discusses the issues with corporate net-zero pledges and existing voluntary initiatives

Navigating Energy Transitions: Mapping the road to 1.5°C
Publication date 21 Oct 2022

NewClimate Institute led the analysis in Chapter 5.3 of the report on the status quo of corporate net-zero target setting. Based on a review of recently published literature, the analysis finds that existing corporate net-zero targets typically suffer from a lack of ambition and have other severe shortcomings.

Corporate net-zero commitments: PR stunt or part of the solution?
Venue Online, ClientEarth Summit 2022
Date 11 Oct 2022
Start time 11:00

Over the last 18 months, companies have been eager to announce their net-zero commitments. Business evangelists laud the green ambition of corporate leaders, while the cynics say it's just greenwash. Join a wide-ranging panel of experts to explore how credible the claims are, and what might happen if they turn out to be a PR stunt.

Evaluating corporate target setting in the Netherlands
Publication date 05 Jul 2022

In this publication, we scrutinise the climate pledges of leading corporations active in the Netherlands. We review the targets and actions of 29 companies: eight financial institutions and 21 businesses with their main activities in the ‘real economy’.

Major Dutch companies’ climate pledges fall short of what is needed for Paris Agreement
Publication date 05 Jul 2022

Berlin, 5 July 2022 – New analysis published today shows that major Dutch companies only commit to reduce their emissions by 19% by 2030 on average, falling far short of the requirement to halve emissions by 2030 according to this year’s IPCC’s Sixth Assessment report. This is the first comprehensive analysis of 29 Dutch companies and financial institutions based on a study commissioned by Milieudefensie. The research was conducted by NewClimate Institute and evaluates 21 companies operating in the real economy and 8 financial institutions to determine the transparency and integrity of their...

Press conference: Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Venue Online
Date 07 Feb 2022

Thomas Day and Silke Mooldijk presented the findings of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022 at a joint virtual press conference together with Carbon Market Watch on 7 February 2022. Go to the Q&A with the authors

Q&A with the authors: Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Publication date 07 Feb 2022

Companies around the world are increasingly alert to the climate emergency, facing calls from a growing range of stakeholders to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their activities. The rapid acceleration of corporate climate pledges means that it is more difficult than ever to distinguish between real climate leadership and unsubstantiated greenwashing. In this blogpost the lead authors of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor – Thomas Day, Silke Mooldijk, Sybrig Smit – shared their perspectives on questions related to the analysis, and its implications. You can also...

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Publication date 07 Feb 2022

Assesses the climate strategies of 25 major global companies. It critically analyses the extent to which they demonstrate corporate climate leadership.

Press Release – Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Publication date 07 Feb 2022

The headline climate pledges of 25 of the world’s largest companies in reality only commit to reduce their emissions by 40% on average, not 100% as suggested by their “net zero” and “carbon neutral” claims, according to a new analysis. These are the findings of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor released today, conducted by NewClimate Institute in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch. I

Switzerland’s bilateral agreements to offset their emissions set a poor precedent for ambition ahead of COP26
Publication date 28 Oct 2021

Switzerland has reached agreements with Georgia, Peru, Senegal and Ghana to support the implementation of low-hanging fruit climate change mitigation. In return, the countries will transfer the mitigation outcomes to Switzerland to help it meet its national target under the Paris Agreement.

Online event: The potential impact of transitioning CDM units and activities to the Paris Agreement
Venue Online
Date 21 Oct 2021

Harry Fearnehough (NewClimate) and Lambert Schneider (Öko Institut) presented updated research on the potential supply of credits from the CDM portfolio under a range of scenarios and highlight critical implications of possible policy decisions under consideration, for Article 6 and the wider Paris Agreement goals.

Increasing transparency and integrity of corporate climate pledges

The main aim is to develop robust, evidence-based research and advocacy to help facilitate credible, transparent corporate climate action and pledges.

Appraising policy choices for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Explores the potential global net emission reductions achieved through Article 6 and the revenue generated to help meet the adaptation needs.

Analysis of options for determining OMGE, SOP and Transition within Article 6
Publication date 31 May 2021

Rules for the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement are still under negotiation at the international level, with a key focus on reaching consensus at COP26 in Glasgow. This report aims to inform this policy making process. It explores three key unresolved issues that are closely interrelated and that have potential to impact the global net emission reductions achieved through Article 6 as well as the amount of revenues generated to help meet the adaptation needs of particularly vulnerable developing countries. Summary: The report explores the potential quantitative implications of...

Results-Based Finance in the Paris Era
Publication date 16 Dec 2020

In order to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement, it is essential to rapidly move from a zero-sum offsetting approach towards rapid transitions to decarbonise all emitting sectors. Though originally developed for offsetting, using aspects of carbon market mechanisms to deliver results-based finance can have an important role in climate change mitigation and climate finance mobilisation goals. Such finance can either go towards helping host countries achieve their NDCs or in order to create an overall climate benefit. Various aspects and infrastructure built for carbon markets can be used as...

Indicators for the promotion of sustainable development in carbon market mechanisms
Publication date 03 Dec 2020

This report assesses options for the effective implementation of sustainable development impact assessment, in the context of climate change mitigation mechanisms such as those of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. To ensure that these mechanisms contribute to sustainable development in the host country, it is necessary to measure this effect. The results of the project show how and which indicators at project level can be used in a targeted manner for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV). In this way, tools are made available to decision-makers and project developers in voluntary and...

Indicators for sustainable development under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
Publication date 03 Dec 2020

This report analyses how the role of sustainable development can be strengthened in the process of further designing the mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The paper reflects on the experience with sustainable development in past and current market mechanisms and describes to what extent countries agreed on sustainable development issues in multilateral instruments and institutions outside the UNFCCC. Based on the current negotiating draft texts (SBSTA 50 from June 2019, as well as CMA2 from December 2019), recommendations are put forward on how to anchor sustainable...

Analysis of current developments in global carbon markets
Publication date 02 Dec 2020

The major aim of this research project was to provide insights on the state of current carbon market activities and options for supporting the continuation of new and existing mitigation activities in the pre-2020 period. This report contains a summary of the findings and combined conclusions from all analysis components addressed within the project. Main findings: In an analysis of CDM project vulnerability for major project types in key countries, we assessed the risk that projects would cease continuation of their GHG abatement without significant CER revenues. In this context, we conducted...

Considerations for Article 6 engagement
Publication date 26 Nov 2020

The new context of the Paris Agreement - particularly the universal commitment to regularly make increasingly ambitious contributions towards the global effort - present new challenges for carbon market stakeholders, especially for host countries. This guide proposes a number of considerations which countries hosting emission reduction activities should take into account when engaging in carbon markets under the Paris Agreement. It looks especially at how carbon market engagement relates to other aspects of national climate policy making and the fulfilment of commitments under the Paris regime...

Setting Incentives for Emission Reductions in Developing Countries: The Case of Social Housing in Colombia
Publication date 26 Nov 2020

Colombia faces a number of challenges including growing need for social housing in metropolitan areas driven by accelerating urbanisation associated with a growing electricity demand as well as increasing hydroelectric uncertainty as a result of changes in the el Niño weather phenomenon. At the same time, Colombia actively implementing its NDC under the Paris Agreement. These include measures to improve energy efficiency in the residential sector overall. Policies for renewable electricity, building codes, and appliance energy performance standards all play a role in these efforts. However...

CDM supply potential for emission reductions up to the end of 2020
Publication date 25 Nov 2020

The transition of CERs issued under the CDM for use by Parties towards their NDCs is a key outstanding issue for Article 6 negotiations at the UNFCCC. To inform the ongoing negotiations, we set out estimates of the potential CER supply by two groups of modelling teams, from research institutes in Japan and Germany. This paper presents an updated analysis of the potential supply of CERs issued for emission reductions occurring in the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2020 based on a selection of possible restrictions for their transition. Main...

Future role for voluntary carbon markets in the Paris era
Publication date 24 Nov 2020

The end of 2020 marks a fundamental change in the global governance of greenhouse gas emissions with the shift from the Kyoto Protocol era to that of the Paris Agreement. This has important implications for the future role and the feasible models of the voluntary carbon market. In this report – commissioned by the German Emission Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) – we analyse a number of options and offer key recommendations on the future role for voluntary carbon markets after 2020. Main findings: A critical focus of our analysis is whether and how “double...

Analysis and assessment of the design of an offsetting system for international aviation
Publication date 24 Nov 2020

This final report covers the results from a research project led by Öko-Institut and jointly conducted with other international experts such as from the Stockholm Environment Institute. The project was initiated against the background that policy-makers at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are considering the detailed rules of a scheme to address carbon dioxide emissions from international aviation: the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). Main findings: This research project analyses matters that are critical for implementing CORSIA...

Navigating the nuances of net-zero targets
Publication date 22 Oct 2020

This report analyses the momentum of targets for net-zero emissions across companies, cities and regions worldwide. We seek to unravel the ambiguity of net-zero targets to better enable the identification of truly ambitious actors and enhance support towards them. We offer recommendations for increasing target transparency with the aim of achieving greater accountability and ambition. Main Findings: 1. Net zero momentum is accelerating: The number of net-zero pledges from cities regions and companies has roughly doubled in less than a year since late 2019 As of October 2020, actors with net...

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