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Emissions scenarios for major economies: 2022 update
Publication date 10 Oct 2022

Few countries improved their NDCs since 2021 Glasgow call to update targets. Out of the 25 countries analysed, 11 are on track and 14 are off track to meet their current NDCs. Iran and Türkiye are yet to submit updated NDC targets.

Climate Audit of German Foreign Policy
Publication date 06 Oct 2022

This report describes key elements that constitute a coherent, consistent and ambitious foreign climate policy, assesses the German government’s climate relevant foreign policy and gives recommendations on how German foreign relations and finance can better align with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement.

Evaluation of manure management alternatives in Georgia
Publication date 28 Sep 2022

This study presents an in-depth analysis that explores different options in which manure management systems can be implemented in the Georgia-specific context. The study also considers the feasibility of these options in light of national circumstances.

International Thematic Study on the Global Stocktake
Publication date 02 Sep 2022

This report aims to respond to the research question: How do we understand progress on mitigation and adaptation actions in five countries? How might such actions enable countries to shift to pathways to more sustainable development and how can such shifts be supported by consistent finance flows (Art 2.1c) and provision of finance (Art 9)? What might be the role of the global stocktake in strengthening national action and international cooperation?

What is a fair emissions budget for the Netherlands?
Publication date 29 Aug 2022

This report assesses the proposed target pathway of the Netherlands’ government in the context of the required global efforts and the country’s historical responsibility and capability, which are both key principles of the international efforts against climate change and the Paris Agreement. The analysis finds that the Netherlands’ proposed target pathway of a 55%/70%/80% reduction below 1990 by 2030/2035/2040 and greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 cannot be considered fully compatible with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C limit.

G20 emission projections to 2030 improved slightly since the Paris Agreement
Publication date 15 Jul 2022

Research shows the emission projections to 2030 for the G20 improved slightly but remain insufficient to meet Paris Agreement temperature goals.

Evaluating corporate target setting in the Netherlands
Publication date 05 Jul 2022

In this publication, we scrutinise the climate pledges of leading corporations active in the Netherlands. We review the targets and actions of 29 companies: eight financial institutions and 21 businesses with their main activities in the ‘real economy’.

Updated NDCs collectively raise ambition levels but need strengthening
Publication date 21 Jun 2022

This journal article shows that updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs) collectively raise ambition levels but need strengthening further to keep Paris goals within reach.

Net Zero Stocktake 2022
Publication date 13 Jun 2022

The Net Zero Stocktake 2022 report shows that target-setting momentum continues and measures of quality are improving, but also that an alarming lack of credibility pervades the entire landscape.

Introducing performance distributions to visualise collective progress towards mitigation goals of the Paris Agreement
Publication date 09 Jun 2022

Visualising country progress as performance distributions fulfils the GST’s criteria of evaluating collective progress while communicating that not all countries are the same.

CAT Briefing: Global reaction to energy crisis risks zero carbon transition
Publication date 08 Jun 2022

The world is going through a major energy crisis as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. At the same time, the next few years are critical for climate action—a last chance to keep the 1.5°C temperature limit within reach. So far, governments have largely failed to seize their chance to rearrange their energy supplies away from fossil fuels, the latest Climate Action Tracker briefing finds. Instead, we are witnessing a global “gold rush” for new fossil gas production, pipelines and liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities. This risks locking us into another high-carbon decade and keeping the...

CAT Briefing: Despite Glasgow climate target updates have stalled
Publication date 03 Jun 2022

Despite the clear warning on the extreme dangers of exceeding 1.5°C warming from the IPCC, progress on new, more ambitious 2030 climate targets and participation in sectoral initiatives have stalled since COP26 in Glasgow, the latest Climate Action Tracker briefing finds. This goes against the clear agreement of the Glasgow Pact to update national 2030 climate targets in 2022. Without increased government action, the world will still emit twice the greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 than is allowed under the 1.5°C limit of the Paris Agreement. The world is heading to a warming of 2.4°C with 2030...

Natural gas in Africa
Publication date 30 May 2022

Why fossil fuels cannot sustainably meet the continent’s growing energy demand Natural gas is on the rise globally & in Africa Fossil fuel use is on the rise, with 70% of the increase in fossil CO 2 emissions projected to come from natural gas by 2030 if current policies are not strengthened to align with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C. To meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement: No new investments should be made into natural gas exploration and production. Unabated gas-fired power generation needs to be phased out by 2050 globally, and in many countries by 2040...

Landscape for mitigation action and finance in Georgia’s agriculture sector
Publication date 01 Apr 2022

This report presents a comprehensive mapping of mitigation options available in the subsector, mitigation potential, abatement costs, key barriers of uptake, financing options, and applicability to the Georgian context.

Landscape for mitigation and finance in Georgia’s urban mobility sector
Publication date 01 Apr 2022

This report presents a comprehensive mapping of mitigation options available in the subsector, mitigation potential, abatement costs, key barriers of uptake, financing options, and applicability to the Georgian context.

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