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Decarbonisation in the global steel sector: tracking the progress
Publication date 02 Dec 2022

We evaluate the progress of the global steel sector towards decarbonisation through identifying and monitoring key progress indicators aligned with latest literature and assessing, and quantifying emission reduction targets and implementation plans of steel companies.

Making finance consistent with climate goals?
Publication date 16 Nov 2022

One year after the founding of GFANZ, this report takes stock of asset owners and managers climate commitments, how asset management decisions relate to emissions in the real economy, and what institutional investors are doing to implement their climate strategies.

Net Zero Tracker: Recommendations and current realities
Publication date 15 Nov 2022

Evaluating how regions, cities and large companies are tracking against the recent UN Expert Group's recommendations on the net zero targets of non-state entities.

The Climate Change Performance Index 2023
Publication date 14 Nov 2022

Developed by Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and CAN, the CCPI analyses and compares climate change mitigation efforts across 59 countries (plus EU as a whole). Together these countries account for 90 percent of global emissions. The index aims to enhance transparency in international climate politics and enable comparison of mitigation efforts and progress made by individual countries.

Global Climate action 2022: Landscape, performance, and potential of international initiatives
Publication date 11 Nov 2022

We find that the overall performance of existing initiatives has declined in recent years. The new sector initiatives launched around COP26 have large emission reduction potential, but strong political leadership, effective progress tracking and implementation on the ground are required to realise the potential.

No more fuel to the fire
Publication date 11 Nov 2022

This report was developed under the Clean and Affordable Energy for Southeast Asia (CASE) project, analysing the impacts and long-term policy implications of the global energy crisis on Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

CAT Global Update: Massive gas expansion risks overtaking positive climate policies
Publication date 10 Nov 2022

New Climate Action Tracker analysis finds that the goldrush for gas continues and is counterproductive to the Paris Agreement.

Coal phase-out and just transitions
Publication date 10 Nov 2022

We examine the impact of coal transitions on workers, communities, and corporations in several European countries and explore the processes, policies, and programmes implemented to manage the transition, drawing lessons for our partners in China.

Long-term scenarios of Thai energy transition and socioeconomic implications
Publication date 08 Nov 2022

This report analyses key transition strategies in power, transport, and industry sectors that steer the Thai energy sector towards a carbon neutral pathway. The long-term term energy scenarios suggest that decarbonizing the energy sector is not only feasible but would also bring benefits to Thai economy, increase energy security, strengthen environmental sustainability, and reduce air pollution and health-related impacts.

NewClimate Institute at COP27
Publication date 31 Oct 2022

The 27th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC took place from 7 November - 17 November 2022. NewClimate Institute was present in Sharm el-Sheikh participating in multiple events and releasing new analyses.

Aligning Policy-Based Finance with the Paris Agreement
Publication date 27 Oct 2022

Various public development banks provide countries with unearmarked budget support associated with various policy reforms through a lending instrument known as policy-based lending. These banks have not yet adopted an approach on how to align this lending with the Paris Agreement and current practice does not prevent undermining countries’ just transitions to global carbon neutrality by 2050. This paper discusses this lending type and provides recommendations for reform.

The Emissions Gap Report 2022
Publication date 27 Oct 2022

As climate impacts intensify, the Emissions Gap Report 2022 "The Closing Window – Climate crisis calls for rapid transformation of societies" finds that the world is still falling short of the Paris climate goals, with no credible pathway to 1.5°C in place. Only an urgent system-wide transformation can avoid an accelerating climate disaster. The report looks at how to deliver this transformation, through action in the electricity supply, industry, transport and buildings sectors, and the food and financial systems.

State of Climate Action 2022
Publication date 26 Oct 2022

This report assesses progress across 40 indicators of systems change and finds that none are on track to reach their 2030 targets.

Navigating Energy Transitions: Mapping the road to 1.5°C
Publication date 21 Oct 2022

NewClimate Institute led the analysis in Chapter 5.3 of the report on the status quo of corporate net-zero target setting. Based on a review of recently published literature, the analysis finds that existing corporate net-zero targets typically suffer from a lack of ambition and have other severe shortcomings.

Transforming the Ulaanbaatar Heating Sector – Technology options for decarbonisation
Publication date 11 Oct 2022

This study aims to assess available technologies to decarbonise the heating supply of Ulaanbaatar. Based on already existing research identifying decarbonisation technology portfolios heavily reliant on electrification, we investigate which additional novel heating technologies with lower electricity consumption are available for extreme cold climates, and what implications those technologies would have on the Ulaanbaatar power sector. In doing so, we aim to clarify whether high electricity intensive heating technologies with lower capital costs would be more economically beneficial compared to lower electricity-intensive heating technologies with higher capital costs. We do so through the development of three scenarios representing different technology portfolios in 2050, for which we derive electricity consumption and cost estimates.

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