For the fourth year in a row, we are accounting for our emissions using an approach that focuses on directly reducing our climate impact and channelling resources to initiatives that deliver real positive impact.

“With our climate responsibility report, we hope to promote a transparent approach that can be followed by others.” – Eve Fraser 

Our newest climate responsibility report shows that a little over 80% of our emissions in 2023 stemmed from business travel – especially flying – followed by purchased goods and purchased energy. Our emissions were 10% lower than pre-pandemic levels but surged almost 40% from 2022 as business travel resumed and our workforce grew. Despite this increase, emissions per employee have nearly halved compared to 2019. 

We will continue to make tracking and reducing our emissions our highest priority. Reflecting our responsibility for the emissions we cannot yet cut, we  set a Paris-aligned fee of EUR 120 per tonne of CO2e. With the funds from this step, we can support initiatives for transformational climate action elsewhere – without claiming that this neutralises our own emissions. 

For example, in 2022, we donated to support a pilot project for solar-powered heat pumps at a nursery school in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The heating system was installed in August 2023 and is owned by the nursery school. All energy savings will go to the school. Neither NewClimate Institute, or any of our partners, claim ownership of the emission reduction outcomes or consider our own emissions neutralised through this contribution.

Increasingly, organisations around the world recognise that their activities are drivers of the climate crisis and that they need to take responsibility for their emissions. Common approaches taken to address this responsibility – such as shadow carbon pricing or the concept of offsetting – often fail to ensure transparency and effective climate impact in line with the Paris Agreement.

At NewClimate Institute, we are convinced that we need to take responsibility in the most transparent and constructive way without distracting from the need for real action to reduce emissions. 

Learn more about our climate responsibility approach here

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