Thomas Day, Frederic Hans, Julie Emmrich (all NewClimate), Ilka Starrost (GIZ), Lisa Herrmann (GIZ) and Siddharth Pathak (2050 Pathways Platform) presented on "Making long-term low GHG emissions development strategies a reality" in November 2020. We presented and discussed guidance for the development of long-term low GHG emission development strategies, in the context of economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The virtual event was based on the report "Making long-term low GHG emissions development strategies a reality: A guide to policy makers on how to develop an LTS for submission in 2020 and future revision cycles".

Virtual Event: Cities and Buildings in Transition: Systems Change for a Resilient Future
Venue Online
Date 31 Oct 2024
Start time 03:00 pm

Our cities and built environments have profound impacts on people and planet. Where people live and work, how they get from one place...

Virtual Launch: How market reforms can drive renewable energy growth in Southeast Asia
Venue Online
Date 29 Oct 2024
Start time 09:30 am

Southeast Asia is emerging as a global economic powerhouse, attracting record levels of foreign investment and experiencing surging...

Report Launch: 1.5°C-aligned wind and solar targets for the new NDCs
Venue Online
Date 23 Sep 2024
Start time 04:00 pm

As countries prepare to set new climate targets in their updated NDCs following a global commitment to triple renewables at COP28...

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