133 results found

Climate Transparency

The report provides an overview on G20 countries, and identifies the leaders and laggards in climate action.

Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor

The monitor ranks the G20 countries according to their relative fitness to close the financing gap in low carbon energy infrastructure.

GCF Country Programme Uganda

Highlights key investment areas for Uganda based INDC which sets out priority actions in adaptation and mitigation.

Good Practice Database

Serves as a central hub for case studies on learning and leadership in climate action and NDC implementation.

Global Good Practice Analysis of LEDS, NAMAs, INDCs, and MRV

Good practice cases across developed and developing countries highlight the challenges of the climate policy and mitigation framework.

Intended Nationally Determined Contribution for Vietnam

Supported Vietnam and a team of national consultants with the preparation of the INDC for the waste and agriculture sectors.

Supporting the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) process in Uganda

Supported the development of a country programme for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for Uganda in an advisory function.

Co-benefits of climate change contributions

Assess the co-benefits of climate change mitigation action and how they could be used to incentivise further ambitious GHG reductions.

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