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Publication in Nature Climate Change: Aligning corporate greenhouse-gas emissions targets with climate goals
Publication date 24 Aug 2015

Corporate climate action is increasingly considered important in driving the transition towards a low-carbon economy. For this, it is critical to ensure translation of global goals to greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets at company level. At the moment, however, there is a lack of clear methods to derive consistent corporate target setting that keeps cumulative corporate GHG emissions within a specific carbon budget (for example, 550–1,300 GtCO2 between 2011 and 2050 for the 2°C target) . Here the authors propose a method for corporate emissions target setting that derives carbon...

Comparative assessment of Japan's long-term carbon budget under different effort-sharing principles
Publication date 29 Jul 2015

This article assesses Japan’s carbon budgets up to 2100 in the global efforts to achieve the 2°C target under different effort-sharing approaches based on long-term GHG mitigation scenarios published in 13 studies. The article also presents exemplary emission trajectories for Japan to stay within the calculated Budget.

The impact of good practice policies on regional and global greenhouse gas emissions
Publication date 29 Jul 2015

Implementing good practice policies could hold warming close to 2°C The report The impact of good practice policies on regional and global greenhouse gas emissions by NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis looks at the impact of “good practice” emission reduction policies in nine different areas globally and across six countries: China, Brazil, India, the US, Russia and Japan. These include renewable energy, a variety of energy efficiency standards (buildings, car fuel efficiency, appliances and...

Bilateral agreements as basis towards piloting sectoral carbon market mechanisms
Publication date 27 Jul 2015

The international carbon market is characterised by an activity gap between existing and future market-based mechanisms. Project-based carbon market mechanisms - such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) - no longer provide sufficient incentives for the initiation of greenhouse gas mitigation activities in developing countries. At the same time, procedures and modalities for new mechanisms are not yet defined. This transition period creates substantial challenges to maintain the expertise of various stakeholder groups, to test new mechanism approaches in practice and to support the final...

From 90 pages to 9: Track 0 writes a draft Paris Agreement
Publication date 24 Jul 2015

As Ministers and negotiators prepare for the next round of diplomatic meetings to thrash out a universal agreement tackling climate change and its impacts, Track 0’s Founder and CEO Farhana Yamin and two of Track 0’s advisors, Erik Haites and Niklas Höhne, have compiled a Paris Agreement which offers one possible way in which the 90 pages of unwieldy text can be whittled down to produce an ambitious, yet politically balanced and comprehensive agreement. The Track 0 proposal uses only the textual proposals generated by Parties set out in the Geneva Negotiating Text released in February 2015...

Developing criteria to align investments with 2°C compatible pathways
Publication date 09 Jun 2015

The German government, through the German Federal Environment Agency, commissioned a consortium consisting of NewClimate Institute, Germanwatch, and the 2° Investing Initiative to explore criteria to measure the alignment of investment and financing with the 2°C limit. The project focuses in particular on development finance institutions. This report was prepared in the context of the G7 summit meeting. It maps existing 2°C relevant criteria used by financial institutions and discusses what 2°C criteria might look like for key investment areas.

Carbon market mechanisms in future international cooperation on climate change
Publication date 09 Jun 2015

This discussion paper provides an overview of the development of the international carbon market mechanisms and emerging domestic carbon pricing systems, and lays out three distinct but potentially complementary options for market mechanisms in a future climate change agreement. Options for narrowing the emissions gap before 2020 using market mechanisms are also explored. Recommendations for short term action for the G7 countries are given.

Analysing the status quo of CDM projects
Publication date 16 May 2015

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has become one of the world’s most important carbon market instruments, diffusing carbon price signals worldwide, stimulating major private investments in climate change mitigation projects worldwide, and supporting the development of mitigation action in developing countries. Following the recent decline of the market conditions, the situation of project activities, in addition to domestic and international capacities related to the CDM, have noticeably deteriorated. This research conducted by NewClimate Institute and Ecofys on behalf of the German...

Enhanced policy scenarios for major emitting countries
Publication date 12 May 2015

This report elaborated by PBL, NewClimate Institute, IIASA and Ecofys provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of seven major emitting countries (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, and the United States) out to 2030, taking into account the emissions trajectories based on current and selected enhanced policies. Earlier studies have explored the extent to which major economies are on track to achieve their 2020 pledges under the Cancun Agreements. This report extends these analyses for seven selected countries in several ways. First, the effect of planned...

Fifth UNEP Emissions Gap Report
Publication date 06 Dec 2014

Niklas Höhne and Hanna Fekete are authors of this year’s UNEP Emissions Gap Report. It informs governments and the wider community on how far the response to climate change has progressed over the past 12 months, and thus how far the world is currently positioned to meet the internationally agreed 2˚C limit to global warming. The fifth Emissions Gap Report goes beyond an analysis of scientific reality and the current level of ambition of nations by proposing concrete solutions on how the ambitions gap could be closed.

Process guidance on INDCs prepared by NewClimate Institute staff
Publication date 06 Dec 2014

NewClimate Institute staff prepared the process guidance paper entitled ‘Process guidance for Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)’ for the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV. This process guidance paper is based on early experiences of some countries and the international debate on INDCs and seeks to assist country governments in the preparation of their INDCs. The Conference of the Parties (COP 19) in Warsaw decided to “initiate or intensify domestic preparations for their intended nationally determined contributions” so that they can be submitted well in advance...

Use and build on what you have: Is a bilateral process suited to testing sectoral approaches that are based on the CDM?
Publication date 18 Nov 2014

The international carbon market is in a state of transition, moving away from project-based carbon market mechanisms like the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) towards new international mechanisms which have yet to be defined and finalised. The poor demand for carbon certificates and the uncertainty surrounding the design of a New Market Mechanism (NMM) hinders the initiation of new reduction activities in developing countries via the carbon market. In this current phase, bilateral agreements could provide a basis to allow immediate implementation of pilot projects which would allow practical...

Beyond pure offsetting: Assessing options to generate Net-Mitigation-Effects in carbon market mechanisms
Publication date 22 May 2014

The current project-based carbon market mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the Joint Implementation (JI) do not have a direct impact on global greenhouse gas emission levels, because they only replace or offset emissions. Nor do they contribute to host country׳s national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Contributions to net emission reductions in host countries is likely to become mandatory in new mechanisms under development such as in the framework for various approaches, a new market-based mechanism and even in a reformed JI. This research analysed the...

Improving Co-benefits and 'Triple Win' Impacts from Climate Action: The Role of Guidance Tools
Publication date 27 Apr 2014

This CDI Practice Paper addresses the role of tools in supporting interventions to achieve the ‘triple wins’ of adaptation, mitigation and development. Over recent years there has been a proliferation of guidance tools to support adaptation or mitigation, increasingly in a development context, but little work on the role tools play in helping to bridge the gap between these three areas in practice. Based on a review of tools in view of ‘climate compatible development’, the paper suggests key considerations for how tools could help achieve ‘triple wins’. They include: the importance of...

Are major economies on track to achieve their pledges for 2020? An assessment of domestic climate and energy policies
Publication date 01 Apr 2014

Many of the major greenhouse gas emitting countries have planned and/or implemented domestic mitigation policies, such as carbon taxes, feed-in tariffs, or standards. This study analyses whether the most effective national climate and energy policies are sufficient to stay on track for meeting the emission reduction proposals (pledges) that countries made for 2020. The analysis shows that domestic policies of India, China and Russia are projected to lead to lower emission levels than the pledged levels. Australia's and the EU's nationally legally binding policy framework is likely to deliver...

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