Browse events

Browse events
Workshop: Landscape of climate finance: From supporting recovery globally to recent advances in the CEE region
Venue Online
Date 27 Oct 2020

Aki Kachi presented on "Current trends in green recovery measures" at the "Landscape of climate finance: From supporting recovery globally to recent advances in the CEE region" Workshop (Session 1: Climate Investment: From Global to National Challenges – How Can Climate Finance Tracking Support Post-COVID Recovery Plans?) in October 2020. The event was organized within the framework of the EUKI-supported project “Landscape of Climate Finance: Promoting debate on climate finance flows in Central Europe”, jointly implemented by I4CE, NewClimate Institute and WiseEuropa. This workshop aimed to...

Workshop: The role of offsetting in ambition raising and net-zero
Venue IEA-IETA-EPRI GHG Trading Workshop
Date 22 Oct 2020

Carsten Warnecke presented on "The role of offsetting in ambition raising and net-zero" at the 20th IEA-IETA-EPRI GHG Trading Workshop (Panel 6: Role of carbon markets in reaching net zero) in October 2020.

Online event: Unpacking the finance sector's investment commitments
Venue Climate Week NYC 2020
Date 28 Sep 2020

Katharina Lütkehermöller, Thomas Day (both NewClimate), Mark Roelfsema (Utrecht University), Jesica Andrews (Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, UNEP Finance Initiative) and Emily Kreps (CDP) presented on "Unpacking the finance sector's investment commitments: What climate impact can regions, cities, businesses, and specifically financial institutions deliver?" at Climate Week NYC in September 2020. We presented the dynamic field of non-state and subnational action, its opportunities and uncovered potential for climate ambition. Specifically, we focused on climate ambition in the financial sector...

Event: Achieving Net Zero: Opportunities to close the gap to 1.5◦C in Europe and beyond
Venue COP25
Date 06 Dec 2019

Louise Jeffery, Swithin Lui (both NewClimate), Claire Stockwell, Paola Yanguas Parra and Andreas Geiges (all Climate Analytics) presented on "Achieving Net Zero: Opportunities to close the gap to 1.5◦C in Europe and beyond" at COP25 in December 2019.

Event: Informing the revision of NDCs: what can long-term strategies bring to NDCs?
Venue COP25
Date 03 Dec 2019

Frauke Röser presented on "Informing the revision of NDCs: what can long-term strategies bring to NDCs?" at COP25 in December 2019.

Event: High expectations – Did the UN Climate Action Summit achieve higher climate ambitions?
Venue COP25
Date 02 Dec 2019

Takeshi Kuramochi presented on "UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit: What did it achieve?" at COP25 in December 2019.

Event: Offsetting emissions under CORSIA - Analysing the potential supply of credits
Venue Innovate4Climate
Date 04 Jun 2019

Carsten Warnecke presented on "Offsetting emissions under CORSIA - Analysing the potential supply of credits" at Innovate4Climate in June 2019.

Event: Current policy scenario projections of major emitting economies: 2018 update
Venue COP24
Date 08 Dec 2018

Takeshi Kuramochi presented on "Current policy scenario projections of major emitting economies: 2018 update" at the side event "Tracking progress on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)” at COP24 in December 2018.

Event: Global climate action from cities, regions and businesses presentation for COP24
Venue COP24
Date 10 Dec 2018

Niklas Höhne presented on "Global climate action from cities, regions and businesses" at the side event "Raising Ambition by Linking National with Non-Party Actions" at COP24 in December 2018.

Event: Implementation challenges of 1.5°C pathways
Venue COP24
Date 10 Dec 2018

Niklas Höhne presented on "Implementation challenges of 1.5°C pathways" at the side event "Emerging Science of 1.5°C: Mitigation Pathways to Paris" at COP24 in December 2018.

Event: How can South Africa move toward a 1.5 C pathway?
Venue COP24
Date 06 Dec 2018

Niklas Höhne and Frederic Hans presented on "How can South Africa move toward a 1.5 C pathway? Scaling up climate action and benefits in electricity, housing, and urban transport" at COP24 in December 2018.

Event: The action plan for 1.5°C
Venue COP24
Date 05 Dec 2018

Hanna Fekete presented on "The action plan for 1.5°C" at the side event " A new understanding of Paris-compatible climate action: Translating 1.5°C into technological, social, and political examples of transitional change around the world." at COP24 in December 2018.

Event: Brown to green presentation for COP24
Venue COP24
Date 04 Dec 2018

Niklas Höhne presented on "Brown to Green Report 2018", at the "The Emissions Gap and the Brown to Green report – How do we enhance ambition and accelerate action?" side event at COP24 in December 2018.

Event: Preparation of first NDCs kick-started national mitigation policy process, but momentum needs to be maintained
Venue COP24
Date 04 Dec 2018

Frauke Röser, Niklas Höhne and Thomas Day presented on "Preparation of first NDCs kick-started national mitigation policy process, but momentum needs to be maintained", at the "Making climate action more transparent and ambitious" side event at COP24 in December 2018.

Presentation: Emissions Gap Report 2018
Venue COP24
Date 04 Dec 2018

Niklas Höhne presented the Emissions Gap Report 2018 at COP24 in December 2018.

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