Co-hosted by National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and German Environment Agency (UBA), this event invited climate envoys of Germany and China, senior experts and academics, research institutions to discuss how international cooperation can contribute to the NDCs and long-term strategies.

The event started at 11h00 EET / 10h00 CET.



  • Frauke RÖSER, Co-founder of the NewClimate Institute
  • XU Huaqing, Director-General of National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), the co-Leading Institute of the Sino-German T2D
  • Dirk MESSNER, President of the German Environment Agency (UBA), the co-Leading Institute of the Sino-German T2D
  • Jennifer MORGAN, State Secretary of German Federal Foreign Ministry and Special Envoy for International Climate Action (TBC)
  • XIE Zhenhua, Special Envoy on Climate Change of the People's Republic of China (TBC)
  • Laurence TUBIANA, CEO of the European Climate Foundation, and co-lead of "Friends of Paris Agreement" (TBC)
  • Katia SIMEONOVA, Independent Researcher, Bulgaria, formerly at UNFCCC Secretariat
  • Jan Peter SCHEMMEL, CEO Executive Board of Oeko-Institute
  • WANG Yi, Deputy President of National Panel of Experts on Climate Change (NPECC), Former Deputy President of the Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASISD), Professor
  • Susanne DRÖGE, Head of Division Climate Protection and Energy, UBA
  • GAO Xiang, Director of International Policy Research Department, NCSC
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