Browse events

Browse events
COP27: The state of climate action a year after the Glasgow Climate Pact - CAT
Venue COP27, Italian pavilion
Date 08 Nov 2022
Start time 14:30

As part of the Glasgow Climate Pact, governments agreed to revisit and strengthen their 2030 climate targets. In this side event, the Climate Action Tracker gave an overview of government NDC progress. The Climate Action Tracker tracks government climate targets and action in around 40 countries and analyses what this means for end of century warming. The event started at 14h30 (EET) / 13h30 (CET). Speakers: Mia Moisio (NewClimate Institute) Claire Stockwell (Climate Analytics) Partner organisations of the Climate Action Tracker

Online event: The State of Climate Action in 2022
Venue Online
Date 03 Nov 2022
Start time 15:00

Join us on November 3 from 3-4pm CET / 10-11am EDT for our launch event for the State of Climate Action 2022 report.

Responses to the global energy crisis: CASE country Indonesia
Venue Online, ISEW 2022
Date 14 Oct 2022
Start time 05:30

In this online event, NewClimate will participate in a discussion on responses to the global energy crisis focusing on the CASE country Indonesia. The last day of ISEW seeks to broaden the view to regional collaboration with a focus on the global energy crisis.

Corporate net-zero commitments: PR stunt or part of the solution?
Venue Online, ClientEarth Summit 2022
Date 11 Oct 2022
Start time 11:00

Over the last 18 months, companies have been eager to announce their net-zero commitments. Business evangelists laud the green ambition of corporate leaders, while the cynics say it's just greenwash. Join a wide-ranging panel of experts to explore how credible the claims are, and what might happen if they turn out to be a PR stunt.

Online event: What is a good target design and how do countries compare?
Venue Online
Date 21 Sep 2022

In this event, the CAT team presented their evaluation of governments’ net zero target design and outline what needs to happen between now and COP27.

Online event: Fuentes de financiamiento articulables a los procesos de descarbonización en LAC
Venue Online
Date 07 Sep 2022

In this Spanish online-event, Lukas Kahlen presented on the current situation and trends in the energy and and agriculture sectors regarding investments for decarbonisation. Online event recording:

Online event: A fair emissions budget for the Netherlands
Venue Online
Date 29 Aug 2022

Hanna Fekete presented new research on the Netherlands’ government’s proposed target pathway and why it does not live up to the country’s fair contribution.

Press conference: Net Zero Tracker
Venue SB 56, Bonn
Date 13 Jun 2022
Start time 09:15

This briefing introduced a new Global Stocktake of net zero commitments; assessing the status and trends of net zero target-setting across countries, sub-national governments, and corporates - released for the first time since the original ‘ Taking Stock’ report in 2021. Speakers: Takeshi Kuramochi (NewClimate Institute), Angel Hsu (Data-Driven EnviroLab), Richard Black (ECIU) and Thomas Hale (Oxford Net Zero)

Event: Supporting the narrative of the energy transition in Southeast Asia
Venue SB 56, Bonn
Date 11 Jun 2022
Start time 16:45

This event was on the the status of the energy transition in various Southeast Asian countries and illustrates, how research-based evidence can positively shape the narrative around decarbonising the energy sector.

Press conference: CAT at Bonn Sessions (SB 56)
Venue SB 56, Bonn
Date 08 Jun 2022
Start time 10:00

Mia Moisio, Niklas Höhne, Claire Stockwell and Deborah Ramalope presented the latest Climate Action Tracker briefing which looked at government responses to the global energy crisis, at a press conference at the Bonn Sessions (SB 56) on 8 June 2022.

Press conference: Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Venue Online
Date 07 Feb 2022

Thomas Day and Silke Mooldijk presented the findings of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022 at a joint virtual press conference together with Carbon Market Watch on 7 February 2022. Go to the Q&A with the authors

Online event: The potential impact of transitioning CDM units and activities to the Paris Agreement
Venue Online
Date 21 Oct 2021

Harry Fearnehough (NewClimate) and Lambert Schneider (Öko Institut) presented updated research on the potential supply of credits from the CDM portfolio under a range of scenarios and highlight critical implications of possible policy decisions under consideration, for Article 6 and the wider Paris Agreement goals.

Presentation: Climate Action Tracker: Global Update - 12. Petersberger Klimadialog
Venue Petersberg Climae Dialogue 2021
Date 04 May 2021

Niklas Höhne stellte auf der Auftaktpressekonferenz zum 12. Petersberger Klimadialog im Mai 2021 das neueste Global Update des Climate Action Trackers (CAT) vor.

Online event: Haciendo Realidad las Estrategias de Desarrollo Bajo en Emisiones de GEI
Venue Online
Date 03 Dec 2020

Sofia Gonzales-Zuñiga, Pablo Lopez Legarreta (ambos NewClimate Institute), Paola Vasconi (GIZ), Daniela García Sánchez (GIZ Costa Rica), Pablo Rojas Wang (GIZ Costa Rica, Co-Chair LEDS LAC), Aida Figari (LEDS LAC) e Ignacio Rebolledo (WSP Chile) han presentado y han discutido opciones para la preparación de estrategias de desarrollo bajo en emisiones de GEI en el contexto de la recuperación económica tras la pandemia de COVID-19. El evento virtual se ha basado en la guía "Haciendo realidad las estrategias de desarrollo bajo en emisiones de GEI: Una guía para tomadores de decisiones sobre cómo...

Online event: Making long-term low GHG emissions development strategies a reality
Venue Online
Date 26 Nov 2020

Thomas Day, Frederic Hans, Julie Emmrich (all NewClimate), Ilka Starrost (GIZ), Lisa Herrmann (GIZ) and Siddharth Pathak (2050 Pathways Platform) presented on "Making long-term low GHG emissions development strategies a reality" in November 2020. We presented and discussed guidance for the development of long-term low GHG emission development strategies, in the context of economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The virtual event was based on the report "Making long-term low GHG emissions development strategies a reality: A guide to policy makers on how to develop an LTS for submission in...

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