Explores the potential global net emission reductions achieved through Article 6 and the revenue generated to help meet the adaptation needs.
Investigated climate neutrality targets and claims made from countries and companies, and analysed what they mean in terms of climate impact.
An assessment of CORSIA – proposed recommendations and evaluated potential sources of supply for offset credits.
An assessment of operating models for voluntary carbon markets, providing recommendations to maintain finance to emission reduction activities.
Developed and applied a method to assess the vulnerability of existing project-based mitigation activities to discontinuing their abatement activity.
These virtual pilots are intended to be mitigation pilot activities based on real-world contexts, which could be implemented in the future.
Support in strengthening Germany’s cooperation on carbon markets and its position on international emissions trade instruments of the PA.
Provide an overview and practical guidance for policy-makers and practitioners on the main design elements of establishing benchmarks.
Provide an updated analysis on carbon pricing instruments to serve as a new source of innovative finance for the Adaptation Fund.
Focused on the social housing sector, identifying activities that can generate an incentive for ambitious emission reductions.
Provided a foundation of the German position in the climate negotiations. and in the European and global negotiation process.
Analysed how offsets can be used in national carbon pricing systems to support other national climate policies and targets.
Supported Vietnam and a team of national consultants with the preparation of the INDC for the waste and agriculture sectors.
Aimed to develop a methodology to assess the monitoring and calculations of GHG emission reductions are real and based on sound processes.
Highlights how climate and carbon finance can benefit and support each other in the design of RBF mechanisms catalysing climate action.