99 results found

Crediting Forest-related Mitigation under International Carbon Market Mechanisms
Publication date 19 Sep 2018

This discussion paper explores environmental risks from the inclusion of forest offset credits in the Paris Agreement’s Article 6 and CORSIA, and examines approaches to address such risks. A number of challenges surrounding environmental integrity notably baseline determination, additionality, permanence, and leakage are discussed as well as environmental and social safeguards in forest mitigation initiatives. Key findings: Preserving and enhancing forests is an essential part of global efforts to mitigate climate change. Currently, most finance for forest-related mitigation is provided...

Event: Costs and climate impact of offsetting emissions under CORSIA
Venue Innovate4Climate in Frankfurt
Date 22 May 2018

Carsten Warnecke , Thomas Day , Harry Fearnehough and Lambert Schneider presented on "Costs and climate impact of offsetting emissions under CORSIA" at the side event "Towards long-term national scenarios: Modelling meets policy" during the 2018 Innovate4Climate in Frankfurt.

Opportunities and safeguards for ambition raising through Article 6
Publication date 09 May 2018

In this paper, we discuss the ambition raising implications to engage in voluntary cooperation under Article 6 for the originating Parties. The paper shows why Article 6 should focus on driving mitigation in otherwise inaccessible abatement options and why it is critical that support should only last for a limited time period, after which own action must kick-in. Whilst participation in mechanisms may potentially deliver benefits, the realisation of these opportunities is entirely dependent on the effective design and implementation of measures to safeguard against potential risks that can...

Discussion paper: Marginal cost of supply of certified emissions reduction units and implications of demand sources
Publication date 22 Mar 2018

In this discussion paper we estimate the marginal cost of supplying certified emissions reduction units (CERs) from projects that are currently registered under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). We develop a supply curve using data on the individual ability of projects to potentially supply CERs over the period up to 2020. We analyse changes to the supply curve based on a number of scenarios which restrict the eligibility of CERs based on the timing of emission reductions, the timing of project investment decisions and registration under the CDM, as well as an assessment of the extent to...

Germany’s international cooperation on carbon markets: Status and prospects in select partner countries
Publication date 06 Nov 2017

This suite of four publications try to unpack the black box of where countries stand on their readiness to engage in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Article 6 lays down the vision for carbon markets under the Paris Agreement. The three standalone case studies on Ethiopia, Vietnam and Ukraine discuss country-contexts on Article 6 readiness in an objective manner, looking at the enabling conditions in these countries, the feasibility to maintain robust accounting and MRV, and compatibility of their NDCs. Potential entry-points for international support to facilitate readiness are also...

Discussion Paper: CDM Supply Potential up to 2020
Publication date 10 Aug 2017

Authored by NewClimate Institute, Lambert Schneider and Stephanie La Hoz Theuer, this publication forms part of a broader project, commissioned by the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA) , with the primary objective to analyse the current situation and development of the international carbon markets. Abstract This discussion paper estimates the potential supply of certified emission reductions (CERs) from projects registered under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for the period 2013 to 2020. The supply potential estimation...

Event: Overviews on the implementation of NDCs on a sectoral level (Innovate4Climate)
Venue Innovate4Climate, Barcelona
Date 24 May 2017

Thomas Day from NewClimate Institute presented findings from eight briefing papers about coverage of sectors in NDCs and prospects for sector-driven implementation during the Innovate4Climate conference in Barcelona.

A Guide to Greenhouse Gas Benchmarking for Climate Policy Instruments
Publication date 23 May 2017

NewClimate Institute and Ricardo Energy and Environment developed a comprehensive technical note for World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness program (PMR) on the topic of ‘GHG benchmarking for climate policy instruments’. The document provides practical guidance on key design elements for establishing GHG benchmarks for applications in climate policy instruments. It discusses benchmarking applications for the Emission trading schemes (determining allocation of emissions allowances), carbon taxes (determining tax exemptions), and scaled-up crediting programs (baseline development). The...

Event: Vulnerability of CDM Projects for Discontinuation of Mitigation Activities (Innovate4Climate)
Venue Innovate4Climate, Barcelona
Date 22 May 2017

Thomas Day from NewClimate Institute presented findings from the report "Vulnerability of CDM projects for discontinuation of mitigation activities" during Innovate4Climate in Barcelona. The report report looks at the vulnerability of CDM projects for discontinuation, as well as exploring options to support continued mitigation.

Event: CDM supply potential up to 2020 by project vulnerability of discontinuing abatement (Innovate4Climate)
Venue Innovate4Climate, Barcelona
Date 22 May 2017

Thomas Day from NewClimate Institute presented preliminary results from the CDM supply potential up to 2020 by project vulnerability of discontinuing abatement during the Innovate4Climate conference in Barcelona.

Vulnerability of CDM Projects for Discontinuation of Mitigation Activities
Publication date 11 May 2017

Authored by NewClimate Institute and the Öko-Institut , this publication forms part of a broader project, commissioned by the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA) , with the primary objective to analyse the current situation and development of the international carbon markets. Despite its previous successes and achievements, the global carbon market find itself currently in a crucial and uncertain period. The large number of mitigation activities initiated through the two most important project based carbon market mechanisms - the...

Innovative Financing for the Adaptation Fund: Pathways and Potentials
Publication date 16 Feb 2017

This new report explores the potential of seven innovative climate finance options to meet the financing needs of the Adaptation Fund. It concludes that if implemented in a collective manner, these can provide a steady and predictable stream of finance for the Fund. However, the Adaptation Fund Board needs to proactively engage with relevant decision makers, following a dynamic resource mobilisation strategy. Potential engagement pathways for each option are discussed as well. The publication is authored by NewClimate Institute and Germanwatch and supported by the International Climate...

Benchmarking Guide for climate policy instruments

Provide an overview and practical guidance for policy-makers and practitioners on the main design elements of establishing benchmarks.

International market mechanisms after Paris
Publication date 17 Nov 2016

The Paris Agreement includes Article 6 with several provisions, which allow for the use of the international carbon market. In this paper, Cooperative Approaches (CA, Art. 6.2-3) and the Mechanism for Sustainable Development and Mitigation (MSDM, Art. 6.4-7) will be considered as the market mechanisms, which constitute the basis of the international carbon market under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The purpose of this paper is to identify the main goals and aims of the international carbon market, take into account the general context and environment for...

Two Unconventional Options to Enhance Multilateral Climate Finance
Publication date 31 Oct 2016

NewClimate Institute contributed to a policy brief on ‘Two unconventional options to enhance multilateral climate finance’ under the European Capacity Building Initiative (ecbi). The brief considers two unconventional sources of finance to overcome the current challenges in multilateral climate finance and enhance predictability and magnitude: a ‘share of proceeds’ from national and sub-national emission trading schemes; and crowdfunding from corporate air passengers.

Development of a sectoral market-based approach

Focused on the social housing sector, identifying activities that can generate an incentive for ambitious emission reductions.

Integration of market mechanisms and emission trading schemes

Provided a foundation of the German position in the climate negotiations. and in the European and global negotiation process.

Offsetting in carbon taxation systems

Analysed how offsets can be used in national carbon pricing systems to support other national climate policies and targets.

Connecting the dots - Results-based financing in climate policy
Publication date 27 Aug 2015

This study clarifies the definition of results-based financing (RBF) and in particular its role in the context of climate policy. The publication is aimed at readers from the carbon markets and climate finance communities alike. It facilitates a common understanding of what RBF as a financing modality involves and is therefore meant to also be a good starting point for readers looking into this topic for the first time. An overview of results-based finance options and opportunities for linking market and non-market approaches is provided. Combining carbon market and non-market climate finance...

Carbon market mechanisms in future international cooperation on climate change
Publication date 09 Jun 2015

This discussion paper provides an overview of the development of the international carbon market mechanisms and emerging domestic carbon pricing systems, and lays out three distinct but potentially complementary options for market mechanisms in a future climate change agreement. Options for narrowing the emissions gap before 2020 using market mechanisms are also explored. Recommendations for short term action for the G7 countries are given.

Analysing the status quo of CDM projects
Publication date 16 May 2015

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has become one of the world’s most important carbon market instruments, diffusing carbon price signals worldwide, stimulating major private investments in climate change mitigation projects worldwide, and supporting the development of mitigation action in developing countries. Following the recent decline of the market conditions, the situation of project activities, in addition to domestic and international capacities related to the CDM, have noticeably deteriorated. This research conducted by NewClimate Institute and Ecofys on behalf of the German...

Results-based financing in Carbon Markets – connecting market and non-market based approaches

Highlights how climate and carbon finance can benefit and support each other in the design of RBF mechanisms catalysing climate action.

Bilateral agreements as basis towards piloting sectoral market mechanisms

Assessed opportunities provided by bilateral agreements for piloting market-based approaches at sectoral levels.

Evaluating the state of the CDM

Evaluation of the state of CDM projects to form conclusions and the required level and means of international support.

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