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NewClimate Institute at the Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB 58)
Publication date 05 Jun 2023

The midyear UN climate conference “ 58th session of the Subsidiary Bodies” will take place from 5 to 15 June 2023. NewClimate Institute will be present in Bonn participating in multiple events. Additionally, we will release related publications before and during thhe SB58. You can find all information on this page.

Renewable Senegal
Publication date 02 Jun 2023

Senegal is a country with abundant renewable resources. The national strategy for an “Emerging Senegal” charts a path to become a middle-income country by 2035. This report provides recommendations for engagement for German-Senegalese development cooperation towards a sustainable future.

Climate Audit of the EU’s Foreign Policy
Publication date 28 Apr 2023

This report analyses the EU's foreign policy and reviews the extent to which the EU integrates climate considerations into its foreign policy and diplomatic efforts. It provides recommendations on how EU climate foreign policy can be strengthened and aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the ambitions of the European Green Deal.

Klimaschutzpolitik im deutschen Verkehrssektor entspricht etwa 3°C globaler Erwärmung
Publication date 27 Apr 2023

Die aktuell umgesetzte Klimapolitik im deutschen Verkehrssektor bis 2030 entspricht einer Erderwärmung von etwa 3°C. Der deutsche Verkehrssektor würde von 2016 bis 2030 fast doppelt so viel verbrauchen, wie das Budget, das ihm für die Einhaltung der 1,5°C-Grenze zustünde. Damit ist der Verkehrssektor das Schlusslicht unter den Sektoren in Deutschland.

What is a fair emissions budget for Belgium?
Publication date 31 Mar 2023

This report describes and quantifies different approaches on how the remaining global carbon budget could be distributed to individual countries and the implications for Belgium. It also illustrates the share that according to literature would reflect an unambiguously fair share for Belgium.

Deutsche LNG-Ausbaupläne führen zu Überkapazität und gefährden Klimaschutzziele
Publication date 17 Mar 2023

Dieser Bericht liefert einen Review und eine klimapolitische Einordnung der aktuellen Studienlage zu neuen und geplanten LNG-Importkapazitäten in Deutschland.

Greenhouse gas distributions to inform the global stocktake
Publication date 03 Mar 2023

In this analysis, we demonstrate how global progress across a range of sectoral emission indicators can be assessed using performance distributions to allow for a detailed and nuanced analysis without singling out individual countries.

The role of hydrogen in decarbonisation - Investment opportunities for Latin America
Publication date 23 Feb 2023

This report assesses the role of hydrogen in several Paris-aligned decarbonisation scenarios and their implications for the Latin American region. It makes a comprehensive assessment of several hydrogen applications considering technology readiness, temporality, and regional context. The results provide insights to policy makers, public and private investors on the best opportunities for hydrogen in the short term.

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023
Publication date 13 Feb 2023

The second iteration of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, conducted by NewClimate Institute in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch, assesses the climate strategies of 24 major global companies.

Plans for German liquefied natural gas terminals are massively oversized
Publication date 13 Dec 2022

The study compares Germany's plans for the expansion of LNG import infrastructure with the actual need for imports. The analysis concludes that Germany's plans are massively oversized and not compatible with the path to climate neutrality. Germany's climate protection goals require a significant reduction in gas consumption, and the planned infrastructure either risks large financial losses due to low utilisation, or calls into question compliance with the path to climate neutrality.

Pläne für deutsche Flüssigerdgas-Terminals sind massiv überdimensioniert
Publication date 08 Dec 2022

Die Studie vergleicht die Pläne Deutschlands für den Ausbau der LNG-Importinfrastruktur mit dem tatsächlichen Bedarf an Importen. Die Analyse kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Pläne Deutschlands massiv überdimensioniert und nicht mit dem Pfad zur Klimaneutralität vereinbar sind. Deutschlands Klimaschutzziele verlangen eine deutliche Reduktion des Gasverbrauchs und die geplante Infrastruktur riskiert entweder große finanzielle Verluste durch eine geringe Auslastung, oder stellt das Einhalten des Pfads zur Klimaneutralität in Frage.

Development finance in the land sector: tracking progress towards Paris alignment
Publication date 06 Dec 2022

A rapid and far-reaching transition of the food system is critical to achieving the 1.5C objective of the Paris Agreement. Development finance institutions have the potential to help drive that transition. This report provides an analysis of relevant development finance institution policies, including sectoral and country strategies with reform recommendations for the way forward.

Decarbonisation in the global steel sector: tracking the progress
Publication date 02 Dec 2022

We evaluate the progress of the global steel sector towards decarbonisation through identifying and monitoring key progress indicators aligned with latest literature and assessing, and quantifying emission reduction targets and implementation plans of steel companies.

Making finance consistent with climate goals?
Publication date 16 Nov 2022

One year after the founding of GFANZ, this report takes stock of asset owners and managers climate commitments, how asset management decisions relate to emissions in the real economy, and what institutional investors are doing to implement their climate strategies.

Net Zero Tracker: Recommendations and current realities
Publication date 15 Nov 2022

Evaluating how regions, cities and large companies are tracking against the recent UN Expert Group's recommendations on the net zero targets of non-state entities.

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