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A ten point agenda for delivering higher mitigation ambition
Publication date 14 Jun 2019

The paper formulates 10 points for mitigation ambition and includes recommendations on ways to support ambition raising through international cooperation. Introduction: All governments have committed to the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement. The findings of IPCC 1.5 Special Report (IPCC 1.5SR) illustrate the climate impacts and risks associated with exceeding 1.5°C and clearly underscore that greater ambition is urgently needed to achieve this limit as current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are inconsistent with Paris compatible pathways. This has implications for the role of...

Non-state action towards climate-friendly and energy-efficient cooling
Publication date 11 Apr 2018

Although timely action on HFCs is likely to bring multiple benefits for end-users of cooling technologies, only few non-state actor driven initiatives exist yet that specifically target the refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) sector. It is important to address the barriers to non-state action in the RAC sector, while recognising that non-state action always needs to be accompanied by effective government policy and regulation to successfully address the climate challenge. Abstract: This paper seeks to inform policy makers and other stakeholders in partner countries of the Cool...

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