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NAMAs and INDCs: Interactions and opportunities
Publication date 27 Nov 2015

MitigationMomentum publication with contributions from Frauke Röser and Thomas Day. The paper is a joint effort from the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Ecofys, the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research (CSPR), the Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP), GIZ, NewClimate Institute, WRI and UNDP. Countries representing more than 90 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and population have submitted intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) in anticipation of the 21st COP in Paris. In parallel, developing countries are designing at least 152 nationally...

Assessing the missed benefits of countries’ national contributions
Publication date 26 Nov 2015

This report elaborated by NewClimate Institute with support from Climate Action Network (CAN) and the Global Call for Climate Action (GCCA), investigates the co-benefits associated with countries' Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). This report first provides an overview of the general co-benefits that climate action may have and how they could be used to incentivise further ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. We then provide illustrative results for the cobenefits achieved by the INDCs of the U.S., China, the EU, Canada, Japan, India, South Africa and Chile, as well...

Where do they go from here? Analysing the status quo of CDM projects
Publication date 08 Oct 2015

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has become one of the world’s most important carbon market instruments, diffusing carbon price signals worldwide, stimulating major private investments in climate change mitigation projects, and supporting the development of mitigation action in developing countries. The situation of project activities, and domestic and international capacities related to the CDM, have noticeably deteriorated following the recent decline of the market conditions. However, a major information gap exists regarding the actual status of individual CDM projects worldwide, as...

Overcoming the challenges of INDC preparation: experiences and lessons learned
Publication date 31 Aug 2015

This presentation report was prepared by NewClimate Institute on behalf of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Development Project (UNDP), under the project Experiences and lessons learned in the preparation of INDCs . The report documents the challenges that countries have faced in their INDC preparation process, and lessons learned for overcoming them. Usage rights : Unlimited re-use of this presentation report for all purposes is allowed only in its current format, without changes made to content or design. Usage of information in this...

Bilateral agreements as basis towards piloting sectoral carbon market mechanisms
Publication date 27 Jul 2015

The international carbon market is characterised by an activity gap between existing and future market-based mechanisms. Project-based carbon market mechanisms - such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) - no longer provide sufficient incentives for the initiation of greenhouse gas mitigation activities in developing countries. At the same time, procedures and modalities for new mechanisms are not yet defined. This transition period creates substantial challenges to maintain the expertise of various stakeholder groups, to test new mechanism approaches in practice and to support the final...

Carbon market mechanisms in future international cooperation on climate change
Publication date 09 Jun 2015

This discussion paper provides an overview of the development of the international carbon market mechanisms and emerging domestic carbon pricing systems, and lays out three distinct but potentially complementary options for market mechanisms in a future climate change agreement. Options for narrowing the emissions gap before 2020 using market mechanisms are also explored. Recommendations for short term action for the G7 countries are given.

Analysing the status quo of CDM projects
Publication date 16 May 2015

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has become one of the world’s most important carbon market instruments, diffusing carbon price signals worldwide, stimulating major private investments in climate change mitigation projects worldwide, and supporting the development of mitigation action in developing countries. Following the recent decline of the market conditions, the situation of project activities, in addition to domestic and international capacities related to the CDM, have noticeably deteriorated. This research conducted by NewClimate Institute and Ecofys on behalf of the German...

Enhanced policy scenarios for major emitting countries
Publication date 12 May 2015

This report elaborated by PBL, NewClimate Institute, IIASA and Ecofys provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of seven major emitting countries (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, and the United States) out to 2030, taking into account the emissions trajectories based on current and selected enhanced policies. Earlier studies have explored the extent to which major economies are on track to achieve their 2020 pledges under the Cancun Agreements. This report extends these analyses for seven selected countries in several ways. First, the effect of planned...

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