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Brown to Green Report 2017
Publication date 03 Jul 2017

The Brown to Green Report 2017 by Climate Transparency provides a comprehensive overview of the G20 countries, whether – and how well – they are doing on the journey to transition to a low-carbon economy. It assesses the main trends for the G20 in emissions, climate policy performance, finance, and decarbonisation. The report summarises and compares the findings presented in Climate Transparency’s country profiles for each G20 country (incl. the EU). Findings are based on publicly available data by renowned institutions. Highlights Decarbonisation The report’s G20 decarbonisation ratings...

Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor 2017
Publication date 29 Jun 2017

The Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor ranks G20 member states on their current attractiveness as potential destinations for investments in low-carbon electricity infrastructure. It further considers their current and future investment needs in line with a trajectory compatible with the 2°C/1.5°C temperature limits of the Paris Agreement. Key findings: Renewable energy gusto in emerging markets… 2016 was a year of impressive solar PV installations in the G20. On average, G20 countries installed 50% more solar PV last year than in 2015. New installations for wind decreased by 24%, although from...

Foot off the gas: increased reliance on natural gas in the power sector risks an emissions lock-in
Publication date 22 Jun 2017

As part of its decarbonisation series, the Climate Action Tracker released an examination of gas in the power sector. The report warns that natural gas will have to be phased out along with coal, if the world is to limit warming to 1.5˚C, as spelt out in the Paris Agreement long term temperature goal. Key messages : To achieve the Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature goal, the power sector needs to rapidly transition to being carbon-free by around 2050. This requirement for a complete CO2 emissions phase-out, combined with increasing competition from renewables, results in a dwindling role...

NDC Update Report - Ambition to Action
Publication date 24 May 2017

This report is the prologue to a series of update reports on NDC-related topics. The reports will be published twice a year, before international climate change meetings, to present analysis, opinion, and discussion pieces. Drawing on the Ambition to Action (A2A) project and input from a wide range of experts and practitioners, the reports aim to be a platform for learning, sharing insights, and discussing topics relevant to technical assistance for implementation of the Paris Agreement. The report critically looks at recent developments around NDC implementation across three actor groups...

A Guide to Greenhouse Gas Benchmarking for Climate Policy Instruments
Publication date 23 May 2017

NewClimate Institute and Ricardo Energy and Environment developed a comprehensive technical note for World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness program (PMR) on the topic of ‘GHG benchmarking for climate policy instruments’. The document provides practical guidance on key design elements for establishing GHG benchmarks for applications in climate policy instruments. It discusses benchmarking applications for the Emission trading schemes (determining allocation of emissions allowances), carbon taxes (determining tax exemptions), and scaled-up crediting programs (baseline development). The...

Vulnerability of CDM Projects for Discontinuation of Mitigation Activities
Publication date 11 May 2017

Authored by NewClimate Institute and the Öko-Institut, this publication forms part of a broader project, commissioned by the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA), with the primary objective to analyse the current situation and development of the international carbon markets. Despite its previous successes and achievements, the global carbon market find itself currently in a crucial and uncertain period. The large number of mitigation activities initiated through the two most important project based carbon market mechanisms - the...

Deep Dive - What do current policy developments in China, India and the US mean for investing in renewables? (Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor)
Publication date 20 Apr 2017

The Allianz Climate & Energy Monitor Deep Dive aims to inform investors and policy-makers on the scale of investments needed in China, India and the US to be in line with the Paris goals; and what recent developments, especially regarding the leadership change in the US, mean for investing in renewable power in the future. Key findings: Investments in China and the US need to roughly double, in India even triple, to remain within the Paris Agreement warming limit. Renewable power investments will need to rapidly grow in the coming two decades to be in line with the Paris Agreement targets...

Faster and Cleaner 2 - It only takes a few countries to kick-start energy system decarbonisation
Publication date 20 Apr 2017

The report based its investigation on the fact that to meet the Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature limit, the global energy system must completely decarbonise by mid-century. The Climate Action Tracker examined the trends driving decarbonisation in three key sectors of the global energy system: power, transportation, and buildings—and looked at what can drive rapid transitions in these areas. Key findings: Power Between 2006 and 2015 installed wind power capacity increased by 600 percent, and solar energy capacity increased by 3500 percent. By 2030, solar PV is projected to become the...

2020: The Climate Turning Point
Publication date 10 Apr 2017

“2020: The Climate Turning Point” - the campaign will highlight why the 2020 turning point is necessary, and importantly how it can be realistically achieved, thanks to exponentially growing climate action. The new report, a collaboration between Yale University, Carbon Tracker and Climate Action Tracker (a consortium of Ecofys, New Climate Institute and Climate Analytics), with a contribution by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, summarises the most up to date scientific basis for urgent action to reduce carbon emissions and provides a roadmap of action to 2020. What needs to...

Mobilizing climate finance flows: Nordic approaches and opportunities
Publication date 04 Apr 2017

In a consortium led by the Finnish consultancy GAIA and with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), NewClimate Institute carried out a study on behalf of the Nordic Working Group for Global Climate Negotiations (NOAK) to identify how Nordic finance institutions can best contribute to mobilising climate finance to developing countries in a way that supports the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The study mapped current financial support needs communicated through developing countries’ Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) to identify potential support gaps where Nordic...

Assessing the ambition of post-2020 climate targets: a comprehensive framework
Publication date 30 Mar 2017

One of the most fundamental questions surrounding the new Paris Agreement is whether countries’ proposals to reduce GHG emissions after 2020 are equally ambitious, considering differences in circumstances between countries. We review a variety of approaches to assess the ambition of the GHG emission reduction proposals by countries. The approaches are applied illustratively to the mitigation part of the post-2020 climate proposals (nationally determined contributions, or NDCs) by China, the EU, and the US. The analysis reveals several clear trends, even though the results differ per individual...

Innovative Financing for the Adaptation Fund: Pathways and Potentials
Publication date 16 Feb 2017

This new report explores the potential of seven innovative climate finance options to meet the financing needs of the Adaptation Fund. It concludes that if implemented in a collective manner, these can provide a steady and predictable stream of finance for the Fund. However, the Adaptation Fund Board needs to proactively engage with relevant decision makers, following a dynamic resource mobilisation strategy. Potential engagement pathways for each option are discussed as well. The publication is authored by NewClimate Institute and Germanwatch and supported by the International Climate...

International market mechanisms after Paris
Publication date 17 Nov 2016

The Paris Agreement includes Article 6 with several provisions, which allow for the use of the international carbon market. In this paper, Cooperative Approaches (CA, Art. 6.2-3) and the Mechanism for Sustainable Development and Mitigation (MSDM, Art. 6.4-7) will be considered as the market mechanisms, which constitute the basis of the international carbon market under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The purpose of this paper is to identify the main goals and aims of the international carbon market, take into account the general context and environment for...

Ten steps in ten years toward the 1.5˚C warming limit – Climate Action Tracker
Publication date 16 Nov 2016

The Climate Action Tracker today spelt out ten important, short-term steps that key sectors need to take to help the world achieve the Paris Agreement’s 1.5˚C limit: All key sectors—energy generation, road transport, buildings, industry, forestry and land use, and commercial agriculture—have to begin major efforts to cut emissions by, latest, 2020. By 2025 they should have accelerated these efforts in order to reach globally aggregated zero carbon dioxide emissions by mid-century, and zero greenhouse gas emissions overall roughly in the 2060s. The CAT scientists warned that in today’s carbon...

Greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries
Publication date 04 Nov 2016

This new report by NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas emissions in 25 major emitting countries/regions up to 2030, taking into account the emission trajectories based on current policies and the implementation of intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) and nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Key findings of the current study: The degree to which countries/regions are likely to achieve their 2030 targets under current...

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