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Major Dutch companies’ climate pledges fall short of what is needed for Paris Agreement
Publication date 05 Jul 2022

Berlin, 5 July 2022 – New analysis published today shows that major Dutch companies only commit to reduce their emissions by 19% by 2030 on average, falling far short of the requirement to halve emissions by 2030 according to this year’s IPCC’s Sixth Assessment report. This is the first comprehensive analysis of 29 Dutch companies and financial institutions based on a study commissioned by Milieudefensie. The research was conducted by NewClimate Institute and evaluates 21 companies operating in the real economy and 8 financial institutions to determine the transparency and integrity of their...

Press Release – Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Publication date 07 Feb 2022

The headline climate pledges of 25 of the world’s largest companies in reality only commit to reduce their emissions by 40% on average, not 100% as suggested by their “net zero” and “carbon neutral” claims, according to a new analysis. These are the findings of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor released today, conducted by NewClimate Institute in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch. I

Climate Opportunity: More Jobs, Better Health, Liveable Cities
Publication date 09 Sep 2018

Quantifying the benefits of climate change mitigation measures in buildings, transport and energy supply Full Report, Summary & Methodology The Climate Opportunity report investigates the economic, social and environmental benefits for climate change mitigation action in cities. Enhanced policies and measures for residential building retrofits, bus networks and district-scale renewable energy can generate millions of jobs, save billions of dollars for households, and prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths related to ambient air pollution worldwide. The analysis is based on the development of...

Reducing food waste and changing diet could drastically reduce agricultural emissions
Publication date 24 Jan 2018

A new analysis of agricultural emissions by the Climate Action Tracker shows that reducing emissions through changes in farming practices alone will not be enough to limit global warming to 1.5°C, but changing our diets and reducing food waste could make significant additional reductions, which calls for a much more holistic approach. Read the full briefing here. Agriculture accounts for roughly 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and as much as 50% of non-CO 2 emissions, at 5–6 GtCO 2e/year. To limit warming to 2°C [1], we need to reduce non-CO 2 agricultural emissions by at least 1 GtCO...

What the G20 can achieve on climate
Publication date 04 Jul 2017

On July 7-8 the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies will meet in Hamburg for a much awaited G20 summit. The German presidency has made climate change a key agenda item, but cracks in a G20 consensus have emerged after President Trump announced on 1 June that the US would withdraw from the climate treaty. The ripple effect some feared following the US exit has so far failed to materialise. It remains unclear whether the other 19 members of the G20 – which include major emitters and fossil fuel exporters – can maintain common ground and continued commitment to the goals of the Paris...

Climate Action Tracker: It only takes a few countries to kick-start energy system decarbonisation
Publication date 20 Apr 2017

2 Page Summary Infographic Policy Summary Technical Report Triggering a global transformation of our energy systems as required by the Paris Agreement does not take the whole world—it can be started by just a small group of countries, according to a new Climate Action Tracker report. The global rise of renewable energy, which accounted for over half of all new electricity installations in 2015, was a result of strong actions by just a few countries, according to “Faster & Cleaner 2: kick-starting global decarbonisation,” released by the Climate Action Tracker and the Climate Works Foundation...

Whose international climate proposal is more ambitious?
Publication date 06 Apr 2017

When countries put forward their climate proposals for the Paris Agreement, they were asked also to explain why these are ambitious. Countries found many ways to make their case: For example, the USA stated that its new proposal requires faster reduction than their earlier one. The EU declared that it wants to decrease emissions until 2030 by at least 40% since 1990, more than most other countries. China wants to peak its emissions before 2030 at a lower level (per capita) than for example the USA. If countries use different ways to describe their ambition, how do we know if one is more...

Trumps Klimapolitik würde Länderbewertung für USA von „mittelmäßig“ auf „ungenügend“ herabsetzen
Publication date 31 Mar 2017

Die neue Verfügung von US Präsident Trump zur „nationalen Energieunabhängigkeit“ wird dazu führen, dass die USA ihre Zusage für das Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen verfehlen, so der Climate Action Tracker. Das Konsortium, das hinter dem Climate Action Tracker steht, würde die USA dafür von „mittelmäßig“ auf „ungenügend“ abwerten. Bei voller Umsetzung der Verfügung würden die Treibhausgasemissionen der USA in 2025 und 2030 etwa so hoch sein wie heute und nicht—entsprechend der Zusage der USA zum Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen—13% unter das Niveau von 2014 sinken. Die noch unter der Obama Regierung...

Major challenges ahead for Paris Agreement to meet its 1.5°C warming limit
Publication date 10 Nov 2016

Press release from the Climate Action Tracker Read the full analysis from the Climate Action Tracker The rapid entry into force of the Paris Agreement has created the legal basis for countries to increase their level of action and ambition to meet the 1.5°C warming limit over the next two years in the lead-up to 2018. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has evaluated the starting point for this process and found there has been little progress on national climate policies in the eleven months since the Paris Agreement was adopted. Government pledges and climate action commitments made under the...

Trump ist Risiko für die internationale Klimapolitik
Publication date 09 Nov 2016

Ein Jahr nach der Annahme des Paris Agreements diskutieren die Regierungen diese Woche in Marrakesch die technischen Details der Umsetzung. (Foto: Mosa'ab Elshamy/AP)[/caption] Die Wahl von Donald Trump als neuer Präsident der USA stellt für die internationale Klimapolitik ein großes Risiko dar, mit direkten Auswirkungen sowohl auf nationaler Ebene für die USA als auch für den gesamten internationalen Klimaverhandlungsprozess im Zuge des Paris Abkommens. Trotz Vorbehalten des amerikanischen Kongresses setzte die Regierung unter Präsident Barack Obama mehrere Klimaschutzmaßnahmen durch. Im...

Trump’s election is a high risk for international climate policy
Publication date 09 Nov 2016

A year on from the adoption of the Paris Agreement, Governments are in Marrakech this week to discuss further details on the technicalities for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The election of Donald Trump as President of the USA poses a high risk to international climate policy with implications on the national level for the USA and for the broader international climate process around the Paris Agreement. The Obama Administration pushed climate action despite congressional reservations. Under the Climate Action Plan, the US introduced mitigation actions in a step wise manner. One...

As the Paris Agreement enters into force, the hard work starts now
Publication date 05 Oct 2016

05 October, NewClimate Institute Adoption of the Paris Agreement at COP 21 in Paris, December 2015 (Photo: Arnaud Bouissou - MEDDE / CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0). The new international climate change deal, the Paris Agreement, will enter into force just 11 months after its adoption. The record breaking timing of the ratification process demonstrates the extent to which national governments are serious about their commitment to the new Agreement. This is a historic step forward. Global climate change is now firmly established on the international agenda. The Agreement ushers in a shift to a complete phase...

Mit dem Inkrafttreten des Klimaschutzabkommens von Paris fängt die Arbeit erst an
Publication date 05 Oct 2016

05 Oktober, NewClimate Institute Verabschiedung der Paris Klimaschutzabkommen in Paris, December 2015 (Photo: Arnaud Bouissou - MEDDE / CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0). Read in English Das Klimaschutzabkommen von Paris tritt nur 11 Monaten nach der Verabschiedung in Kraft. Die Ratifizierung in Rekordzeit zeigt, dass es die nationalen Regierungen wirklich ernst meinen. Dies ist ein historischer Schritt. Internationaler, globaler Klimaschutz ist nun nicht mehr wegzudenken. Das Abkommen läutet den kompletten Ausstieg aus den fossilen Brennstoffen ein. Aber mit dem Inkrafttreten des Abkommens fängt die Arbeit...

The road ahead: How do we move to cleaner car fleets
Publication date 16 Sep 2016

Download report Download press release Zero emission vehicles need to take over car market to reach 1.5°C limit: analysis Zero-emission vehicles need to reach a dominant market share by around 2035 for the world to meet the Paris Agreement’s lower warming limit of 1.5°C—and even that could be too late to avoid the need for significant negative emissions, according to new analysis by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT). This transformation of the passenger transport sector would also have to be accompanied by a decarbonisation of the power sector to ensure the electric vehicles (EV) are truly...

Inaugurational lecture: Time window for action to limit climate change is closing rapidly
Publication date 01 Sep 2016

Press release The window of opportunity for limiting climate warming up to 2°C is closing rapidly. However, a reinforcing upward spiral of national government policy, non-state actions and transformative coalitions will be essential even after the Paris agreement, if dangerous climate change is to be avoided. This optimistic, but critical vision is posed by Prof. Niklas Höhne in his inaugural address at Wageningen university on September 1th. Climate change is one of the most prominent environmental problems facing mankind, which requires urgent action, the Wageningen professor in Mitigation...

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