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Energy transition
Carbon markets
Sustainable development and just transition
Sustainable finance
Mitigation targets, policies and actions
Corporate climate responsibility
Governance and diplomacy
Flagship projects
Climate Action Tracker
Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM)
Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia
Climate Change Performance Index
European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO)
Net Zero Tracker
All Tools
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Climate Responsibility Approach
Selected tools
Actor and Policy Mapping Tool
CAAT - Climate Action Aggregation Tool
TRACE - Co-benefits in decarbonising transport
SCREEN - Screening for sustainable development and climate action in green recovery
CLIMTRADE - Impacts of climate regulation on trade
Estimation of the carbon offset credit supply potential
Selected publications
Climate Change Performance Index 2025
Climate Action Tracker Briefing: As the climate crisis worsens, the warming outlook stagnates
Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2024
News, blog & Events
News, Blog & Events
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All Events
News & Blog
Transition-specific alignment targets: reimagining corporate climate targets to drive real progress
Press release: Climate Change Performance Index 2025
Press release: Climate Action Tracker - As the climate crisis worsens, warming outlook stagnates
NewClimate Institute at COP29
By the Numbers: The Climate Action We Need This Decade
EU Commissioner Hearings: Will Climate Take Centre Stage in International Partnerships?
Briefing: Net Zero Good Practice - what defines a credible net zero strategy?
Virtual Event: Shaping Strong EU Partnerships
COP29: Press conference - Climate Change Performance Index 2025
COP29: Carbon Finance Summit - Session 2
COP29: What we need from the next NDCs
COP29: Social Pressures and Climate Change: Do Climate Targets Reflect a Just Transition?
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Our topics
Energy transition
Carbon markets
Sustainable development and just transition
Sustainable finance
Mitigation targets, policies and actions
Corporate climate responsibility
Governance and diplomacy
Flagship projects
Climate Action Tracker
Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM)
Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia
Climate Change Performance Index
European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO)
Net Zero Tracker
All Tools
All publications
Climate Responsibility Approach
Selected publications
Climate Change Performance Index 2025
Climate Action Tracker Briefing: As the climate crisis worsens, the warming outlook stagnates
Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2024
Selected tools
Actor and Policy Mapping Tool
CAAT - Climate Action Aggregation Tool
TRACE - Co-benefits in decarbonising transport
SCREEN - Screening for sustainable development and climate action in green recovery
CLIMTRADE - Impacts of climate regulation on trade
Estimation of the carbon offset credit supply potential
News, blog & Events
All News & Blog
All Events
News & Blog
Transition-specific alignment targets: reimagining corporate climate targets to drive real progress
Press release: Climate Change Performance Index 2025
Press release: Climate Action Tracker - As the climate crisis worsens, warming outlook stagnates
NewClimate Institute at COP29
By the Numbers: The Climate Action We Need This Decade
EU Commissioner Hearings: Will Climate Take Centre Stage in International Partnerships?
Briefing: Net Zero Good Practice - what defines a credible net zero strategy?
Virtual Event: Shaping Strong EU Partnerships
COP29: Press conference - Climate Change Performance Index 2025
COP29: Carbon Finance Summit - Session 2
COP29: What we need from the next NDCs
COP29: Social Pressures and Climate Change: Do Climate Targets Reflect a Just Transition?
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Agriculture and food systems
Carbon markets
Corporate climate responsibility
Energy transition
Governance and diplomacy
Mitigation targets, policies and actions
Sustainable development and just transition
Sustainable finance
Ana Missirliu
Anna Nilsson
Anna Valvanne
Carsten Warnecke
Chetna Hareesh Kumar
Christoph Röskes
Dr. Louise Jeffery
Dr. Takeshi Kuramochi
Emily Daly
Eva Beuermann
Eve Fraser
Finn Hossfeld
Frauke Röser
Frederic Hans
Gustavo de Vivero
Hanna Fekete
Hyunju (Laeticia) Ock
Imogen Outlaw
Ines Paiva
Jamie Wong
Jan-Luka Scheewel
Judit Hecke
Juliette De Grandpré
Lena Gentes
Lena Gentes
Lena Stüdeli
Liza Berisha
Lotta Hambrecht
Lukas Kahlen
Maria Jose de Villafranca
Markus Hagemann
Mats Marquardt
Mia Moisio
Nabila Salsabila
Natalie Pelekh
Niki Yeh
Norah Zhang
Paulina Bustos Albornoz
Polina Korneeva
Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne
Rory Geary
Santiago Woollands
Sarah Jackson
Saskia Straub
Silke Mooldijk
Sybrig Smit
Thomas Day
Victoria Fischdick
Victoria Fischdick
2°C compatible investment criteria
Accounting under a 2015 agreement
Achieving High-Integrity Voluntary Climate Action (ACHIEVE)
ACT 2015
Advancing the COMPASS toolbox to assess climate action
Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor
Ambition to Action
Ambitious GHG mitigation in the agricultural sector
Analysis of pre-2020 developments in the global carbon market
Appraising policy choices for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
Assessment of progress in policy implementation and emissions scenario analysis for major emitting economies
Benchmarking Guide for climate policy instruments
Benefits of climate change mitigation action in cities
Bilateral agreements as basis towards piloting sectoral market mechanisms
Capacity building for integrated and ambitious climate policy planning in Georgia and Mongolia
Carbon integrity assessment of mitigation actions
Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia
Climate Action Tracker
Climate Action Tracker - Climate Governance Series
Climate Action Tracker – Decarbonisation Module
Climate Action Tracker – Scaling Up Climate Action
Climate Audit of German and EU Foreign Diplomacy
Climate Change Performance Index
Climate Opportunity
Climate Policy Database
Climate Transparency
Co-benefits of climate change contributions
Cool contributions fighting climate change
Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM)
CORSIA: Analysis and evaluation of regulating international aviation emissions through offsetting
De-risking renewable energy investment in South Eastern Europe
Deep Decarbonisation in Latin America
Delivering the promise of Paris: Roadmap to a safer climate
Developing benchmarks for Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
Development of a NAMA proposal for Peru
Development of a sectoral market-based approach
Development of the second National Energy Efficiency Action Plan in Lebanon
Ensuring effective, ambitious, mutually-beneficial EU Climate Partnerships
EU Climate diplomacy
European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO)
Evaluating the state of the CDM
Evaluation of Agora Energiewende
Experiences and lessons learned in the preparation of INDCs
Finance needs for Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership
Financing Coal Phase-out: The Role of Public Development Banks
Future role for voluntary carbon markets after 2020
GCF Country Programme Uganda
Global Good Practice Analysis of LEDS, NAMAs, INDCs, and MRV
Good Practice Database
Governing NAMAs
Horizon 2020 ELEVATE
Horizon 2020 ENGAGE
How much more could Germany achieve through non-state action?
Impact of delayed climate action on Germany's transport sector
Implementation of future GHG mitigation goals: Framework conditions and transformative challenges in selected focus countries
Implications of the decrease of RES-E and battery cost projections for the revision of the NDCs of Argentina, Mexico and Indonesia
Implications of the Paris Agreement on national climate change mitigation efforts
Informing EU policy options for tackling aviation’s climate impact
Innovative Financing Options for the Adaptation Fund
Institutional reforms to elevate climate in EU foreign policy
Integration of market mechanisms and emission trading schemes
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution for Vietnam
International Cooperative Initiatives (ICIs) outside the UNFCCC
Landscape of Climate Finance: Promoting debate on climate finance flows in Central Europe
Lessons and impacts from the INDC process
Mitigation impacts of energy efficiency and renewable energy actions under the One Gigaton Coalition
Mitigation responsibilities under a 2015 international climate agreement
Mobilising Nordic climate finance post Paris
Multilateral Development Banks and the Paris Agreement
National 1.5 °C wind and solar benchmarks
NDC Design
Net Zero Tracker
Offsetting in carbon taxation systems
Operationalization Framework on Aligning with the Paris Agreement
Overviews on sectoral implementation of nationally determined contributions
Pathways and entry points to 1.5 °C (PEP1p5)
Promoting low-carbon and climate-resilient development in Argentina
Results-based financing in Carbon Markets – connecting market and non-market based approaches
Sino German Cooperation on Climate Change (SGCCC)
Strategic Horizon Scanning (Klimascan)
Strengthen national climate policy implementation: Comparative empirical learning & creating linkage to climate finance (SNAPFI)
Supporting collective progress assessment under the Global Stocktake
Supporting the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) process in Uganda
Supporting the Tunisian Solar Plan NAMA
Sustainable development framework for market mechanisms
Systems Change Lab
Technical advisory services “Global Carbon Market”
Technology NDE for Germany
The contribution of energy efficiency to reducing the cost of decarbonisation
The Netherlands’ fair contribution to climate change mitigation
The Non-state and Subnational Action Guide
The potential of business initiatives in emission reduction
Tracking national mitigation efforts post-2020
Tracking the progress of subnational and non-state climate action
Training workshop on NAMAs in the Maldives
Understanding Climate Neutrality and Net Zero Targets
UNEP Emissions Gap Reports
Virtual Article 6 Pilots
What the Paris Agreement means for climate action in the Netherlands
What the Paris Agreement means for Germany’s climate action
Working together to achieve the Paris climate goals and sustainable development
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