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Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions: Georgia Country Report
Publication date 30 Nov 2018

The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Georgia under the UNFCCC . A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials in the fields of transport, energy efficiency opportunities across high-emitting industry sub-sectors and waste management. All reports in this series: Colombia – Ethiopia – Georgia – Indonesia – Islamic Republic of Iran – Kenya – Morocco – Peru – Republic of Marshall Islands – Viet Nam

Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions: Ethiopia Country Report
Publication date 30 Nov 2018

The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Ethiopia under the UNFCCC . A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials in the fields of agriculture, forestry and low-emission transport. All reports in this series: Colombia – Ethiopia – Georgia – Indonesia – Islamic Republic of Iran – Kenya – Morocco – Peru – Republic of Marshall Islands – Viet Nam

Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions: Colombia Country Report
Publication date 01 Nov 2018

Download report The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Colombia under the UNFCCC . A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials in the fields of renewable energy production from wind and solar PV, social housing, forest conservation in existing illicit crop substitution programmes and cattle. A chapter is dedicated to coal export and use. All reports in this series: Colombia – Ethiopia – Georgia – Indonesia – Islamic Republic of Iran – Kenya –...

Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions: Republic of Marshall Islands Country Report
Publication date 01 Nov 2018

The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Republic of Marshall Islands under the UNFCCC . A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials in the fields of transport – especially low-carbon domestic shipping – and waste reduction, disposal and processing. All reports in this series: Colombia – Ethiopia – Georgia – Indonesia – Islamic Republic of Iran – Kenya – Morocco – Peru – Republic of Marshall Islands – Viet Nam

Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions: Kenya Country Report
Publication date 01 Nov 2018

The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Kenya under the UNFCCC . A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials in the fields of reforestation, afforestation and decreasing deforestation as well as efficient biomass and renewable energy cookstoves and renewable energy. A chapter is dedicated to the relevance and perspectives of coal use. All reports in this series: Colombia – Ethiopia – Georgia – Indonesia – Islamic Republic of Iran – Kenya –...

Aligning Investments with the Temperature Goal of the Paris Agreement
Publication date 28 Sep 2018

This working paper assesses how Multilateral Development Banks can support the global temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. It illustrates how the banks could strengthen existing tools to align their portfolios and activities with the globally agreed mitigation goal. Other finance institutions can also profit from many of the approaches included in the paper. The analysis starts with a review of scientific scenarios to understand what the temperature goal means for different investment areas. It also reviews existing tools and activities at the Multilateral Development Banks. Building on...

Short term policies to keep the door open for Paris climate goals
Publication date 10 Jul 2018

This article shows how a strengthening of existing plans by a global roll-out of successful, regional sector policies can ease the implementation challenge of reaching the Paris climate goals. The novel element of it is to integrate such detailed policy packages until 2030 into pathways that reach long-term targets until 2100 using an integrated assessment modelling framework. The study is only a first step in connecting the analysis of mitigation pathways towards the Paris climate goals with an assessment of the implementability of near to medium term (2020–2050) climate action that would be...

Reducing global GHG emissions by replicating successful sector examples: the ‘good practice policies’ scenario
Publication date 14 Jun 2018

This article shows the potential impact on global GHG emissions in 2030, if all countries were to implement sectoral climate policies similar to successful examples already implemented elsewhere. This assessment was represented in the IMAGE and GLOBIOM/G4M models by replicating the impact of successful national policies at the sector level in all world regions. The first step was to select successful policies in nine policy areas. In the second step, the impact on the energy and land-use systems or GHG emissions was identified and translated into model parameters, assuming that it would be...

Paris Tango. Climate action so far in 2018: individual countries step forward, others backward, risking stranded coal assets
Publication date 03 May 2018

The Climate Action Tracker has updated our assessments of 23 of the 32 countries whose development on climate action we track. While some progress has been made since November, most governments’ policies are still not on track towards meeting their Paris Agreement commitments, many of which are in themselves far from sufficient to keep warming to the agreed 1.5˚C warming limit. Our assessments point to an urgent need for governments to scale up both their policies and targets to bring them more in line with a pathway to limiting warming to 1.5˚C. Summary of progress across countries: Renewable...

For the Talanoa dialogue: Input from the Climate Action Tracker
Publication date 24 Apr 2018

The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) with this paper is pleased to have the opportunity to provide input to the Talanoa Dialogue. Climate Action Tracker assesses countries’ mitigation targets and actions and aggregates them at the global level. This submission focuses on global results, country level information is available on . Summary: "Where are we" compared to "where do we want to go"? The majority of NDCs assessed by the CAT are not in line with a fair contribution to meet the Paris Agreement’s long-term warming limit. Global GHG emissions need to peak around 2020 to...

What's on the table? Mitigating agricultural emissions while achieving food security
Publication date 24 Jan 2018

A new analysis of agricultural emissions by the Climate Action Tracker shows that reducing emissions through changes in farming practices alone will not be enough to limit global warming to 1.5°C, but changing our diets and reducing food waste could make significant additional reductions, which calls for a much more holistic approach. Key messages : Mitigating emissions from agriculture is key to achieve deep cuts in emissions in line with the Paris Agreement’s long- term goal of “net-zero” Options for emission reductions on the supply side include efficiency improvements, take-up of best...

The Emissions Gap Report 2017: A UN Environment Synthesis Report
Publication date 01 Nov 2017

The goal of the Paris Agreement on climate change, as agreed at the Conference of the Parties in 2015, is to keep global temperature rise this century to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. It also calls for efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The UN Environment Emissions Gap Report 2017 presents an assessment of current national mitigation efforts and the ambitions countries have presented in their Nationally Determined Contributions, which form the foundation of the Paris Agreement. What’s new in this year’s report? This year...

Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions: Viet Nam Country Report
Publication date 26 Oct 2017

The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Viet Nam under the UNFCCC . A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials. Fields of mitigation assessed are efficiency, the setting of right incentives for the upscaled deployment of renewables and emissions reductions in the transport sector. The planned increase in coal use – contrary to mitigation ambition in other fields – is assessed in relevance and perspective. All reports in this series: Colombia –...

Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions: Indonesia Country Report
Publication date 26 Oct 2017

The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Indonesia under the UNFCCC . A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials. Fields of mitigation assessed are land use, land use change and forestry ( LULUCF ) governance and monitoring as well as electricity demand and generation. A chapter is dedicated to the ongoing and planned increase in coal use – contrary to mitigation ambition in other fields – including an analysis of the economic role and local...

Assessing the ambition of post-2020 climate targets: a comprehensive framework
Publication date 30 Mar 2017

One of the most fundamental questions surrounding the new Paris Agreement is whether countries’ proposals to reduce GHG emissions after 2020 are equally ambitious, considering differences in circumstances between countries. We review a variety of approaches to assess the ambition of the GHG emission reduction proposals by countries. The approaches are applied illustratively to the mitigation part of the post-2020 climate proposals (nationally determined contributions, or NDCs) by China, the EU, and the US. The analysis reveals several clear trends, even though the results differ per individual...

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