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Setting 1.5°C compatible wind and solar targets: Guidance for key countries
Publication date 23 Sep 2024

This report and its accompanying series of country briefings provides a roadmap for a 1.5°C-aligned rollout of wind and solar energy for 11 countries

ECNO: 2024 State of EU progress to climate neutrality
Publication date 02 Jul 2024

The second annual progress report of ECNO shows positive movement in most sectors and cross-cutting areas, but the pace is still too slow to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Understanding finance needs for a just transition of the Mexican power sector
Publication date 08 May 2024

For the Mexican power sector this publication explores finance needs for phasing-out gas and building-out renewables and discusses how, drawing on international experience, the social just transition could be supported.

India in Transit
Publication date 17 Apr 2024

This paper employs the Transport Transition Pathway Explorer (TTPE) to outline scenarios for a just transport transition in India, balancing climate goals and sustainable development.

Wind and solar benchmarks for a 1.5°C world
Publication date 21 Nov 2023

We provide a stepwise methodology for defining credible, replicable, and transparent 1.5°C compatible benchmarks for wind and solar capacity expansion and generation at the country level while accounting for national circumstances.

Powers and capacities of state and regional governments
Publication date 11 Jul 2023

State and regional governments can play an important role in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. This research is a first step in investigating the powers and capacities of state and regional governments to act on climate change across the world.

The role of international climate finance for bridging the low carbon investment gap
Publication date 29 Jun 2023

This paper outlines why there is need for better information on financial needs and introduces nine exploratory principles to consider in the context of international support to achieve net zero targets. The outlined principles offer a starting point for understanding and defining the finance and support needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement with a focus on scaling ambition and facilitating just transitions. Several actions by donors and recipient countries are suggested to better inform international climate finance needs:

ECNO: State of EU Progress to Climate Neutrality
Publication date 26 Jun 2023

This ECNO flagship report looks at observed changes across a comprehensive set of over 100 economic and social indicators, and compares them against EU benchmarks to judge real-world progress towards climate neutrality, as well as assessing the factors that will enable future progress.

The role of hydrogen in decarbonisation - Investment opportunities for Latin America
Publication date 23 Feb 2023

This report assesses the role of hydrogen in several Paris-aligned decarbonisation scenarios and their implications for the Latin American region. It makes a comprehensive assessment of several hydrogen applications considering technology readiness, temporality, and regional context. The results provide insights to policy makers, public and private investors on the best opportunities for hydrogen in the short term.

Decarbonising the Indian transport sector: pathways and policies
Publication date 17 Dec 2020

The Climate Action Tracker explored a new approach to understanding opportunities for sectoral decarbonisation, using the example of the transport sector in India. To hold global average temperature increase to 1.5°C, global CO2 emissions need to reach net-zero by 2050, with rapid decarbonisation in all sectors. Global transport emissions have continued to steadily increase, with transport emissions accounting for 24 percent of direct CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. In this study we look specifically at how India can decarbonise its transport sector, its fastest-growing source of carbon...

Decreasing costs of renewables in Argentina (two reports)
Publication date 17 Dec 2020

Recent analyses developed by Fraunhofer ISI and NewClimate Institute show that faster and steeper than expected cost reductions for certain key mitigation technologies over the past five years can lead to an increased technology uptake and to a higher level of climate ambition, if the initially intended investment sum is maintained. The here presented technical assessment builds on the previously developed methodology to estimate the potential impact of investment cost reductions for renewable energy technologies (solar photovoltaics (PV) and onshore wind) on Argentina’s climate targets in the...

A radical transformation of mobility in Europe: Exploring the decarbonisation of the transport sector by 2040
Publication date 14 Sep 2020

Climact and NewClimate Institute explored a future in which the EU effectively targets zero emissions by 2040 for the transport sector, in a study commissioned by Greenpeace. Radical change needs to happen now and all fronts to dacarbonise European mobility within 20 years - seeing that the sector accounts for more than a quarter of European emissions (27%). We present a decarbonisation pathway, highlight current policy gaps and propose required policy packages. Main Findings: While supply-side measures are undeniably essential to reducing emissions, this study illustrates how demand-side...

Zwei neue Klimaschutzziele für Deutschland
Publication date 13 May 2020

Weltweit müssen aktuelle Klimaschutzziele überarbeitet werden, um die im Pariser Abkommen beschlossenen Ziele einhalten zu können. Auch in Deutschland ist die Diskussion in vollem Gange. Diese Kurzstudie beschäftigt sich mit den aktuellen Klimaschutzzielen der Bundesregierung und deren Kompatibilität mit dem deutschen CO 2 Budget. Dafür hat NewClimate Institute die Entstehungsgeschichte der deutschen Klimaschutzziele zusammengetragen und ein Budget von Treibhausgasemissionen ausgerechnet, das einem fairen Beitrag für Deutschland entspräche. Zusammenfassung: Die Klimaziele, die sich Deutschland...

The ICAT Policy Assessment Guides
Publication date 06 May 2020

At a time when action on climate change is more urgent than ever, the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) has deployed a set of tools to help countries assess the impact of their climate policies and improve their chances of strengthening and achieving their national climate goals under the Paris Agreement. The ICAT Assessment Guides provide governments and non-state actors with the means to assess the impacts of national policies and actions that reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Besides assessing impacts on emissions, the Guides help to assess impacts on countries’...

A roadmap for the power supply sector in Argentina
Publication date 17 Feb 2020

The “Ambition to Action” (A2A) project provided support to the Argentinian NDC process between March 2017 and December 2019. This report provides a synthesis of the results of three years of supporting governmental and non-governmental constituencies with analytical support for the energy supply sector. At the core of the work were three strands. 1) Scenario analysis to support the understanding of the implication of the long term temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. 2) Analysis of socio-economic impacts of the energy transition, especially regarding employment and industrial development...

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