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Event: Toward more ambitious NDCs - Short term mitigation actions and their benefits across countries
Venue COP24
Date 03 Dec 2018

Lisa Luna (alumni) presented on "Toward more ambitious NDCs", at the "Increasing mitigation action for 1.5°C" side event at COP24 in December 2018.

Presentation: Where are we? 2050 Today: Philanthropic Priorities for Climate Action
Venue ClimateWorks Foundation’s “2050 Today”, San Francisco
Date 14 - 15 Jun 2018

Niklas Höhne presented on "Where are we? 2050 Today: Philanthropic Priorities for Climate Action" at the ClimateWorks Foundation's "2050 Today" in San Francisco in 2018.

Event: Costs and climate impact of offsetting emissions under CORSIA
Venue Innovate4Climate in Frankfurt
Date 22 May 2018

Carsten Warnecke, Thomas Day, Harry Fearnehough and Lambert Schneider presented on "Costs and climate impact of offsetting emissions under CORSIA" at the side event "Towards long-term national scenarios: Modelling meets policy" during the 2018 Innovate4Climate in Frankfurt.

Event: Anchoring the climate agenda in countries: Analysing impacts beyond climate change
Venue Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB48)
Date 09 May 2018

At the 2018 Bonn Climate Change Conference, NewClimate Institute, the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands and Climate Analytics hosted a side event on "Anchoring the climate agenda in countries: Analysing impacts beyond climate change". Find all contributions from the NewClimate Institute experts Markus Hagemann and Sofia Gonzales-Zuñiga here. Ambition to Action - Overview Markus Hagemann presented on "Ambition to Action - Overview" at the side event "Anchoring the climate agenda in countries: Analysing impacts beyond climate change" during the 2018 Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB48)...

Event: How do we get there? Policy perspective – current and good practice policies, opportunities to scale up mitigation action
Venue Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB48)
Date 03 May 2018

Takeshi Kuramochi presented on "How do we get there? Policy perspective – current and good practice policies, opportunities to scale up mitigation action" at the side event "Towards long-term national scenarios: Modelling meets policy" during the 2018 Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB48).

Event: Boosting non-Party climate action through Talanoa
Venue Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB48)
Date 02 May 2018

Katharina Lütkehermöller presented on "Boosting non-Party climate action through Talanoa" at a side event during the 2018 Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB48).

Event: PROSPECTS - A transparent energy and emissions tracking tool for developing countries - COP 23
Venue COP 23
Date 10 Nov 2017

Sebastian Sterl (alumni) presented on "Prospects" a transparent energy and emissions tracking tool for developing countries, at the "How to strengthen the EU NDC?" side event during COP 23.

Event: How to strengthen the EU NDC? Understanding the impact of sector-based policies - COP 23
Venue COP23
Date 10 Nov 2017

Markus Hagemann presented on "How to strengthen the EU NDC?" at COP 23.

Event: NDC Implementation – bridging the gap from climate change policy to sector approaches - COP 23
Venue COP23
Date 13 Nov 2017

Frauke Röser from NewClimate Insitute presented at GIZ headquarters during COP 23. The event discussed NDC implementation by focusing on one of the main challenges: Alignment and coherence of sector policies and approaches with the national climate target and climate policies.

Event: Assessment of NDCs and implemented policies - COP23
Venue COP23
Date 08 Nov 2017

The Climate Action Tracker by NewClimate Institute, Climate Analytics and Ecofys presented the ongoing activities on NDC and current policy assessment, country rating and decarbonisation indicators. Entire presentation (single countries below): China: EU: India: USA:

Event: GHG mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries - COP 23
Venue COP23
Date 08 Nov 2017

Takeshi Kuramochi, Frederic Hans (NewClimate Institute), Michel den Elzen (PBL) and Nicklas Forsell (IIASA) presented findings from the 2017 Greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios for major emitting countries report at COP 23.

Event: Are countries ready for Article 6? - COP 23
Venue COP23
Date 07 Nov 2017

Ritika Tewari (alumni) from NewClimate Institute presented findings from the Germany’s international cooperation on carbon markets report that is looking at Ukraine, Vietnam and Ethiopia readiness to implement Paris Agreement's Article 6.

Event: The Climate Action Tracker: Latest analysis for the global stocktake - COP 23
Venue COP23
Date 06 Nov 2017

Niklas Höhne and Bill Hare presented the latest analysis of the Climate Action Tracker concerning the global stocktake at COP 23 in Bonn.

Event: Overviews on the implementation of NDCs on a sectoral level (Innovate4Climate)
Venue Innovate4Climate, Barcelona
Date 24 May 2017

Thomas Day from NewClimate Institute presented findings from eight briefing papers about coverage of sectors in NDCs and prospects for sector-driven implementation during the Innovate4Climate conference in Barcelona.

Event: Vulnerability of CDM Projects for Discontinuation of Mitigation Activities (Innovate4Climate)
Venue Innovate4Climate, Barcelona
Date 22 May 2017

Thomas Day from NewClimate Institute presented findings from the report "Vulnerability of CDM projects for discontinuation of mitigation activities" during Innovate4Climate in Barcelona. The report report looks at the vulnerability of CDM projects for discontinuation, as well as exploring options to support continued mitigation.

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