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Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2024
Publication date 09 Apr 2024

The 2024 CCRM analyses the climate strategies of 51 major global companies, critically assessing the extent to which they demonstrate corporate climate leadership.

The Emissions Gap Report 2023
Publication date 20 Nov 2023

This is the 2023 edition of the UNEP Emissions Gap Report series, which tracks our progress in limiting global warming well below 2°C and pursuing 1.5°C in line with the Paris Agreement.

The corporate climate accountability loop
Publication date 20 Sep 2023

This paper introduces seven key functions of an accountability system for corporate climate action. We further provide selected observations on how to improve the accountability system’s status quo.

Net Zero Stocktake 2023
Publication date 12 Jun 2023

Assessing the status and trends of net zero target setting across countries, sub-national governments and companies

Science article: Credibility gap in net-zero climate targets leaves world at high risk
Publication date 08 Jun 2023

In this Science article, the authors researchers ranked 90% of global net-zero greenhouse gas emissions pledges as providing low confidence in their full implementation.

NewClimate Institute at the Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB 58)
Publication date 05 Jun 2023

The midyear UN climate conference “ 58th session of the Subsidiary Bodies” will take place from 5 to 15 June 2023. NewClimate Institute will be present in Bonn participating in multiple events. Additionally, we will release related publications before and during thhe SB58. You can find all information on this page.

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023
Publication date 13 Feb 2023

The second iteration of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, conducted by NewClimate Institute in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch, assesses the climate strategies of 24 major global companies.

Net Zero Tracker: Recommendations and current realities
Publication date 15 Nov 2022

Evaluating how regions, cities and large companies are tracking against the recent UN Expert Group's recommendations on the net zero targets of non-state entities.

CAT Global Update: Massive gas expansion risks overtaking positive climate policies
Publication date 10 Nov 2022

New Climate Action Tracker analysis finds that the goldrush for gas continues and is counterproductive to the Paris Agreement.

The Emissions Gap Report 2022
Publication date 27 Oct 2022

As climate impacts intensify, the Emissions Gap Report 2022 "The Closing Window – Climate crisis calls for rapid transformation of societies" finds that the world is still falling short of the Paris climate goals, with no credible pathway to 1.5°C in place. Only an urgent system-wide transformation can avoid an accelerating climate disaster. The report looks at how to deliver this transformation, through action in the electricity supply, industry, transport and buildings sectors, and the food and financial systems.

Navigating Energy Transitions: Mapping the road to 1.5°C
Publication date 21 Oct 2022

NewClimate Institute led the analysis in Chapter 5.3 of the report on the status quo of corporate net-zero target setting. Based on a review of recently published literature, the analysis finds that existing corporate net-zero targets typically suffer from a lack of ambition and have other severe shortcomings.

Evaluating corporate target setting in the Netherlands
Publication date 05 Jul 2022

In this publication, we scrutinise the climate pledges of leading corporations active in the Netherlands. We review the targets and actions of 29 companies: eight financial institutions and 21 businesses with their main activities in the ‘real economy’.

Net Zero Stocktake 2022
Publication date 13 Jun 2022

The Net Zero Stocktake 2022 report shows that target-setting momentum continues and measures of quality are improving, but also that an alarming lack of credibility pervades the entire landscape.

Unpacking the COVID-19 rescue and recovery spending: an assessment of implications on greenhouse gas emissions towards 2030 for key emitters
Publication date 11 Mar 2022

We developed a new framework to categorise rescue and recovery spending measures according to their level of greenness and their type of expected impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Publication date 07 Feb 2022

Assesses the climate strategies of 25 major global companies. It critically analyses the extent to which they demonstrate corporate climate leadership.

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