Thomas Day analyses carbon market mechanisms, corporate climate commitments and national level climate policy at NewClimate Institute. Thomas has more than 10 years of experience in the climate policy field.  Thomas’ recent work on corporate net-zero targets and carbon neutrality claims – including his co-authorship of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor – has demonstrated the need for greater guidance and scrutiny in corporate climate planning and offsetting claims. Thomas’ extensive research on Kyoto-era market mechanisms contributed towards a significant global knowledge gap on the current situation of mitigation activities under global carbon markets. This research has been influential for informing the debate on the potential risks and safeguards associated with different options for the use of offsetting credits post-2020, with particular relevance for the analysis of voluntary carbon markets and corporate net-zero targets. At the national climate policy planning level, Thomas provides direct advisory support to governments with regards to their climate change planning processes and the development of climate change mitigation policy. In this capacity, Thomas' work with the governments of Mongolia, Kenya and Georgia has included support for the development of national climate action plans, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and long-term decarbonisation pathways, as well as consultation on the different options for interaction with Article 6 mechanisms.

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2024
Publication date 09 Apr 2024

The 2024 Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM) analyses the climate strategies of 51 major global companies, critically...

Navigating the nuances of corporate renewable electricity procurement: Spotlight on fashion and tech
Publication date 16 Jan 2024

A special edition of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor assesses the integrity of renewable electricity targets from 10 major...

NewClimate Institute at COP28
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023. NewClimate Institute was present in...

The corporate climate accountability loop
Publication date 20 Sep 2023

Introducing key functions of an accountability system for corporate climate action, and selected spotlights on how to improve the...

Shifting voluntary climate finance to the high hanging fruit of climate action
Publication date 21 Jul 2023

The high hanging fruit of mitigation potential refers to the technologies and measures to decarbonise emission sources that remain...

Increasing transparency and integrity of corporate climate pledges

NewClimate Institute is partnering with Carbon Market Watch to address key gaps in the evolving landscape of corporate climate pledges...

Analysis of pre-2020 developments in the global carbon market

The German Emission Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) contracted a consortium, led by NewClimate...

Sustainable development framework for market mechanisms

The potential from synergies between GHG reduction activities and the promotion of sustainable development has not always been...

Climate Opportunity

The research funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCOM), developed by NewClimate Institute, C40, and...

Overviews on sectoral implementation of nationally determined contributions

NewClimate Institute, supported by GIZ, developed a series of briefing papers giving an overview of status and prospects for NDC...

Actor and Policy Mapping Tool

The Actor and Policy Mapping Tool is an open-source, Excel-based tool to map actors, policies, and policy planning processes in a...

Estimation of the carbon offset credit supply potential

The carbon offset credit supply potential tools provide bottom-up estimates of the volume of credits that could be issued under a range...

Climate Opportunity Dashboard

The Opportunity 2030 dashboard provides an interface to interactively compare scenarios for different benefits and regions assessed in...

Virtual Launch: CCRM 2024​ - Are corporate 2030 climate plans fit for purpose?
Venue Online
Date 09 Apr 2024
Start time 03:00 pm

The 2024 edition of the annual Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM) analyses the climate strategies of several major...

Virtual launch: Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023
Venue Online
Date 13 Feb 2023
Start time 03:00 pm

The 2023 edition of the annual Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM) thoroughly and objectively analyses the climate pledges...

Corporate net-zero commitments: PR stunt or part of the solution?
Venue Online, ClientEarth Summit 2022
Date 11 Oct 2022
Start time 11:00 am

Over the last 18 months, companies have been eager to announce their net-zero commitments. Business evangelists laud the green ambition...

Press conference: Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Venue Online
Date 07 Feb 2022

Thomas Day and Silke Mooldijk presented the findings of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022 at a joint virtual press...

Online event: Making long-term low GHG emissions development strategies a reality
Venue Online
Date 26 Nov 2020

Thomas Day, Frederic Hans, Julie Emmrich (all NewClimate), Ilka Starrost (GIZ), Lisa Herrmann (GIZ) and Siddharth Pathak (2050 Pathways...

SBTi’s plans for its net zero standard revision may offer a promising way past the disruptive offsetting dispute
Publication date 30 Jul 2024

Today, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) published two papers that indicate the future direction of its standards. The SBTi’s...

Bonn sessions: 3 topics to watch in UN climate talks
Publication date 03 Jun 2024

Climate impacts are getting more severe across the globe, a chilling reminder that there is no more time to waste. Halfway through 2024...

Press Release – Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2024
Publication date 09 Apr 2024

Slow improvement in companies’ climate targets threatened by potential new offsetting loophole Berlin, 09 April 2024 – Despite...

Press release - Leading examples of corporate renewable electricity strategies are leaving laggards and standard-setters in the dust
Publication date 16 Jan 2024

BERLIN (16 January 2024) – The renewable electricity commitments of 10 major companies in the fashion and tech industries vary widely...

Microsoft error or external attack causing disruption to email communication across the climate change community
Publication date 27 Oct 2023

UPDATE 28.10.2023: This issue has now been partially resolved after being prioritised by Microsoft engineers. It is still unclear...

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